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Why do Jews have more commandments than Noahides?

Out of curiosity. Why are there 613 laws for Jews and only 7 laws for Gentiles, and both Jews and Gentiles will get the same reward for obeying those laws?
Orly's user avatar
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What are some religious items that a gentile can make and still be kosher, if any at all?

I'm a gentile. I'm talking about items related to the fulfillment of mitzvot and there are some that are not so obvious to me, they are: tefillin(just the boxes and straps) tallitot shofarot sukkot ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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Does the mitzvah of knowing Torah exist as separate from mitzvah of learning Torah?

According to views of some authorities (Shulchan Aruch HaRav and others), learning without pronouncing words or listening to Torah recordings does not qualify as the mitzvah of Talmud Torah. ...
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Can a single-parent father be exempt from time-bound mitzvot?

Rabbis such as Abudraham have explained a woman's exemption from positive time-bound commandments (mitzvot shehazman grama) in terms of a woman's ongoing and preliminary role in supporting her ...
Aryeh's user avatar
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