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Questions tagged [jewish-books]

8 questions from the last 30 days
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Is it Mishna Vrura?

According to the rules of dikduk, is the correct pronunciation of משנה ברורה "Mishna V'rura", without the dagesh in the beis? If so, I'm curious as to why most people pronounce it with a ...
EliezerA's user avatar
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Lesser known Sefardi commentaries on the Parasha (online)

Very simple question. I am always looking to add to my list of Sefardi (incl. Edot Mizrach, Italian etc.) commentaries that I can draw Divrei Torah from. I have been relying mainly on the Chida, ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Midbar Kodesh, reason for title

The sefer Midbar Kodesh contains the teachings of Rav Shalom Rokeach, the first rebbe of Belz. The title Midbar Kodesh appears to be an intentional mispronunciation of "Midbar Kadesh." Why ...
YSR's user avatar
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Rav Hirsch on the Torah in German [duplicate]

Where can I get Rav Hirsch's commentary on the Torah in German in the USA?
Yoreinu's user avatar
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What is Mekor Mayim Chayim on Baal Shem Tov?

i.e. מקור מים חיים על בעל שם טוב, such as here on Sefaria - no useful info in the description, or online as far as I can tell. Does anyone have access to a physical copy of a Baal Shem Tov with Mekor ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Author of 'alphabeta'

Anyone familiar with rabbi and or scholar that had a work called "alphabeta" or "alefbeta" (not rabbi Fohrman) who may have passed away within the last ten or twenty years, or less?...
user3147682's user avatar
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S'forim on Gemara written by a S'fardi in the past 100-200 yrs

Does anyone know of any peirushim on shas, and specifically I need a perush on masechet Gittin to be part of it, written by a S'fardi rav who had lived in the past 100-200 years? I heard that R' ben-...
Shlomo Gohari's user avatar
5 votes
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Biographies of the Matriarchs

I am looking for a biography of Sarah Immenu, Rivka Immenu, Rachel Immenu and Leah Immenu. I want to give a Drasha dedicated to Sarah next week, an obituary, if you will, and then I might do the same ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
  • 14.7k