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Questions tagged [nuschaot]

liturgical wording and syntax

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1 answer

Source of the expression וכסא כבודו in עלינו

According to נוסח הגר״א the first paragraph of עלינו has "וכסא כבודו" rather than the standard "ומושב יקרו" (see מעשה רב 52). There is an interesting footnote in the סידור אשי ...
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שְְׂרָָף... לִִשְְׁלִִישׁ וְְלִִרְְבִִיעַַ or שְְׁרָָף... לְְשָָׁלִִישׁ וּלְְרָָבִִיעַַ

As far as I am aware, s'faraddim and b'nei 'edah mizraħit (with the exception of teimanim) have שְְׁרָָף... לְְשָָׁלִִישׁ וּלְְרָָבִִיעַַ However, the teimanim who follow nosaħ shaami (the s'faraddi-...
8 votes
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Saying kaddish when davening in a minyan that isn't your nusach

I have been to many minyanim where people are saying kaddish of a variety of nuschaot. What should one do with regards to this? Some examples: In a sephardi minyan, should an ashkenazi person remain ...
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Different Customs for HaRachaman after Counting Omer - לנו

The Sefardi (Edot Mizrach) version is: הָרַחֲמָן הוּא יַחֲזִיר עֲבוֹדַת בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ לִמְקוֹמָהּ בִּמְהֵרָה בְיָמֵֽינוּ אָמֵן: Another version that some Ashkenazim use is: הָרַחֲמָן הוּא ...
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How to find provenance of Megillah klaf

I was cleaning out my Zayde's z"l house in Baltimore and found an old Megillat Ester klaf hidden in a drawer. We are wondering if anyone knows if there are ways to date the scroll and tell its ...
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Is there an online pdf to the Shaar HaKollel of the Alter Rebbes reasoning to his sidur?

BH I heard a book of the Alter Rebbe's reason for his rules and decisions on his sidur was printed called Shaar HaKollel is there a place where you can view it online?
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Vizhnitzer Rebbe's Prayer for Israeli Soldiers

On the first Shabboth following the Simhhat Torah Massacre, the Vizhnitzer Rebbe, R. Yisrael Hager recited a special prayer for the soldiers in the IDF. It was not the commonly recited Mi Sheberakh ...
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Yotzros for Musaf on Shabbos Shekalim

Those who have the custom to say the Yotzros for Musaf on Shabbos Shekalim finish off each stanza with the following words: אור פניך עלינו אדון נשא, ושקל אשא בבית נכון ונשא Hey, wait a second, wasn'...
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What nusach is followed by Persian Jews

As far as I’m aware, there was originally a Persian nusach, but it no longer exists. If this is the case, what nusach do they follow?
11 votes
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K'shaim Shenichnas L'Bris Kain Yikones L'Torah L'Chupa U'Lmaasim Tovim: why that order?

When a baby boy has his Bris we wish him "K'shaim Shenichnas L'Bris Kain Yikones L'Torah L'Chupa U'Lmaasim Tovim" - just like you entered the covenant so to should you enter into Torah, marriage, and ...
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Dayenu as a Question?

Someone mentioned there exists a haggadah where the dayenu's end with a question mark and each are understood to mean "would it have been enough?" as opposed to the traditional understanding ...
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Way to wear tefillin in a different nusach synagogue

When praying in a minyan with a different nusach than yours, should you wear tefillin according to the minyan's nusach or according to your nusach?
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Choosing a minhag based on ancestry

To roughly which year does a Jew, who does not descend from any mixed marriage, need to analyze his patrilineal ancestry to find out the minhag of your family? Also taking into account that many ...
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If someone's ancestry was a mix of Hassidic and non-Hassidic Ashkenazi, what Nusach should they daven?

If someone can trace their ancestry to a place that had a mix of Hassidic and non-Hassidic Jews, and has no one particular custom, which Nusach should they daven?
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What is my minhag? [closed]

My family is from the former soviet Union (Beltsy Moldova, but my great grandparents are from Otaki (Near Ribnitz), Skulen, and Rashkov. I never my parents were divorced, to the point where I do not ...
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Different versions of the text in Avinu Malkeinu

One of the lines in Avinu Malkeinu reads אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ נְקוֹם לְעֵינֵינוּ נִקְמַת דַּם־עֲבָדֶיךָ הַשָּׁפוּךְ: This seems to be based on the passuk in Tehillim 79:10 that says לָ֤מָּה ׀ יֹאמְר֣וּ ...
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What’s the correct nusach Ari [closed]

BH How come there are so many Nusach Ari’s?? What is the correct one to Daven from? And are all Nusach Ari’s the thirteenth gate where everyone could enter?
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Anyone know of a nusach that exludes the word לברך from the prayer of ובמקהלות?

