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Questions tagged [passover]

The holiday of Pesach, or Passover, occurs for 7 days in Israel or 8 days in diaspora in the Spring, and celebrates the Exodus from Egypt in ancient times.

44 questions from the last 365 days
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Can an ashkenazi Jew eat on dishes at a sephardi house on Pesach?

If someone follows ashkenazi customs and is invited by a sephardi family to eat at their house, is he allowed to eat off their dishes? In my understanding, sephardim are allowed to kasher the plates ...
Joseph Castillo's user avatar
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Does one need to repeat Birchas Hamazon if he forgot Ya’aleh Veyavo after washing again for the Afikoman?

If one forgot to eat the Afikoman, and he remembered after he bentched, so he washed again and ate the Afikoman, and then bentched again, and he forgot Ya’aleh Veyavo in the second bentching, must he ...
Sholom's user avatar
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What was the date of Avraham Avinu's bris millah?

Based on the Rashi's comment on Bereshis 18:1, AND THE LORD APPEARED UNTO HIM to visit the sick man. R. Hama the son of Hanina said: it was the third day after his circumcision and the Holy One, ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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How to make matzo using a pizza maker, while ensuring that it stays kosher for Passover?

In preparation for next year, I would like to have fresh soft matzo every day (except Shabbat / Yom Tov of course). I recently heard of the concept of an electric pizza maker. It is basically 2 heated ...
HanMah's user avatar
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Havdallah after Pesach

The Koren Machsor states that some have the custom to say Havdalah on beer after Pesach. Any idea how this could be done as a practical matter? Buy the beer before Pesach, sell it with your chametz, ...
steve nachman's user avatar
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Kiddish in the place where one eats on Pesach for those that don't eat “gebrockts”

Halachipedia says In order to have Kiddish in the place where one eats and that the Kiddish is considered a proper Kiddish, one must eat at least a kezayit of mezonot, bread, or a reviyit of wine. ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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How come Yom Tov Kiddush can postpone having food on Yom Tov, specifically on Pesach?

What source in the Torah forbids a person from eating any food before Kiddush, specifically on Pesach and Chol Ha'Moed Pesach?
David 's user avatar
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A father promising their child an afikoman present on yom tov?

A prominent minhag on seder night is that the children "steal" the afikoman and hide it. What follows is the normal haggling process as the father agrees to buy a child a gift in return for ...
Dov's user avatar
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A blind person not seeing chametz

The Torah (Shemos 13:7) famously tells us: וְלֹֽא־יֵרָאֶ֨ה לְךָ֜ חָמֵ֗ץ Chametz shall not be seen in your possession. What happens if the homeowner is blind? Do they have to hide away/lock up the ...
Dov's user avatar
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Do You Need A Mezonos For Taanis Bechorim?

One of the ways for firstborns to eat on Erev Pesach is to hear somebody make a Siyum. If you hear the Siyum, but didn't eat a Mezonos, and you're a Bechor - can you eat or not?
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Is vaping on Pesach allowed?

Are vapes kosher for Pesach being as the liquid, even if it would contain chometz, isn't fitting for a dog to eat?
Moishe's user avatar
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Can you compost chametz in your backyard? If so, how?

Background Some ways to get rid of food, from most to least environmentally-friendly, are: Feeding it to animals. Backyard composting. Curbside municipal composting. Burning it in a plastic bag. ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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What is the connection between the reason for eating matza, and the prohibition of chometz?

It is an explicit Torah Isur (prohibition) to eat (and own) chometz (leaven) during Passover, as stated in Exodus 13:7. The explanation given for this in the Haggadah is because when the Jewish people ...
TORAHistheikur's user avatar
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Why is Baker's Yeast not chametz gamur?

The OU Pesach Guide says Brewer's Yeast is chametz gamur but that Bakers Yeast is not. Why is Bakers Yeast not chametz gamur. Is it not שְׂאֹ֖ר? Or is OU saying that chametz gamur is not the same as ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Where can I get Lafa (soft Yemenite) matza in South Florida?

Where can I buy Lafa (soft Yemenite) matza in South Florida?
Jennifer Freedland's user avatar
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Is an Ashkenaz home allowed to cook rice in a pesach pot before the hag?

On hag Pesach, if one finds rice in a cooking pot, the rice can be removed and the food eaten (as I understand the halacha). Does that mean one can cook rice in a pesadik pot before Pesach? (Assume ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Why does the Hagada say "אחד"?

By the 4 sons - the Hagada says אחד חכם ואחד רשע ואחד תם... Why? It should just say חכם ורשע ותם ושאינו יודע לשאול!?!
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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The simanei haseder (TOC of the seder)

Why was the simanei haseder created? Is there any real significance to them other than just being a table of contents? And Why do we chant or sing it at the start of the seder?
moshechaim's user avatar
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Prepping produce before Pesach [closed]

Here's the scenario: A person kashered their entire fridge for Pesach. They did not kasher a stainless steel colander which they used to rinse off produce (e.g. carrots, lemons, potatoes, etc.) with ...
T.R.'s user avatar
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Why make acronyms for the plagues? [duplicate]

In the Haggada, Rabbi Yehudah makes acronyms for the 10 plagues. What was the purpose of making these acronyms?
Moishe's user avatar
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Why Are We Blunting His Teeth?

