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Questions tagged [olam-haba-world-to-come]

Questions pertaining to Olam Haba - The World to Come

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Why does Kabbalah use the term "olamot" conjugated in the feminine when the Tanakh conjugates it as "olamim" in the masculine?

I'm curious why "olam" would be conjugated in the feminine throughout Kabbalah (as in the "arba'ah olamot") when as far as I know it is a masculine noun and is conjugated with the &...
emunah's user avatar
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Losing one's olam haba for embarrassing a non-Jew

The Gemara B”M 59a says one who embarrasses his friend loses his share in the world to come. My question is, regardless if it’s an issur of embarrassing a non-Jew, if one does though, would he lose ...
FalseMessiah's user avatar
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Universalism and Olam Haba [duplicate]

I know Chabad generally maintains that all Jews will end up in Olam Haba and will be rewarded after tehiyas hameisim—even those Jews who committed major sins. I am wondering if there are any sources ...
ירחמיאל 's user avatar
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Do we compare ourselves to others in the next world?

On the one hand there's a gemara in berachos 17a that indicates that there won't be any awareness of others accomplishments relative to our own come olam habaah (at least not in a way that will affect ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Have all the Torah we saw, even if we didn't learn it

Someone told me in Yeshiva that in the next life, whatever Torah we saw will be available to us, even if we didn't actually learn it. He was advising to flick through the whole of shas just in case. ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Olam Haba Masechet

I’ve heard this concept of everyone having an Olam Haba Masechet, meaning one that they master really well and are really drawn to and then Hashem will give you a world in Olam Haba for mastering it. ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Directions for a Canaanite

Can a member of the Canaanites expect to be among the righteous? What must he do to stand in such a position?
Zinc's user avatar
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A set number of souls which can be born

Are there any sources that suggest that there is only a set amount/number of souls which can be born into bodies before the arrival of Moshiach or before Olam Haba? If yes, can Moshiach even come ...
Mike Olivson's user avatar
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TIKKUN OLAM תיקון עולם [closed]

I am looking for material about TIKKUN OLAM, POST TALMUDIC PERIOD, NOT kabbalist (too difficult for my students) somebody can give share a few links or detailed resources?
Igor Braha's user avatar
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Guaranteed entry to Olam HaBah

I learned from a rabbi that, if you live to see the 4th generation, your great-grandchildren, you automatically get into Olam HaBah. I love this idea. I know that all of Israel gets in - but this ...
Rachel Greengrass's user avatar
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Who will we see in Olam Haba

In this lecture by Rabbi Ammon Yitzchak, he mentioned a story about the Chofetz Chaim, around timestamp 26:45, that a person requested to be in the Olam Haba of the Chofetz Chaim or to be in the midst ...
Jewish Context's user avatar
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Would there be bad tidings in Olam Haba? ״וְהָיָה ה׳ לְמֶלֶךְ עַל כׇּל הָאָרֶץ בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִהְיֶה ה׳ אֶחָד וּשְׁמוֹ אֶחָד״. אַטּוּ הָאִידָּנָא לָאו אֶחָד הוּא? אָמַר רַבִּי אַחָא בַּר חֲנִינָא: ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Death After Resurrection?

This question is in reference to the question and answer given here After the resurrection of the dead, will those who resurrected die again? If so: Why then do the dead resurrect? And where or what ...
Jewish Context's user avatar
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Do atheist Jews get another chance?

It is said that those who don't believe in Olam haba can't get there. But what about gilgul, can atheists get another chance?
user32788's user avatar
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Will Hashem reign alone?

In the morning prayer of the Chabad siddur it says "And when all things shall cease to be the Awesome One will reign alone." What does this mean and are there any halachic sources that state ...
Ephraim77's user avatar
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Man's Duty in this World

According to Judaism, what is man's duty in this world, and what should man's goal in life be? Is our goal to fulfill G0d's commandments, which will earn us a place in Olam Haba, or is our goal merely ...
IsraelReader's user avatar
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your Masechta to enter the world to come

I found in one of the works of the great gaon Rav Moshe Greenwald (1853-1910 Chust-Hungary, known famously for his responsa sefer ערוגת הבושם), a sefer written as his 'final will' called- הכנה דרבה (a ...
shayachagigah's user avatar
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How does the olam haba of a Noahide differ from that of a Jew?

