Questions tagged [kaddish]

Aramaic prayer for the sanctification of God's name; often recited by mourners

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2 votes
1 answer

Kamatz and shva in words with ayin-lamed-mem root in Kaddish

There are several words in the Kaddish with the root "עלם" and a kamatz under the ayin, and a shva under the lamed, such as: בְּעָלְמָא , וּלְעָלְמֵי , עָלְמַיָּא. My intuition tells me that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Saying Kaddish for a Talmid chacham/rebbe muvhak

Is there a particular interest, either by Halacha or minhag, for Jews to recite the mourner’s Kaddish for a Talmid chacham, especially their rebbe Muvhak? My understanding is it is permitted to ...
1 vote
1 answer

How many times do women say Kaddish in shul?

If only a woman in the shul is saying Kaddish, does she say it once or every time that the siddur says Kaddish yasom (the Kaddish for mourners)? From this answer, I see that it is permitted for her ...
17 votes
4 answers

Yisgadal or Yisgadel?

I've noticed that some people, when reciting kaddish, pronounce the first words as "yisgadal v'yiskadash" with a patach under the dalet of both words, while others say "yisgadel v'yisgadesh" with a ...
3 votes
1 answer

Gravesite Kaddish

I have noticed at funerals that some people face the grave while saying Kaddish and at others face a different direction. Is there a reason for it for both ways?
2 votes
2 answers

Virtual online Minyan for daily Kaddish?

I haven't been observant in almost 20 years, but recent events make me yearn to say Kaddish for those who died on October 7th, and for those IDF soldiers that are dying now. For various reasons, and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Mourner that misses Kaddish

A mourner who is having an operation, or travelling, or any other reason that makes it impossible for him to say Kaddish at a particular Tefila. Is there anything the mourner should do to make up for ...
0 votes
0 answers

Kammatz katan in Kaddish

In the Kaddish, the words בעלמא, לעלם, ולעלמי, עלמיא are all related to the Hebrew word עולם, from which I conclude that in each of those four words, the kammatz vowel below the ע is a kammatz katan ...
4 votes
3 answers

When do you interrupt to answer Kaddish?

Often I find myself in the middle of some part of davening when the chazzan starts saying kaddish. Should I interrupt to answer or does it depend on which part of davening I am holding?
2 votes
0 answers

Kadesh while catching up [duplicate]

Many times while davening I will fall slightly behind and kadesh will start while I am still in middle of a paragraph. Should I answer or continue davening (or just answer and continue davening, ...
3 votes
2 answers

Two Yahrtzeits One for Mother one for Father who comes First

All other things being equal Halachically, if you have two people with Yahrtzeits one for a mother and one for a father, who has priority with regards to getting an Aliyah (and/or davening for the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Missing Traditional Half-Kaddish Melodies

In his article "How Music Articulates Liturgical Structure, Meaning, and Perception: The Kaddish" published in the recent volume of the Journal of Synagogue Music (vol. 47 no. 1), Dr. Boaz ...
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1 answer

Hatzi Kaddish, Kedushah and Barekhu for individual

"Furthermore, in his influential siddur Seder Avodat Yisrael (Rodelheim , 1868, pp. 120-121), Rabbi Yitzhak Baer provides private prayers for those who missed Hatzi Kaddish, Barekhu and Kedushah, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Saying kaddish for a distant relative when a closer one is alive but will not say kaddish

What do the sources say about saying kaddish in a situation where a non-blood relative passed away. Closer relatives are alive but are unlikely to say kaddish.
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any particular reason we do Kaddish so often?

I know repetition is at the center of Judaism: we say shema and do the amida everyday, remember important events every year etc. The question is particularly about Kaddish, is there any reason we ...
4 votes
1 answer

How long does one say Kaddish for a sibling?

