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Why do Chazal refer to the emergence of a baby from the womb as pesichas hakever

A term throughout Chazal is פתיחת הקבר, pesichas hakever, translated literally as the opening of the grave. For example, Niddah 21a. This term refers to the emergence of a fetus or baby from the womb (...
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The Word נולד by Each Tribe

The Yalkut Shimoni uses the word נולד when each tribe was born: ראובן נולד בי"ד בכסליו מת בן מאה חמשים וחמש שנים שמעון נולד בכ"ח בטבת ומת בן מאה ועשרים שנה לוי נולד בי"ו בניסן ומת בן ...
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Why does the Torah say a woman has "sperm" or "seed"?

Why does the Torah say a woman has "sperm" or "seed" (for example, Genesis 24:60, and in other passages)? And they blessed Rebecca and said to her, "Our sister, may you ...
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Source for not saying Mazel Tov when pregnant

There seems to be a custom of not saying Mazel Tov on hearing news or observing that someone is pregnant (there are even those that correct others that say Mazel Tov). Instead they say Beshaah Tovah, ...
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