Anyone know of a nusach that exludes the word לברך from the prayer of ובמקהלות? It seems to be in both Ashkenaz and Sefard
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3 answers

Birkat Haminim, order of requests in Nusach Sfard

In the Birkat Haminim following the Nusach Sfard, the prayer is to exterminate, humiliate and submit the Apikorsim. תעקר ותשבר ומגר ותכלם ותשפילם ותכניעם My question is the order of the requests. ...
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1 answer

שים / תן חלקנו בתורתך

I've noticed that on Yom Tov, sefardi (edot mizrach) machzorim say תן but on Shabbat in siddurim, they say שים in the bracha of Yom Tov/Shabbat respectively (which are parallel). Am I just not widely ...
2 votes
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Do the Jews of Marakkesh have a particular Nusach?

Is there a particular Siddur or Nusach HaTefilla that is used by the Jews (and their descendants) of Marakkesh (alt. sp. Marrakech), Moroccco? Is it in print and available?
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Satmarer minhogim

I'm looking for a source to learn the minhogim of Satmar chassidus. I wonder how different or similar it is from a galitzianer chassidus for example, maybe it has non-chassidic hungarian influences, ...
8 votes
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Phrasing in unetanah tokef

This question bothers me each time the High Holidays come around. In the text for Unetaneh Tokef, we find the sequence: מִי יָנוּחַ, וּמִי יָנוּעַ; מִי יִשָּׁקֵט, וּמִי יְטֹּרֵף; מִי יִשָּׁלֵו, ...
10 votes
2 answers

Why do we start minchah, mussaf, and neilah shemoneh esrei differently?

Before reciting the verse from Psalms 51:17 that precedes the silent prayer, many traditions add the sentence from Haazinu (Devarim 32:3) before the minchah, musaf and neilah: כִּ֛י שֵׁ֥ם יְהוָ֖ה ...
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a book that traces the musical development of Jewish liturgy?

Over the last several weeks, at the recommendation of someone on here, I've been studying Jewish Liturgy: A Comprehensive History by Ismar Elbogen. It is a modern (early Twentieth Century) academic ...
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1 answer

Looking for RH Kiddush audio file

Need answer fast! I'm looking for an audio file of the Rosh Hashanah Kiddush, in the RH melody. So far everything I've found uses the Hagim melody. My usual go-to site,, doesn't ...
4 votes
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Shabbat Mincha 2 Nuschaoth

I am wondering what is the source of the difference between Sepharadi Iraki and Ashkenazi, Sfaradi Nord African,and Yemenite nussach:Sepharadi Irakiוּמִי כְעַמְּךָ כְּיִשְׂרָאֵל גוֹי אֶחָד בָּאָרֶץ ...
2 votes
3 answers

Why do some siddurim begin with alef beis?

Some siddurim have a few opening pages of addendums like how to put on tefillin. I noticed that the Nusach Ari siddur has a page of alef-beis and nekudos, plus a page of letters combined with nekudos. ...
6 votes
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What Nusach did the Twansa use?

In most of the places that Sefardim settled after being kicked out of Iberia, there were already Jews living there, usually called "Musta'arabi". In most places, these communities ...
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Nusach Lita vs Polin

Generally siddurim for European Jewry are labeled nusach Ashkenaz or nusach Sefard. However, Selichos are often labeled nusach Lita or nusach Polin. My understanding is that Lita is Ashkenaz, and ...
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"Chaparat Pesha" just through Adar II

We know that the phrase ולכפרת פשע is added to the Musaf Amidah of Rosh Chodesh during a leap year. However, in most minyanim I've davened in, the custom seems to be that one only adds it from ...
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2 answers

Kohen k'rav ya'amod

Inspired by this question. When we call up a Kohen (or when not present, a Levi or Yisrael) we use a special formula: ויעזר on Shabbat and yom tov (Shacharit) and ותיגלה on weekdays (and Minchah). In ...
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1 answer

Borei P'ri or Borei F'ri hagefen?