We all know the famous question about the Rasha in the Hagada - why are we blunting his teeth? Can everyone please write all the answers they know? (besides for famous gematria; Rasha - Teeth = Tzadik)...
Shalom L'olam's user avatar
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Minhag Oberland Selling Chametz

Does anyone by any chance know if the oberlander minhag is to sell chametz or not? Thank you very much
Yitzchok's user avatar
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Person sells chometz at home and travels west for Pesach. When does he get his chometz back?

Someone is going away from home for Pesach in a westerly direction. He sells his chometz in his home town through his Rav in his home town. Normally the chometz reverts back to the owner immediately ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Can you taste-test multiple brands of matzah, even if your custom is not to eat matzah before Passover begins?

There is a common practice not to eat matzah preceding Pesach, either on erev Pesach or in the weeks before. The reason for this is so that matzah will be eaten on the Seder night with gusto. Faced ...
josh waxman's user avatar
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Are Shibolim rice cakes kosher for Pesach without special hechsher? [closed]

Hoping someone knows the answer or can point me where to ask. We eat kitniyos on Pesach. I bought these Shibolim rice cakes from Walmart. Last year I recall getting it as well (I think from Amazon) ...
Eric Hammer's user avatar
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Does Arba'a Banim mean four sons or four children?

I've seen Arba'a Banim translated as alternately four sons or four children. Are there any sources for whether the word "Banim" here means sons only or whether it should specifically be ...
dmr's user avatar
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How is דרך חירות fulfilled nowadays with הסיבה?

Raavya (12th-13th centuries) writes that as it is no longer the case that folks recline on couches when eating (as was common during the Greco-Roman period) one should eat upright at the table. Hagaos ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Why no bracha on telling the story of the Exodus?

Relating the story of the Exodus is a Biblical commandment. Why is there no bracha on specifically that? An answer on this site says that we talk about the Exodus in the kiddush, but that does not ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Mafkir Chametz in a bin over Pesach [duplicate]

If bin/trash collection day is during or after Pesach, is it possible to leave chametz in the bin, do the bittul, and mafkir (disown and make ownerless) it, and leave it off the property (is that ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What else happened in Jewish history on Pesach

I know that many other monumental occasions occurred to happen on Pesach, specifically the first day eg; the birth of Yitzchak, Eisav selling the birthright to Yaakov, parts of the Purim story. Are ...
Eliyahu Kahn's user avatar
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Shopping during Pesach

Should one go to the store to shop during Chag haMatzot (Pesach), being that we have to stay away from chametz and leavening agents during the time?
Mikayah Yisrael's user avatar
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Is there a mitzvah of bedikat chametz in cars

According to Halacha are Jews obligated to do bedikat chametz before Passover in cars? Or no, is there not an active obligation to search for chametz before Pesach in cars?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Parshas Achrei and Pesach

This year, on Erev Pesach (Monday, April 22, 2024) the Torah reading is parshas Achrei Mot. The Chabad-website notifies that the daily reading of Erev Pesach is the 2nd Portion (Vayikra (Leviticus) 16:...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Baking matzah erev Pesach after chatzos

The Shulchan Aruch OH 458 says that the minhag is to make the matzos mitzvah for the Seder Night on Erev Pesach after noon (chatzos). נוהגים שלא ללוש מצת מצוה בערב פסח עד אחר שש שעות שהוא זמן הקרבת ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Order of the haggadah

Is there a logical order to the Haggadah, or is it just a collection of ideas/teachings relating to the exodus?
moshechaim's user avatar
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Are there exceptions to pass exams during Passover?

Context: in France, access to some elite schools is done through an extremely competitive exam that takes place nationally for everyone at the same time. To take part, students go through two years of ...
WoJ's user avatar
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On Pesach, to which side does someone with situs inversus lean?

Situs inversus is a condition where the body’s internal organs are reversed, apparently including the esophagus and the trachea. Therefore, on Pesach, would a Jew with this condition lean on his ...
Qwertrl's user avatar
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Matzah baking in a frying pan - flipping the matzah

Do regular matzah bakeries flip the matzah in the middle of baking? I heard from a rabbi not to do that, but I see videos where they flip it. What are the issues here? Update: I want to make the ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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May Jews own gift cards redeemable for Chametz on Passover [duplicate]

In Halacha, is it prohibited for Jews to own gift cards which can be redeemed for chametz over passover or no? Obviously they are prohibited from using it for chametz, but if there is a gift card for ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Baking matzah on tin foil

The poskim bring down (in OH 461) that there are people who bake matzah on a piece of paper. They all seem to say that you should not do it, but if you did the paper won't stop the heat from getting ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Rav Menashe Klein on 4 cups for Seder Night

This website quotes Rabbi Menasheh Klein author of Mishne Halachos. "Why did they establish 4 cups for Seder and not 5?...The Zohar in Parshat Shemini explains the Kohen may not enter the Holy ...
Moz's user avatar
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If Using *Chamar Medinah* for Dalet Kosos, is an Alcoholic One Preferred?

As discussed previously, the Maharil ("father of Ashkenazic customs") says it's okay to use mead at the Seder if someone has no wine (or presumably is deathly allergic to it), and the Ramah ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Can non wine liquor be used for the four cups at Pesach [duplicate]

According to Halacha, can one use liquor/non wine alcohol for the four cups on Passover? Or no, is wine a requirement? Is it a Machloket amongst the poskim?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Dayenu as a Question?

Someone mentioned there exists a haggadah where the dayenu's end with a question mark and each are understood to mean "would it have been enough?" as opposed to the traditional understanding ...
TorahKnowledgeSeeker's user avatar