Questions tagged [nusach-ari]

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Nusach of Jewish Renewal

Jewish Renewal was founded by Reb Zalman, who was formerly Chabad Lubavitch, which follows Nusach Ari. Is the nusach followed by Jewish Renewal derived from Nusach Ashkenaz, Nusach Sefard or Nusach ...
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What’s the correct nusach Ari [closed]

BH How come there are so many Nusach Ari’s?? What is the correct one to Daven from? And are all Nusach Ari’s the thirteenth gate where everyone could enter?
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What was the siddur that was used by the Rebbe R' Elimelech of Lizhensk?

I was wondering which siddur the Rebbe R' Elimelech of Lizhensk might have used. I was thinking that perhaps he used the Berditchever but then again he was a disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid together ...
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2 answers

Re-tying Arizal tefillin with Ashkenazi knots

If my tefillin are Nusach Ari, and I'm Ashkenazi, can I re-tie the knots and make the tefillin look Ashkenazi? (Such as re-tying the Shel Yad knot to have the loop closer to you, and re-tying the Shel ...
13 votes
1 answer

Veshameru in Chabad siddur

Why do Chabad siddurim always print Veshameru before the Shabbat Ma'ariv Amida, even while also noting that the Chabad custom is not to say it? Are there any groups that use the Chabad Nusach Ari ...
4 votes
2 answers

How does the Siddur Torah Ohr differ from the Siddur Tehilas Hashem?

The most common Chabad siddur is obviously the Siddur Tehilas Hashem (TH), which was first published in Rostov, Russia in 1918. It is used by over 300,000 Chabad families worldwide. However, it's not ...
6 votes
1 answer

A minor (?) issue with spelling in Nusach Ari

Last Shabbes, I noticed that in two different nusach Ari siddurim (Torah Or and Tehillas Hashem), Modim in the Shemoneh Esrei either possesses or lacks a waw depending on whether it is a Shabbes or a ...
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Chabad Houses singing Yedid Nefesh before Kabalash Shabbos

In the Nusach Ari used by Chabad, Yedid Nefesh appears as a continuation of Pasach Eliyahu to be said before Mincha. The standard print of the Tehilas Hashem siddur explicitly instructs to say it ...
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Sins incurring death according to Ari Z"L

In the Kriyat Sh'ma al HaMittah of the Ari Z"L there is a section of viduy which confesses sins which call forth particular death penalties. Is there any explanation of what these four sins are (as I ...
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2 answers

Chabad Chazzanus Recordings

Is there a place online where I can find recordings of Chabad chazzanus (i.e. the tunes a Chabad chazzan would use for Hodu, Shemoneh Esrei, etc.)? The recordings should preferably be free online. ...
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3 answers

Specific Breslov Nusach

I understand that traditionally Breslov has not taken Nusach HaTefillah as seriously as other Chassidic groups when it comes to identifying the Sha'ar HaKollel. Although most Breslovers daven Nusach ...
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"El melech ne'eman" not in Chabad siddurim

There is a common custom amongst many to recite the words אל מלך נאמן before Kriyas Shema when there is no minyan. However, in all Chabad siddurim I have davened from, this phrase is not there. ...
6 votes
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Answering 'Amen' to Birkas Kohanim during regular Shemonei Esrei (Chabad Nusach)

Can one answer 'Amen' to Birkas Kohanim when in the middle of Psukei Zemira of Shacharis, and the Tzibbur has already reached repetition of Shemonei Esrei? There is a permitted-interruption guide in ...
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Why does the Chabad nusach omit "Tzur Yisroel" before Shemoneh Esrei?

In the bracha right before the Amidah during Shacharis, Nusach Ashkenaz and many variations of Nusach Sefard have: שִׁירָה חֲדָשָׁה שִׁבְּחוּ גְאוּלִים לְשִׁמְךָ עַל שפַת הַיָּם. יַחַד כֻּלָּם ...
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"HaRachaman hu yevarech es avi mori..." - Questions

There is a part in the third bracha in bentching which goes like this: הרחמן הוא יברך את אבי מורי בעל הבית הזה ואת אמי מורתי בעלת הבית הזה אותם ואת ביתם ואת זרעם ואת כל אשר להם אותנו ואת כל אשר ...
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1 answer

Noam Elimelech davened nusach Ashkanaz

I remember a learning from a certain version of the Noam Elimelech and in the back of the sefer there were letters and other miscellaneous topics. One of the letters was the about the Noam Elimelech ...
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Siddur Ha'Arizal (R' Asher Margaliot)

This link claims that the Siddur Ha'Arizal compiled by Rabbi Asher Margaliot is the siddur that was used by the Ba'al Shem Tov and his original followers. How accurate is it to say this?
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Is Nusach al-pi Arizal davened by anyone besides Chabad?