In other words, what precise reasons would motivate a gentile to convert rather than be a Noahide? I have heard that a Jew's olam haba is “better” but in what sense? What exactly is the difference?
jewishboy's user avatar
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Why does the recitation of Tehillim 145 three times a day secure one a place in Olam Haba?

It is stated in the Talmud (Brachos 4b) that one who recites "T'hila L'David" three times a day secures their place in Olam Haba. Why is this? What is so special about this psalm that it ...
ezra's user avatar
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Source for "God created this world so that we serve Him with free will"

Rabbi Manis Friedman has (in my opinion) a very beautiful and logical teaching as to why God created this world. He says (although I might be mixing my own ideas in here) that God created this world ...
Mijmij's user avatar
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Is there a halachic difference between the "tzadikei" ("righteous") and the "chasidei" ("pious") umot ha Olam?

I am an Italian Noahide. Rambam, in his Mishneh Torah, says that the "pious among the Nations" ("chasidei umot ha Olam") have part in the World to Come (Hilchot Teshuvah 3:5; ...
Amos74's user avatar
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Do you get into olam haba if you do not celebrate shabbat, eat pig, basically disregard Judaism?

Do you? I mean like do nothing?
Joshua's user avatar
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Forgiveness after repentance?

There are many teachings that a sincere repentance will bring forgiveness. One example: Shim'on bar Yohai said: If a person was perfectly just all his days and at the end he rebelled, he lost all he ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Proof that the laws of Torah are to be followed eternally?

Some websites with christian apologists say that 'olam' doesn't mean 'eternal'and can also mean for a certain duration. But olam ve ad does mean eternal. Is there any place where Torah laws are seen ...
johny man's user avatar
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If man has been created for olam haba, why shouldn’t man desire death?

If man’s existence in olam haba is man’s goal, shouldn’t he wish to die? If you say that olam hatze is a preparation for olam haba, and that dying would prevent him from preparing himself, then ...
GolfCourse3378's user avatar
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Rav Kapach's commentary on the eighth chapter of Rambam's Mishneh Torah-Hilchot Teshuvah

I am an Italian ben Noach. In the discussion Does Rambam hold of eternal punishment? I have read, in the user Alex's message, that according to Rav Kapah Rambam, in the eighth chapter of the Hilchot ...
Amos74's user avatar
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Need source of a quote

"In this world, we suffer because we are Jewish. In the World to Come, we will suffer because we are not Jewish enough."
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Seeking source for story of someone who communicates from the next world about concepts not understood in this world

There is a story of 2 great Rabbis who made a pact between themselves that whoever died first would come back in a dream and tell the other one why certain bad things happened in the world. But when ...
yoni's user avatar
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Sex in the world to come

I was reading Minhat Yehuda. In the book, the Tzadik Rabbi Yehuda Fatiya asks the destroying angels what they are like. The angels mentioned things like how they ate manna, had kids, died, etc. So my ...
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Chofetz Chaim Story

Asking for someone else: In the Artscroll "Pirkei Avos Treasury" they bring a story on the mishnah "All Israel has a share in Olam Haba." Someone asked the Chofetz Chaim if all ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Source of saying that 3 Shidduchim guarantees a place in olam haba [duplicate]

My question is related to this question. It seems that there is no textual source for this idea. I was wondering anyone knows or can make a guess as to when and how this idea developed?
Natan Oliff's user avatar
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Women giving birth daily ( Olam Ha-Ba )

I have read on an article that in the world to come , every day women will bear children and I want to know if this is true and if so where it says that in the Mishnah.
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Chayei olam: "everlasting life" or "long life"?

I am an Italian noahide. I see that, in the translations of the Tanakh and of the Hebrew sources in general edited by Jews , the expression "chayei olam" is constantly rendered with "...
Amos74's user avatar
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Rambam's position regarding the unification of souls in the afterlife (Guide to the Perplexed-First Part Chapter 74 seventh argument)

In his Guide to the Perplexed-First Part Chapter 74 seventh argument, Rambam says: You must bear in mind that those abstract beings which are neither bodies nor forces dwelling in bodies, and which in ...
Amos74's user avatar
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Do shedim receive schar?

