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Why Yosef became the king of Egypt?

Why H'shem chose specifically Yosef to become the king of Egypt and not another brother? Wasn't it more suitable to Yehuda, for instance, who already represented the "Malchut" of Israel, or ...
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
6 votes
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Why couldn't the Jewish people return to live in Egypt? Till when was this valid? At some point later in history Jewish people did live there

One of the commandments of a Jewish king is not to have too many horses, so that the Jewish people won't go back to live in Egypt, where the best horses came from. Question: till when was this valid? ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Name of Pharaoh that we were enslaved to in Mitzrayim

Do we know what the name of Pharaoh (i.e. king or president) whom we were enslaved to when we were in Mitzrayim was?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
4 votes
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How old was Pharaoh relative to Moses?

BSD We know Moses was raised in Pharaoh's kingdom. From Exodus 7:7 we know Moshe was around 80 when he lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. But how old was Pharaoh during all of this?
TreeKing's user avatar
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Pharaoh or King of Egypt?

In parashat shemot, how come pharoah is sometimes called the "king of Egypt" and sometimes called "Pharaoh"? The term Melech Mitzrayim appears in the Bible close to fifty times, while the word Pharaoh ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
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Why are none of the Pharaohs in the Torah identified by name?

Throughout the Torah, the various Egyptian Pharaohs are always referred to as simply "Pharaoh" or "the king of Egypt" (or both), but never with any other parts of their official titulary. By contrast,...
Alex's user avatar
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