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Was Eleazar ben Dama related to Dama ben Netina?

Kiddushin 31a records the story of a non-Jew named Dama ben Netina. The story of Eleazar ben Dama is recorded in a few places (Tosefta Chullin 2:22,23; Avodah Zarah 27b; Yerushalmi Avoda Zarah 2, 40d)....
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Yeshv'av-Chutzpit connection?

Any connection between the mishmar kehunah Yeshv'av, which was also nicknamed "Chutzpit-Shuchin" (also known as Shuchim or Shichin, the town where they settled in) (see here for example) and ...
Harel13's user avatar
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Explanation for the name Rebbi Nechunya ben HaKaneh

Is there an explanation the Tanna Rebbi Nechunya's surname ben "HaKaneh" - son of the reed?
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Numbers of Tannaim and Amoraim

How many names of Tannaim do we know? How many names of Ammoraim do we know? (I am asking about the names and not simply asking "how many were there" because I don't know if there were people that ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Which Rabbi Chanina is stam Rabbi Chanina?

In the Talmud when it says, "Rabbi Chanina says ...", which Rabbi Chanina is it referring to, Rabbi Chanina Ben Dosa, Rabbi Chanina ben Hama, etc..
jj2's user avatar
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Given name of Rabbi Yose

What was the given name of Rabbi Yose? Was it Yosef or Yose? If it was Yose, is that a derivative of Yosef, or a totally different name with some other meaning or significance?
Ish Ploni ViKohen's user avatar
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Names of Tanaim and Amoraim

A friend mentioned to me that there are no Tanaim or Amoraim named Avraham, Moshe or Dovid and that there was "some torah" on this fact, but he couldn't remember what it was. Is there any source for ...
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Was the tana Rebbi Meir blind?

I have heard that the name Meir (lit:enlightening) is actually a "lashon naki" because he was actually blind. Similar to "sagi nahor". Is there any source for this notion that Rebbi Meir was blind?
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Who was Nehorai?

Is anything known about the Tanna named Nehorai? He had a son R' Yosei (also a Tanna). There's also a R' Nehorai ben Shemayah (or Shema'yah? I'm not sure). Are they the same person? Is anything known ...
Seth J's user avatar
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