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Do walk-in closets need a mezuzah

According to the Halacha, do walk-in closets need a mezuzah? Or no, since they are not regularly lived in are they exempt from having a mezuzah?
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Can left handed people place a mezuzah on left side of doors

The basic halacha is that a mezuzah should be placed on the right side of the door. My question is, if a person is left handed is it permissible for them to attach it to the left side of the door? Or ...
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If Jews make an oath to not do mitzvot which are normally required after an action, is it binding

Inspired by the answer to this question, is it valid for Jews to Make an oath to prevent themselves from performing mitzvoth which proceed from their choices, for example vowing to not do ...
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Minor as a mohel

According to Halacha, is it permissible for a minor (under bar mitzvah) to serve as a mohel and do Brit Milah? What about B’dieved? The reason I ask is because some Poskim hold a woman can serve as ...
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