There is discussion here on MY about saying Kaddish for parents and also some discussion on Kaddish for a sister. One place on the Chabad website states that Kaddish should be said for 30 days for a ...
0 votes
0 answers

Does a convert say kaddish for his parents when they pass? [duplicate]

Does a convert say kaddish for his parents when they pass? If yes is this limited to a Jewish parent (father) or does this include a non Jewish parent? If it does include a non-Jewish parent would it ...
2 votes
0 answers

Kaddish Nusach Ashkenaz person waits for additions of Nusach Edos Hamizrach

A synagogue follows Nusach Ashkenaz (NA). For Kaddish Yosom, there are people who would normally daven Nusach Edos Hamizrach (NEM). The NA people stop their kaddish where necessary to let the NEM ...
1 vote
0 answers

Listening to the responses to kaddish before resuming

You are saying Kaddish (either as shaliach tzibbur, or because your are chayiv). You come to "v'imru amen", and the minyan responds "y'hei shmei rabbah...". When do you say your ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't Kaddish include Hashem's name?

Why doesn't Kaddish, a prayer for the sanctification of God's name, not include Hashem's name?
1 vote
1 answer

If Shechina never left the kotel hamaravi can one male Jew say kaddish alone standing in front of the kotel?

If the Shechina never left the kotel hamaravi and if the reason we need a minyan of 10 frum Jewish men to say kaddish is for the Shechina to be present: Why can't a Jew say kaddish alone standing in ...
1 vote
1 answer

לעלם ולעלמי עלמיא - (kaddish) isn't this redundant?

The Artscroll interlinear Siddur translates the words לעלם ולעלמי עלמיא - forever and for all eternity. Don't "forever" and "for eternity" mean the same thing? What is the simple ...
8 votes
4 answers

May one say kaddish for a non-Jew?

I have read that Jews recited kaddish on behalf of Abraham Lincoln after he was assassinated. What is the halachic basis for this and has kaddish ever been said en-masse on behalf of other non-Jews?
3 votes
2 answers

Short prayer after a vort or dvar torah

I've recently moved to a new area and the Shul that I now attend will often give a vort at the end of Shacharit and Maariv before allowing mourners to say another Kaddish. I've never heard it before ...
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0 answers

Is a second kaddish recited on Yom Tob when there is only 1 Sefer Torah in the shul?

In a shul that has only 1 sefer Torah, is a second Kaddish recited on Yom Tob when finishing reading the second Torah portion for the day?
9 votes
3 answers

Kaddish before Haftarah on Tish'ah beAv Morning

R. Akiva Eger (on Shulchan Aruch 559:3) cogently argues that one should never recite kaddish between maftir and haftarah, as such an interruption would mean that one does not fulfill the requirement ...
7 votes
1 answer

Saying kaddish for a year, years after death

Someone found out that their grandmother, who passed away 7 years ago, didn't have anyone that said kaddish for her for the year after her passing. Is there any inyun now to say kaddish for a year (...
0 votes
3 answers

Origin of Kaddish Nusach ויצמח פורקניה ויקרב משיחיה

What is the halachic reasoning for adding/deleting this line to the Kaddish? Is it unique to just Nusach Sefard and Edot HaMizrach? It seems to also be near universal amongst Dati Leumi minyanim in ...
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0 answers

Invalidating a minyan

Hypothetical case -- I am within my year of saying kaddish and am on a business trip. I am in a very small and unfamiliar shul waiting for a minyan and in walks someone from my town who has been ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is "titkabel" not in Kaddish Yatom?

According to this write up of the development of the various forms of Kaddish, the Kaddish began in Second Temple times as what we now call the "half-Kaddish." Then a section was added for the Rabbis (...
1 vote
0 answers

Why K"Yatom and not K"Derobonnon?

In my Artscroll Siddur Yitzchak Yair Hashalem, after the section called Vayiten L'cha there is a small piece of instruction: בכמה קהילות אמרים כאן קדיש יתום In some congregations [people] say here ...
-1 votes
1 answer

When to start saying Kaddish

In terms of halacha and minhag, when can one start saying kaddish for someone who has passed. Only after the burial?
0 votes
1 answer

To which tzadik was revealed the melodies of the Beis Hamikdash

I recall hearing that a certain tzadik - I think it was the Maharal - was revealed to him the tunes from the Beis Hamikdash and we now use these tunes for Rosh Hashanah such as the tune for Yisgadal. ...
13 votes
5 answers

