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Tefillin with runny nose

Can one put on tefillin when he is mildly sick, and might need to cough or blow his nose while wearing them, assuming he is able to keep his mind focused otherwise?
Mxyitz's user avatar
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Can someone else put tefillin on a Jew

According to Halacha, Is the actual mitzvah of tefillin on having it on your body or placing it on your body? The reason I ask is because if it’s the former, you could sit still and have someone else ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Do tefillin straps have to be animal skin

In Halacha, is there a requirement for the straps made for tefillin to be made out of animal skin such as leather, or no? If there is a requirement, is it Derabbanan, or a Halacha LeMoshe Misinai? Or ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Does one still fulfill the Mitzvah of Tzitzit even if one didn’t make a Bracha on it? [duplicate]

Is it true that a person still fulfills the Mitzvah of Tzitzit even if they don’t say the Bracha for it? And that would apply to other Mitzvot, such as Tefillin, correct?
Raphael Chilungu's user avatar
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Deeper reason for place where tefillin shel rosh is placed

Does anyone know the deeper reason to why we place the straps of the tefillin shel rosh in a spot where the amygdala is?
Josh's user avatar
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613 Mitzvos depend on another?

I've noticed the following phrase in a couple places in the siddur: שֶׁתְּ֒הֵא חֲשׁוּבָה מִצְוַת _ לְפָנֶֽיךָ כְּאִלּוּ קִיַּמְתִּֽיהָ בְּכָל פְּרָטֶֽיהָ וְדִקְדּוּקֶֽיהָ וְכַוָּנוֹתֶֽיהָ וְתַרְיַ&...
robev's user avatar
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How could anyone think Rashi's daughters wore Tefillin?

There is a widely-held theory that Rashi's daughters wore Tefillin. Rashi here seems to say there is a Bal Tosif (prohibition to add on a commandment) if a women does a Mitzvat Aseh Shehazman Grama (...
talmidforlife's user avatar
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Is enabling a mitzva a one-time mitzva, or each time the person does it?

As I understand it, if someone is too poor to get married/do a specific mitzva, it is a mitzva in itself to help them perform it. In the case of mitzvos which are continuous, such as the laying of ...
Qoheles's user avatar
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Why do tefilin have so many mitzvot in itself?

I heard from someone and read through some books that the mitzvah of tefilin sum up to 8. While in general we know that every good deed or commandment we observe is a single mitzvah, why is tefilin ...
Yamin's user avatar
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Wrapping Tefillin vs. Wearing Tefillin

When we put on tefillin, we (I am Ashkenazi) say 2 brachot -- l'haniach tefillin and al mitzvat tefillin. The second makes sense -- I am making a bracha on fulfilling the mitzvah of tefillin. But what ...
rosends's user avatar
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Is there a need to get nice Tefilin?

Mesechtas Shabbos 133b gives a list of items that one should do with nice things in order to beautify the Mitzva. Conspicuously absent is Tefilin. Is there a source to get nice Tefilin? If not, why is ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Wearing pieces from two different sets of tefillin

Tefillin are usually thought of as coming in sets, one for the hand (shel yad) and one for the head (shel rosh). But is there any reason two sets can't be mixed and matched? May one wear tefillin ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Can a non-Jew don tefillin?

May a non-Jew or a person who is in the conversion process don tefillin? If not, what are the reasons that they cannot?
Ger's user avatar
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Contemporary rabbinic views on social pressure to get people to do Mitzvoth

Background While on vacation recently, I was walking down the street with a newly acquainted co-traveler, when we were approached by a young Lubavitch Yeshivah student encouraging Jewish men to lay ...
Seth J's user avatar
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No mitzvah to wear tefillin every day?

I heard that the Bet HaLevi and the Peri Megadim hold that there is no Mitzva for a person to don Tefilin everyday. Can someone source these opinions and explain exactly what they are meaning to say?
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar