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5 answers

Learning How to Lein, Chabad-style

I have trouble picking up tunes, and therefore I have never been able to catch how to lein. I have listened to a few Torah reading tutorial tapes, listened to the Chabad cantillation tune many time, ...
user6781's user avatar
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Looking for online German (Yekke) Torah Trope practice

As a lad, I often attended a German (Yekke) shul in my neighborhood, where they used the Yekke Torah trope. My main shul sometimes used this trope during Yom Tov readings. (I.e. - the Yekke trope is ...
DanF's user avatar
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Recommendation for Torah Reader's "guide"

As a long-time Ba'al Kri'ah (Torah reader), I am looking for ways to refine my skill. I realize that there are numerous specifics involved in reading, such as the following: Places where a change of ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is there an Android Tikkun App that has sound?

During the "pre smart phone days" (Yes, that DID exist), I used Trope trainer to practice some of my laining and to train my kids and some Bar Mitzvah boys. I recently downloaded the "Tikkun Korim" ...
DanF's user avatar
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Looking for a good tikkun kor'im

I have an old Tikkun Kor'im by Mishor whose cover has literally come off (ah, the motivation for that question is revealed!). Now that i'm in the market for a new tikkun, i'd like to make sure i get ...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Seeking online audio for "Mas'ei trope"

IY"H, I shall be reading parshiot Matot / Mas'ei this coming Shabbat. I am looking for an online audio version to practice these two areas both in Mas'ei: Years ago, I heard someone lain a special ...
DanF's user avatar
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Online Tikkun Makers?

Are there any resources online that one can use to make tikkun readers for people that can be easily accessed online or that can be used to generate PDFs for printing? Having a Tikkun book is not ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Italian cantillation

I'm interested in learning the Italian system for the ta'amei hamikra, either for Torah and/or Haftarah (preference to Haftarah as the Italian melodies are very beautiful). This website has tons of ...
Vincent Calabrese's user avatar
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Resources to understand commentary in my tikkun korim

In the Feldheim Tikkun Korim, there is some commentary by Sha'arei Mesorah, Ma'aneh Lashon, and Shita Mekubetzet. From what I can deduce, they are specifically about technicalities of leyning, a ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Is there anything like a "Tikun Korim" for Nach?

Is there a printed text like a תיקון קוראים for learning נ"ך, where one side has the כתיב without נקודות or טעמים?
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Which books help one acquire a systematic understanding of Biblical Hebrew grammar?

A question for the grammar experts. How can I learn Hebrew grammar in a systematic way? Especially a book that would help me understand how to layn properly. Something that covers rules of nikkud, ...
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