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Questions tagged [ketuvim]

Ketuvim or Kesuvim is the third section of Tanach which was transmitted through prophecy as primary source for the Jewish Religion. Ketuvim includes Tehilim, Mishlei, Iyov, Ruth, Shir Hashirim, Koheleth, Eicha, Esther, Doniel, Ezra, Nechemia and Divrei Hayamim.

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2 answers

Why does the Megillah say "It happened in the days of Ahasuerus" — and not,"... in the days of Mordechai and Esther?"

The Megillah (Esther 1:1) begins: ויהי בימי אחשורוש... - It happened in the days of Ahasuerus... Why doesn't it say instead, it happened in the days of Mordechai and Esther, or after the Destruction ...
Grapefruit's user avatar
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Neviim and Ketuvim in 1-2 volumes

It’s possible to buy a Chumash containing Rashi comments in one volume (e.g. Artscroll Schottenstein Interlinear ed.). Having a Chumash, I’d like to buy Hebrew/English Nevi’im and Ketuvim with ...
romario's user avatar
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What variations are there in the Jewish canon?

Most Jewish communities have the 24 books of the Tanakh as canon, but the Ethiopian Jewish canon varies somewhat, including, e.g., the Book of Judith and the Book of Jubilees. Are there any other ...
Colin's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the original twenty books of the Tanach

I was asked to identify the original 20 books of the Tanach as they appear in the Masoretic Text but everything I found listed 24 books. I understand that the collective name for the original books of ...
Lesley's user avatar
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How could Ruth do yibbum if she converted only after her husband died?

How could Boaz be required to do Yibbum with Ruth being that she was a non jew when she was married to?
yosef lavi's user avatar
11 votes
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Why does Rabba bar Mari in the Talmud quote Ben Sira as a part of “the Writings” when it is not in the Ketuvim section of the Tanakh?

As revealed in the answer here, in Bava Kama 92b, Rava asks Rabba bar Mari for the source of a popular saying, and Rabba bar Mari answers with five different sources for it. The third verse, which is ...
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Why no simanim for Rus, Shir HaShirim, and Eicha?

In the Koren Tanakh, besides for the church-invented chapter system, it also puts the Jewish simanim divisions at the side of the page. Why does it not do this for Rus, Shir HaShirim, and Eicha?
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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How many letters are there in Tanach? [duplicate]

Although I know how many letters there are in the five books of the Torah, 304,805, I do not know how many letters there are in Neviim and Kesuvim. So, my question is, "How many letters are there in ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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4 answers

Definition of the Written Law

What are the views of Rishonim and their predecessors regarding the scope of תורה שבכתב, Written Law. This has ramifications for halachos such דברים שבכתב אי אתה רשאי לאומרן ,בעל פה in addition to ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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1 answer

Divrei Kabbalah in Maimonides' Usage

Rambam in the Laws of Fast Days (4: 7) writes that verses are recited from "Divrei Kabbalah" and from "Kitvei Kodesh" (holy writings). וּפְסוּקִים מִדִּבְרֵי קַבָּלָה וּמִכִּתְבֵי הַקֹּדֶשׁ What ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Do pages of ketuvim and navi'im need to be buried?

Do books or sheets of paper that contain text from the Prophets (navi'im) and Writings (ketuvim) need to be discarded in a special manner? I know that pages containing words of Torah written in any ...
SAH's user avatar
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What is a megillah?

5 of the books of Kesuvim are called Megillas (Maseches Sofrim 14:3 identifies 4 of them, Rus, Shir Hashirim, Eicha, and Ester. Rishonim cite versions that add in Koheles - e.g. Mordechai Megilla 783)...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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What are R' Yaakov miLissa's commentaries on the m'gilos called?

Many a Jewish book is known colloquially by its title, like Avne Nezer and More N'vuchim. Many a one is known colloquially by its author's name, like the commentaries of R' Moshe Alshich and Malbim on ...
msh210's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

What is the Difference Between Prophets and Writings?

In the Tanakh, the Jewish Biblical Canon, there are three categories of works: the Torah of Moses, and what are know as the 'Prophets' and 'Writings'. This categorization is outlined and mentioned in ...
Baby Seal's user avatar
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Chapter Endings while Leining Megillot

Inspired by this question. It seems to be a common minhag to have a special trope for the end of a chapter when leining the megillot. I have seen this done in my shul, have done it myself, and also ...
magicker72's user avatar
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Seeking a M'tzudos-like commentary on Echa

I'm (b'li neder) learning K'suvim for the first time, and am doing so with the commentary of the M'tzudos (that is, M'tzudas Tziyon and M'tzudas David). I chose the M'tzudos because theyare written in ...
msh210's user avatar
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Resource for dotted letters in Nakh

It is relatively easy to find a list of dotted letters in Torah. Even a good tikkun kore will list them. However, it's harder to find a list of these in Nakh. Where can I find that resource? ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar