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Resource that has short (1-2 sentences) summaries for Perakim in Tanach?

Does anyone know something that has very short summaries for each perek in tanach (to memorize)?
Awes's user avatar
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New Mikraot Gedolot - Chorev Publishers [closed]

I am looking for reviews on the somewhat new Mikraot Gedolot from Chorev Publishers How is the quality of the print? Is it clear and easy to read for most people? There is a lot of information packed ...
Bs234570's user avatar
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English translation of the Tanakh with transliterated Hebrew [duplicate]

I'm looking for an English translation of the Tanakh that includes the Hebrew, the English and transliterated Hebrew.
Clark Webb 's user avatar
6 votes
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English Tanakh with as much commentary as possible

I am looking for a Tanakh Sefer (or set) which has as much commentary as possible. I’m basically looking for one place where I can study without opening a thousand other seforim.
MeirBenPinchus's user avatar
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Are there any compliations of ancient/medieval Jewish comments on Scripture?

Is there any book or website where I can look up ancient/medieval Jewish teaching on any given verse in the Tanach to see what the Talmud, Midrash, Rashi, etc. says about the verse? Something akin to ...
Niobius's user avatar
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Neviim and Ketuvim in 1-2 volumes

It’s possible to buy a Chumash containing Rashi comments in one volume (e.g. Artscroll Schottenstein Interlinear ed.). Having a Chumash, I’d like to buy Hebrew/English Nevi’im and Ketuvim with ...
romario's user avatar
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What books/texts for Modern Hebrew

Which of these books/texts would be possible to read when you know only Modern Hebrew? Kizur Shulchan Aruch Shulchan Aruch Mishnah Berurah Mishnah Babylonian Talmud Jerusalem Talmud Comments by: ...
romario's user avatar
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Looking for a Portuguese translated Tanakh

I am looking for a Portuguese translated Tanakh? My brother in law wishes to explore Torah and is Brazilian by background. I would like to help him read in his native tongue to understand. Thank you!
MeirBenPinchus's user avatar
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Anomalous root word frequency in Scripture

Is there a program available online that can detect statistically significant higher incidence of a specific root (שרש), and/or of a specific sequence of letters, in a specific portion of Tanach. For ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Tanach without trup and nikudos

Where can I get a tanach without nikudos and trop in book form? It should be the whole tanach and not just the haftoras. It can be side by side with nikudos and trop like a tikun or just straight text....
Efraym's user avatar
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Has a Scriptural index been compiled on Radak's 'Michlul'?

While not in a current position to browse the the end of any modern printings of Michlul, I have been interested to know if any of them contain indices which enable easy searching for any verse ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Where can I download a full PDF of Tanakh?

I want to read about Judaism, and one of the best sources is to read Torah. But as I searched, I realized it's not a single book. Rather it's a collection of 24 books and is categorized in pentateuch, ...
Saeed Neamati's user avatar
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Sefer which expounds names in Tanach [duplicate]

The Torah itself in several places explains the names of people's names. For instance: Yaakov was so called because he grabbed onto Esav's heel (Bereishis 25:26), and he was later called Yisrael as a ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Looking for an index for subjects in tanach [duplicate]

I am looking for an index for subjects in tanach. For example every place that pesach is mentioned/refered to or every time bris milah is mentioned/refered to etc.
Yosef Warren's user avatar
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Tools to validate Torah codes

Torah codes are "a purported set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah" (Wikipedia). For instance, a well known code suggests that counting 3 intervals of 12111 letters from ...
mbloch's user avatar
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Mikraos Gedolos set of the entire Tanakh?

I will start by saying that I know nothing and must admit I was raised Christian. I had some curiosity as to why Christians are Christian when our guy that we are supposed to imitate and be like told ...
Michael's user avatar
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Sheimos-free versions of Tanach Online

There are many websites that provide the user with the text of Tanach (as well as various other Jewish sources). When printing sources, I like to avoid printing "Sheimos", or actual names of Hashem, ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Where can I find a transliterated; translated Tanakh?

I'm looking for a Tanakh that has the following specifications: The original Hebrew text Transliteration of that text into the Latin alphabet English translation Does anyone know where I could find ...
Lisa Rose McPherson's user avatar
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Travel Nach set with Targum?

I came upon a travel נ״ך set recently. It had some basic commentaries such as רש״י and מצודת דוד, however there was no Targum. Are there any travel sets which have Targum as well?
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Has the "Mäṣḥafä Kedus" (Holy Scriptures) of Beta Israel been translated into English?

From Wikipedia: Mäṣḥafä Kedus (Holy Scriptures) is the name for the religious literature. The language of the writings is Ge'ez. The holiest book is the Orit (from Aramaic "Oraita" – "...
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What books discuss general rules of Tanach? [closed]

In particular, I am looking for books that deal with philosophical and linguistic questions on Tanach, such as: If there is seemingly no reason to place one passuk before another, is it reasonable/...
Yehuda's user avatar
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best Hebrew-English Tanakh in printed form, interlinear if possible?

I've been using the Artscroll Interlinear series to read the Torah and it's helping me make a lot of progress in finally learning Tanakh Hebrew. But outside of the five scrolls and the psalms, ...
dharris's user avatar
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What is the best translation of the Tanakh with commentary? [closed]

I am looking for a good translation of the Tanakh with commentary.
dpeck77095's user avatar
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Does Midrashim exist for Neviim and Ketuvim?

I am looking for where I can find Midrashic literature on every other book of Tanakh. I own Artscroll's series of the Midrash and of course have the Megillos. If it even exists, where can I find this ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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Where can I download a free audio Tanakh in English?

I'm searching for an audio Tanakh in English that I can download for free online. Preferably it should be a non-Western version. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
REH's user avatar
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A Tnach Guidebook to Israel?

I'm looking for a guide to Eretz Yisroel of tnach. Most books in this genre are guides to what happened in a particular sefer, I'm looking for one that is set up like a tour book, for example in this ...
SE is Evil - Support Monica's user avatar
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Is There an Online Concordance for Tanach from Religious Jewish Sources? [duplicate]

If you do a Search for an online CONCORDANCE for Tanach, chances are near certain you'll end up in a Christian site, which would be inappropriate, even if your search there can be successful. In fact, ...
ruffy's user avatar
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I am looking for a resource that finds words with a certain root in Tanakh

I am a beginner in Hebrew and so please forgive me if my question shows profound ignorance. I would like to pull up or list verses in the Tanakh based on them having a particular vocabulary word in ...
Bookaholic's user avatar
7 votes
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Judaism for Outsiders [duplicate]

I'm very interested in Judaism, and I would like to learn more about it. So I started to read this site and it is like a wall. Where can I find a gentle introduction to all this and the terms used. I'...
mike's user avatar
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Rashi on Nach in English and with Nekudos

Where can I find/buy Sifrei Nach with Rashi translated into English and (even better) the Rashi with nekudos?
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Maps of Biblical Israel according to different authorities

After learning through Sefer Yehoshua with a variety of commentaries, I noticed that there seems to be a lot of differing opinions in how the land was divided up amongst the Shevatim and the shape of ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
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Is there any known Tanach edition with Yemenite Hebrew "version"?

I know that there is only one Hebrew version of Torah and Tanach in general. What I mean is that is there any known Hebrew Edition for Tanach using yemenite spelling (e.g. Aleph instead of Heh in "...
mil's user avatar
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Is there a list of Pesukim from Tanakh, used on the Sidur? [duplicate]

This is my first question on the site, kol hakavod to the initiative! I am looking for a complete list of Biblical Verses, Pesukim from the Tanakh, in order like any index, that appear on the Sidur, (...
Natan Waingortin's user avatar
3 votes
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Tanach with trop as plain text

Is there any place to download the Tanach, or at least the Torah, in plain text format, including nekudos and trop? From Mechon Mamre I can download the HTML, but aside from the html tags the text is ...
Heshy's user avatar
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What is the best English translation of the Tanakh (hard copy, not online)?

