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Questions tagged [meat-and-milk]

Basar b'chalav. The prohibition against eating, cooking, or benefiting from meat and milk together.

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Whence "בחזקת בשרי"?

Besides the main categories of meat, dairy, and pareve (non-meat, non-dairy) foods, two special subcategories of pareve foods are relevant to halacha (e.g. Yore Dea 93): pareve food cooked using clean ...
msh210's user avatar
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Pouring honey into a hot beverage

Can pouring honey into a hot beverage, such as tea, create a Kashruth concern? In particular, if you pour honey into hot tea with milk, can you later use the same bottle of honey to add honey to a ...
Seth J's user avatar
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History of separating milk and meat dishes

What are the origins of having separate milk and meat dishes? It seems to be a generally accepted practice, and there are many Acharonim that talk about it. Where was the idea first introduced and how ...
PixelArtDragon's user avatar
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May one buy from a store that serves basar b'chalav?

Chullin 115b provides several sources that one may not derive benefit from basar b'chalav. Say that there's a shop that sells basar b'chalav, but also sells sealed bottles of water or kosher sodas. ...
DonielF's user avatar
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waiting after meat, in contexts other than basar bechalav

Waiting after meat before milk comes from a concern of either the taste being still in your throat or particles still in your teeth and you are eating that with milk. Do we apply this in other cases ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Length of time for waiting for hard cheese proportionate to the length of time it was aged

In a Halachic pamphlet I saw before Shavuos this year, it mentioned an opinion that one must wait after eating hard cheese one hour for every month it is aged (so if it was aged three months, three ...
Yishai's user avatar
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Can Food Remnants make you fleishig/milchig

ב"ה Can food remnants, like stains, make you fleishig/milchig? For example, if I had a steak and got it on my sleeve, then the next day wiped my mouth with that sleev,e can I become fleishig from ...
TreeKing's user avatar
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Can parve food cooked in dairy pot be served on a meaty plate?

Can parve food cooked in dairy pot be served on a meaty plate? Note that the parve food is served chilled after it was refrigerated in a parve container. EDIT: The food is a parve drink with kosher ...
david72's user avatar
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Meat and milk with removable orthodontics

Is a person required to have different removable orthodontics (e.g. retainer, active plate etc.) for consuming meat and dairy?
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Is smoke a problem like zeya?

I know that zeya (steam, kinda) is a problem in cooking milk and meat. Also heat can be a problem. My friend recently burned some burgers in his oven (we think it was a grease fire), and watched ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Kashering a stove

The common custom I have noticed is for people to use the same stove top for meat and dairy. However, people also claim you need to kasher a stove top before use. How are these two positions not ...
yakzo's user avatar
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World record for longest time of being Fleishig

Based on the discussions here: Where do the different traditions for hours of waiting between meat and milk come from?, what would be the world record for the longest time one can maintain their state ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Hand soap made with milk as an ingredient, and eating meat

If one uses a hand-soap that is made with milk, is one allowed to proceed to eat meat with their hands, like a chicken drumstick? Is it too little a proportion, or too far removed from derech achila (...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Where to learn Issur V'heter in Brooklyn

I'm looking for a kollel/group/yeshiva in Brooklyn that is learning Basar Vechalav/Taaruvos. Preferably according to the Ashkenazic Traditions. It doesn't need to be a semicha program, although that ...
Middlestream's user avatar
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How do poskim in shulchan aruch disagree about the existence of a rabbinical decree?

There are times when Chazal says something and the meaning is debated and there are other times when whether an entire category even exists. How is this so? To give specific examples of what I'm ...
Dude's user avatar
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Shiurim in depth on Basar VeChalav and Ta'aruvos

Does anyone have any recommendations for in depth Shiurim on Hilchos Basar VeChalav and Ta'aruvos in Shulchan Aruch. I am looking for a shiur which will go through the Shluchan Aruch, Shach, Taz and ...
Moz's user avatar
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Can a glass stovetop be used for both meat and milk?

Is it permissible to use a glass stovetop for both meat and milk? Or is it forbidden? A OK article says that one should not use a glass stove top for meat and milk, however rabbikaganoff Is My Stove ...
Chofetz Chaim's user avatar
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Are crayons allowed?

If a non-toxic (but also non-food) wax crayon is known/suspected to contain both meat (e.g. stearic acid; see e.g. here) and milk (e.g. dairy-derived palmitic acid), may one use it or does it qualify ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Non-toxic crayon bliyoth

Would a non-toxic, non-food substance, such as crayons, intentionally melted in a pan render it unkosher? Does it matter if the crayons are known/suspected to contain both milk and meat (e.g. tallow/...
Loewian's user avatar
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In food service, does the separation of pareve and meat require less policing than the separation of kosher and non-kosher?

At the market where I buy groceries, there’s a deli counter under kosher supervision, selling fish and meat. When I buy fish, the clerk puts on a new pair of rubber gloves, takes a fresh piece of ...
Chaim's user avatar
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Food warmed in a non-kosher microwave assur b'han'ah?

If someone warmed pareve food in a dirty microwave that has been used to cook basar b'chalav and there is remnants of that food in the microwave, or he warmed milchig or fleishig food in a dirty ...
Gunther's user avatar
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If the whole vessel's volume counts in 1/60, why don't we wait?

Although this is a really basic quesiton, the topic is way beyond my education, so please excuse the lack of sources, background knowledge and proper terms, and please help me improve. I understand ...
SAH's user avatar
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Davar charif cut with meat knife -- why not ossur?

The SA in YD Siman 97 Sif 1 (the makor is a braisa in Pesachim Daf 30) says that one should not knead together a dough with milk, lest someone come to eat it together with meat. If one did knead them ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Are Ricola drops pareve?

Are Ricola drops certified by Rabbi A. Yafe Schlesinger considered pareve?
Loewian's user avatar
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What does this quote about meat and milk mean?

I'm trying to understand the meaning of this quote from טעמי המצוות by מנחם בן משה הבבלי, Mitzva Lo Ta'ase 56: (I think I understand all of the words, and I'm just not able to string them together, ...
Lo ani's user avatar
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Word for "strictly" parve

What word do people use to identify something as completely parve--that is, kosher to eat with meat or milk--as distinct from "b'chezkat chalavi/basari"/DE/nat bar nat? Would it be correct to say "l'...
SAH's user avatar
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Is chicken collagen considered fleishig or parve?

I have seen a few brands of Type 2 collagen in a pill form contain chicken collagen. Regarding taking pills, I have asked 2 local rabbanim who agreed with this general rule: Preferably, one should ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why R'Moshe Fenstein considers whey as being pareve?

Why does he considers whey as being pareve whereas it is clearly pareve only mideoraita and not midrabanan (according to Tosfot, the Rosh considers it as being dairy even mideoraita)? Sources: http://...
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