Women saying kadish

Why do some people hold a woman should not say kadish? She's not singing so it shouldn't be Kol Isha, and if she's behind a mechitza it shouldn't be a tzniut problem.
-3 votes
2 answers

Correct pronunciation of Kaddish

The opening two words of Kaddish begin with the words: יִתְגַּדַּל וְיִתְקַדַּשׁ Both the gimmel and the dalet of 'Yisgadal' carry a dagesh as does the dalet in 'veyiskadash' - normally a function ...
2 votes
1 answer

Saying Kaddish in a smelly place

A funeral of my distant relative was held at Ofra cemetery (in Israel) which is close to the local cowsheds (probably on purpose). The smell was hardly bearable but I needed to say Kaddish (Yatom), as ...
4 votes
2 answers

Source for Kaddish

I think this may be a very common question (but not for me). Can someone please tell me how did the text of Kaddish first compiled?
0 votes
1 answer

What does וְיַמְלִיךְ מַלְכוּתֵהּ in Kaddish mean?

There are some versions that have it with "Vikarev Mishichei" following the "Viyamlich Malchuse", and that seems to mean that the Kaddish is a prayer for Moshiach(?) it has ...
5 votes
3 answers

Kaddish Without Minyan

Can you ever say Kaddish without a Minyan?
2 votes
1 answer

Reasons for standing for kaddish

Generally most people stand up to say and to respond to kaddish. Why do we do this? Is there anyone with a minhag to sit for either saying or responding to kaddish and the reason behind doing so?
2 votes
1 answer

Origins of "Kaddish Yachid"

I was recently introduced to the concept of a "Kaddish Yachid," attributed to Rav Amram Gaon. A few fairly unreliable sources online discuss it as some form of a stand-in for when Kaddish can't be ...
0 votes
3 answers

To say Kaddish if known the person has gone to Gan Eden

This story Got me thinking ...
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0 answers

Ashkenazic vs Sephardic Kaddish

1 - The Sephardic Kaddish has this extra line near the beginning: וְיַצְמַח פֻּרְקָנֵהּ וִיקָרֵב מְשִׁיחֵהּ -- May His salvation blossom and His Messiah be near. The Ashkenazic Kaddish omits ...
1 vote
1 answer

Kaddish during Aseres Yimei Teshuvah: why "לעילא [ו]לעילא" instead of "לעילא"?

During the Aseres Yimei Teshuvah, when Kaddish is recited we say "לעילא [ו]לעילא" instead of the usual "לעילא." Why is this so? What's the reason for this practice and where did it originate?
5 votes
1 answer

Why is there no Kaddish after Torah reading at mincha on a fast day?

Every Torah reading is followed by half Kaddish, except for Shabbat and fast day mincha. Mishnah Berurah #4 on O.C. 292:1 says that on Shabbat and fast days we don't say Kaddish after Torah reading ...
12 votes
4 answers

Is the Talmud 100% Oral Torah?

I've been taught that the Oral Torah was passed from generation to generation from Moshe Rabbeinu. And I've also heard that the Talmud is basically a recollection of Oral Torah. This would suggest ...
11 votes
1 answer

Siyum Masechta Ketana

When I celebrate my completion of a minor tractate (e.g. Masechet Derech Eretz or Kutim or Gerim), should I say Hadran and/or Kaddish at my Siyyum (party)?
2 votes
0 answers

Is it better to answer kaddish or use that time to catch up?

You've fallen behind because you can't keep up with congregation's prayer speed and the chazzan begins to say kaddish. Which option is preferable? A. Pause your own prayer, answer kaddish completely, ...
4 votes
0 answers

What is the minimum of learning to say Kaddish d’Rabanan?

What is the minimum amount of study one has to learn or hear in order to say Kaddish d’rabanan? Is there a certain Halacha which states how much or what is the minimum one needs to learn? Also, a ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the minimum number of people required to answer the Kaddish?

I am excerpting from this MY answer: The Kaf Hachaim 55:31 cites this and the Ben Ish Chai but he ends off saying it seems that two are necessary (because "d'imru amein" is plural). Questions: ...

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