I'm looking for the best available English translation of the Tanakh, and because I prefer to hold an actual book in my hands, I'd rather have a hard copy as opposed to an online version. Some ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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Are there any commentaries (besides Rashi) on Nach in English online?

I am trying to go through the navi online. I have been using and it has Rashi in English but i would like to learn other commentaries as well. Are there any commentaries (besides Rashi) on ...
user9791's user avatar
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Book of TaNaKhic names with their meanings

I hope this is the right forum for a search/request like this. A few months ago - unfortunately, I don't remember the context in which it arose - I stumbled across a terrific book on ...
Lee's user avatar
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Compendiums of Biblical commentary?

As someone who feels like her understanding of the Tanakh has been too skewed by Christian interpretations, I'm interested in finding a book that provides either the main text (in English) with ...
Maroon's user avatar
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Is there any website available so that i can compare lot of translations on Tanach? [duplicate]

I would like to know a good website so that i can compare different translations (English) of the Tanach per line/paragraph. What I'm looking for is a website similar to, where you ...
suhailvs's user avatar
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Are there any studies that compare Biblical Hebrew to modern Hebrew? [closed]

(I am a Hebrew speaker) When reading the Bible, one encounters sometimes words whose meaning in modern Hebrew clearly does not correspond to what was meant in the text (in Kohelet for example, "מסכן" ...
John Donn's user avatar
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Is it possible to get a copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls texts?

I'm interested in getting a copy of the Dead Sea Scrolls texts (preferably digital.) I'm basically looking for this, except the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls instead of the Masoretic. Pictures of the ...
Walrus the Cat's user avatar
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Talmud citations in order of pasuk [duplicate]

Is there any resource, online or otherwise, that lists all of the Talmud's citations of psukim in the order that the psukim appear in Chumash or Tanakh?
Daniel's user avatar
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Passuk-finder application

I am presently working on a siddur for personal use. However, one of my pet-peeves is when I am looking at a large block of text (let's say Hodu after Baruch She'amar in N"A) and I can't see any ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Tanach without Christian chapter divisions

Is there a Tanach available that is not divided into Prakim, rather into Pesuchos or Sedorim etc. ? The nonJewish origin of the chapters is shown at Who Divided the Torah Into Weekly Readings, ...
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Prophet "Jeremiah" from Tanach in translation to German language online available?

These days the story of the prophet Jeremiah caught my deeper interest. Currently reading it in various German translations of the Bible I see that it might be non-trivial how near to the original the ...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
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Laser print Mikraos Gedolos Tanach online?

Does a laser print Mikraos Gedolos Tanach or Nach exist online (for free)? Update: Since there seems to be some confusion as to what I mean by "laser print" I will clarify my question. The new ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Is there a book that cross-references where the names of animals are mentioned in Tana"ch?

I was impressed with the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, as it had a verse that mentioned the name of the animal. Is there a book that simulates this idea, i.e. a book that quotes the verse of all the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Book on Biblical Archeology

I'm looking to increase my knowledge of biblical archeology. As an orthodox jew, I'd prefer a book which takes a more traditional view with regards to the historicity of tanach. Any suggestions?
DankMasterDan's user avatar
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Book that summarizes tanach?

I have spent many years in yeshivas, but unfortunately I have very little knowledge of Tanach. Is there any recommended book that would help me summarize the main events of the entire Tanach?
Yishaq's user avatar
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Tanach with grammatical text analysis

Is there a tanach which analyses each word of the text that one should not need to look up the dikduk in the concordance every time. I believe there is a non-Jewish one.
preferred's user avatar
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