Have heard a few older mizrahi recordings for qiddush and am noticing that some of them use borei f'ri hagefen. When i looked up Qiddush in my Egyptian siddur (Farhi Siddur) i noticed the Pei had no ...
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3 answers

Origin of Kaddish Nusach ויצמח פורקניה ויקרב משיחיה

What is the halachic reasoning for adding/deleting this line to the Kaddish? Is it unique to just Nusach Sefard and Edot HaMizrach? It seems to also be near universal amongst Dati Leumi minyanim in ...
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Different endings of Yishtabach

There are at least five nuschaos (liturgies) for the very end of Yishtabach between habocheir b'shirei zimrah (who chooses musical songs of praise) and chai/chei* haolamim (life/life-giver of the ...
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What's "Nusach Kafa"?

I saw yesterday that the Crimean Jews - which were an ancient kehillah - had their own nusach, called "Nusach Kafa" (נוסח כפא). I was wondering in what ways was this nusach unique? What ...
5 votes
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Chabad Houses singing Yedid Nefesh before Kabalash Shabbos

In the Nusach Ari used by Chabad, Yedid Nefesh appears as a continuation of Pasach Eliyahu to be said before Mincha. The standard print of the Tehilas Hashem siddur explicitly instructs to say it ...
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Al gav or al gabei – singular or plural?

In some Ashkenazi siddurim the line in L'olam yehei adam is written: .זֶרַע יִצְחָק יְחִידוֹ, שֶׁנֶּעֱקַד עַל גַּבֵּי הַמִּזְבֵּחַ In other siddurim, the same line is written with al gav hamizbeiach,...
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בְּצִלְצְלֵי שָׁמַע or בְצִלְצְלֵי שָׁמַע

in some siddurim the line in Tehillim 150 is written הַלְלוּהוּ בְּצִלְצְלֵי שָׁמַע. הַלְלוּהוּ בְּצִלְצְלֵי תְרוּעָה while in others it is written with a veis in the first "b'tziltzilei" ...
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Pre-Rambam Teimani Siddur?

I have been told that Teimanim today use the Nusach of the Rambam. So, what Nusach did they use before him? Does anyone use such a Nusach today? And is there a Siddur of such a Nusach?
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Is it appropriate to use the nusach of Rosh Hashanah on the days until Yom Kippur?

Is it appropriate or inappropriate to use the nusach of the High Holy Days when davening on the days in between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? Because we put additions into the Amidah (Zokhreinu, etc) ...
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3 answers

What's the difference between LaZman and LeZman?

In the Mishnah Brurah (676:1) it says: והגיענו לזמן הזה הלמ"ד בחיר"ק ולא בפת"ח That in the Bracha of Shehechiyanu, the Lamed in the word Lazman should be said with a Hiriq and not with a Patach. ...
6 votes
2 answers

Chabad beginner visiting a Modern Orthodox shul

I have been practicing my observance with a super-friendly Chabad congregation but my area, predominantly secular and Modern Orthodox, has a bunch of MO congregations that I'm very curious to visit, ...
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Amen between Hashkiveinu and Yir'u Eineinu in maariv

Based on Brachot 45b and Yerushalmi Brachot 5:4/40b, many communities have the custom of saying amen after several of their own brachot. One of the places where some add amen is at the end of the ...
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Blessing for the rain; blessing for the dew

I have a question that, in light of my general unfamiliarity with variance between nuschaot (and my profound unfamiliarity with meteorology and the way that seasons actually work), may not be much of ...
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Chabad nusach for Birkat Hamazon

I noticed that in the last part of Birkat Hamazon, at the level of the pesukim יראו את ה' קדושיו ... יְראוּ אֶת יְיָ קְדֹשָׁיו, כִּי אֵין מַחְסוֹר לִירֵאָיו. כְּפִירִים רָשׁוּ וְרָעֵבוּ, וְדֹרְשֵׁי ...
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Shortened version of birkat hammazon

Anecdotally, I've eaten with people before who have recited birkat hammazon to themselves quietly and who are either record-breaking speed speakers or who are using a shortened version. I suspect the ...
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Text of Birkat Hachodesh

In the standard Ashkenazi version of the siddur, we have in the birkat hachodesh: שֶׁתְּחַדֵּשׁ עָלֵינוּ אֶת הַחדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לְטובָה וְלִבְרָכָה. וְתִתֶּן לָנוּ...חַיִּים שֶׁאֵין בָּהֶם בּוּשָׁה ...
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Shuls that say Hungarian Selichos?

Are there any shuls (I'm preferably looking for shuls in Yerushalayim) that say the Hungarian(/Bohemian/Moravian/Silesian) selichos for the Yemei HaSelichos? (This is the selichos that is found in ...
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1 answer

Where I can find an original Nusach Paras (Persian) Siddur?

Where can I find a siddur with the original Persian (Parsi) Nusach (if such a siddur exists)?

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