Are there any other Chasidic sects besides Chabad that daven Nusach al-pi Arizal (Siddur Tehillas Hashem or Torah Ohr)?
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Where to find a Nusach Maharitz siddur?

Nusach Maharitz is the nusach used by Dushinsky Chassidim, and it blends elements from Nusach Ashkenaz and Nusach Sefard almost equally, according to this Wikipedia article regarding N''S. I am ...
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Nusach Sefard vs. Nusach Ha-Arizal

So I was wondering what differences there are between Nusach Sefard, the traditional Chassidic nusach and Nusach Ha-Arizal, the Chabadnik nusach arranged by the Alter Rebbe (Rabbi Schneur Zalman of ...
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Are Arizal tefillin kosher for Chabad Chassidim?

Is it okay for a Chabad Chassid to wear Nusach Arizal tefillin that are not Chabad tefillin?
4 votes
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Why doesn't Chabad say Hanotein Teshua

In many siddurim, particularly those printed for the Ashkenazi or Spanish-Portuguese communities, there is a tefillah for the government, Hanotein Teshuah (the title is based on a passuk in Ps. 144) ...
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looking for recording of shacharit prayer - nusach chabad

I have a blind relative who can no longer see properly and needs a clear and reasonably slow recording of the chabad shacharit prayer. Does anyone know where I can find this?
7 votes
2 answers

Why repeat the last verse of "Yoshev b'Seter Elyon"

In Nusach ashkenaz, as well as in "V'hi Noam" of Nusach haAri, the last pasuk of "Yoshev B'seter Elyon" (Psalm 91) is repeated. Why is that?
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What is the Shabbos Shacharit Prayer Order? (For Nusach HaAri ideally)

I go to a Lubavitch shul which uses Nusach HaAri and half the time I have no idea what is happening during shabbos shacharit because everyone is reading to themselves and then all of a sudden the ...
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2 answers

Source for "Bein Ish L'Ishto" in Nusach Ari

After the morning bracha on the torah, we say "אלו דברים שאין להם שיעור". The source for this text is a combination of the first mishna of Peah, and some additions from the bottom of Shabbat 127a. I ...
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2 answers

Is the Koren Sacks Nusach Sefard truly nusach ha'Ari?

Koren came out with a KSS version in 'nusach Sefard.' Is this the nusach of ha'Ari? I'm not too familiar with nusach Sefard/nusach ha'Ari. I like Koren's layout and aesthetics, and I've used their ...
5 votes
2 answers

Omissions with tachanun in nusach Ari

I know (from experience) that in nusach Ari, any morning that tachanun is omitted, psalms 20 ("Yaancha") and 86 ("hate Hashem ozn'cha") are omitted also, and the chest is not banged when saying the ...
7 votes
2 answers

Lulav-shake count varying with shake history

T'hilas Hashem, the standard sidur (prayer book) of the Lubavitch chasidim, includes, passim, rulings of their first rabbi ("the Rav"), copied from his own sidur. The rules printed before halel ...
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2 answers

When to say "Yehallelu" by Mincha Shabbos Afternoon?

Chabad starts the Half-Kaddish by Mincha Shabbos afternoon just after Hagbahah and continuing the Kaddish until the Sefer Torah is put back in the Aron. Since one should not interrupt in the middle ...
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sameach vs. samach

Nusach S'farad, in the amida ("sh'mone esre") of holidays and Shabas, has "וְשַׂמַּח נַפְשֵׁינוּ בִּישׁוּעָתֶךָ" ("v'samach..."), but in sheva b'rachos it has "שַׂמֵּחַ תְּשַׂמַּח" ("sameach..."). ...
5 votes
1 answer

Father the mercy

Lubavitch prayer books include the words אָב הָרַחֲמִים where other prayer books have אַב הָרַחֲמִים (specifically, in the amida of musaf and mincha of Shabas Shuva, and in a prayer said after ...