Given that shedim can either do good or bad and are intelligent, speaking creations in this world, can they be punished and rewarded? Do they have mitzvos? Will they exist in olam haba?
Ben Weissman's user avatar
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Are thousands of generations to be accounted for literally?

Deuteronomy 5:10 ..."To those who keep His commandments...God's grace is extended to a thousand generations", Rashi's comment suggests when obeying out of fear. Deuteronomy 7:9..."Those ...
Pioni5777's user avatar
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Purpose for commandments?

So I would just like some insight on the reason for the commandments in the matter of whether they are for inheriting the world to come/heaven, or for they are for fixing this world. I have heard that ...
Jewish Context's user avatar
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Berachot 4b - What's so special about an alphabetical acrostic?

The Talmud in Berachot 4b states: אמר רבי אלעזר א"ר אבינא כל האומר תהלה לדוד בכל יום שלש פעמים מובטח לו שהוא בן העולם הבא מאי טעמא אילימא משום דאתיא באל"ף בי"ת נימא אשרי תמימי דרך ...
Alex's user avatar
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Sitting in the Succah of Whale skin in the world to come?

Please explain the following Gemmorah: ואמר רבה א"ר יוחנן עתיד הקב"ה לעשות סוכה לצדיקים מעורו של לויתן And Rabba says that Rabbi Yoḥanan says: In the future, the Holy One, Blessed be He, will ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Who is eligible for the World to Come?

The Mishna says: He who maintains that the resurrection of the dead is not derived from the Torah, he who says that the Torah is not from Heaven, and an apikoros, have no share in the World to Come....
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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What's the purpose of the body in/after resurrection?

Following "what-is-the-purpose-of-tchiat-hametim", the Gemmorah says: העולם הבא אין בו לא אכילה ולא שתיה ולא פריה ורביה ולא משא ומתן ולא קנאה ולא שנאה ולא תחרות אלא צדיקים יושבין ועטרותיהם ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why doesn't Dor Hamabul deserve the World to Come?

The Mishna (Sanhedrin 10) states that Dor Hamabul do not have a part in the world to come: דּוֹר הַמַּבּוּל אֵין לָהֶם חֵלֶק לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא וְאֵין עוֹמְדִין בַּדִּין The generation of the flood ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Does the plain text of the Torah support the view that "It would have been preferable had man not been created"?

תָּנוּ רַבָּנַן: שְׁתֵּי שָׁנִים וּמֶחֱצָה נֶחְלְקוּ בֵּית שַׁמַּאי וּבֵית הִלֵּל. הַלָּלוּ אוֹמְרִים: נוֹחַ לוֹ לְאָדָם שֶׁלֹּא נִבְרָא יוֹתֵר מִשֶּׁנִּבְרָא, וְהַלָּלוּ אוֹמְרִים: נוֹחַ לוֹ לְאָדָם ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Bodily or spiritual resurrection?

When, exactly, do we transition from physical, bodily resurrection after death, to a purely spiritual existence, with no body? On the one hand, we are taught the following order of events: The ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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What is the world to come? [duplicate]

Is there a description of the world to come? How do we know about it, what is it?
Nephilim's user avatar
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Can Rabbis decide whether non-Jews are getting a piece of the Next World?

I remember asking about the limitations of the Rabbinical rulings, based on "לא בשמים היא" within Judaism. After other questions dealt with deciding whether Gentiles in general or any specific group (...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Do Samaritans go to Olam Haba?

My question is if Samaritans go to Olam Haba. It would seem pretty obvious except for the fact they don’t recognize the Jewish people as Hashem’s Chosen. They also have their own slightly altered ...
Isaac's user avatar
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What observable phenomena show that we live in the pre-Messianic era?

There's no doubt that we live in a very special era of fast and huge technological, social, scientific, economic, psychological and other changes. The world is also getting closer to the 6000 year bar,...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Is there anyway to know that Hashem has forgiven you for good?

I am not asking here if Hashem Most High forgives you for a sin you committed, what I am asking is: is there anyway to know that Hashem has forgiven you for good so no matter what happens rest of your ...
Ethan Merryman's user avatar
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Why did Sanhedrin deal with who has a share in Olam Habah?

The Gemmorah (Sanhedrin 104b) describes that the members of the Great Assembly dealt with the question of who does or does not deserve a share in the World to Come. As they demonstratively disagreed ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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