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Questions tagged [internet]

Questions related to use of the Internet or resources available on it.

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Kippah vendor websites

This is a fairly simple question, however, my experience with Google makes it seem much more difficult. What is a good website for getting non-bulk kippot in personal styles (eg. velvet, suede, knit/...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

May one order food from Amazon Prime after Pesach?

May one order chametz from a publically-traded company (Amazon) which may have had food pass through any number of distributers on the way? The service in question is Amazon Prime Pantry.
therxv's user avatar
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5 votes
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Obligation to Tell People Online if Changing Time Zone Before Shabbat?

If a person changes time zones while going on a vacation, do they have an obligation to alert others to this effect? By using social media and other types of online sites (like Mi Yodeya), not telling ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Is it bad for one to let bits of one's personal life become known online?

Isaac Moses wrote: Over the years, Gershon Gold has demonstrated great research skills, often coming up with on-point sources for interesting Halachic questions very quickly. He has also been an ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
1 vote
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Looking for online material by previous Chief Rabbis of the UK

I'm trying to find online material (essays, sermons, articles, etc.) to read by previous Chief Rabbis of the United Kingdom before Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. I am particularly interested in Joseph Hertz, ...
bondonk's user avatar
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0 answers

Could a person leave skype on all shabbat? [duplicate]

I am wondering if it's forbidden to leave a skype call on all day/night during shabbat if a person prepared the skype call BEFORE shabbat and if it was only a voice call and not a video call and if ...
shlonkbonk's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it allowed to fool adblock recognition mechanism [duplicate]

This is a continuation of Is ad-blocker software permissible? Nowadays more and more sites are detecting if someone uses ad blocking software . If they detect it, they don't serve the content of the ...
David Michael Gang's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Looking for Peirush HaGra on Sefer Yehoshua online

Does anyone know if there is an online version of the Peirush HaGra on Sefer Yehoshua online? I can't seem to find it on Sefaria or
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
1 vote
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Discovered my Jewish heritage at 61 yrs old; now what? [closed]

For my entire life I believed I was of 100% Italian heritage; typical Neopolitan roots from grandparents who came in the 'big wave' of Italian immigrants in 1900-1910. I've traveled to Italy and am a ...
Jan H's user avatar
  • 19
1 vote
4 answers

Daily Torah from Rav Avigdor Miller

Is anyone aware of any daily email that is sent out that includes a Torah from Rav Avigdor Miller?
Mark A.'s user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Hirsch chumash online

Is there a Samson Raphael Hirsch pirush on chumash available online? Preferably an English version and preferably something easy to copy and paste off of. There are times I would like to post ...
user6591's user avatar
  • 34.1k
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Finding manuscripts of Rb. Yerucham

I'm looking for manuscripts of the work of Rb. Yeruchaem - both Isur v'heter and Toldot Adam V'chava. Ideally I'd like to see them without having to travel great distances, which means finding them ...
Popular Isn't Right's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

List of sacrifices / korbanot?

Is there a list of the korbanot/sacrifices that were performed in the temple? A "cheat sheet" (online) would be nice, esp. listing basic intentions and by animals/foodstuffs. But any definitive list ...
Shai106's user avatar
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Wikileaks in Halacha

Could one make the argument that it is assur to read documents and other info made available through websites such as Wikileaks on the basis of it being assur to derive benefit from something that is ...
ezzi386's user avatar
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Clear online Shivisi

Where can I find a nice clear online (not a scan or photo of some old document) Shivisi for printing?
Adám's user avatar
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2 answers

Converting Conservative Online

There seems to be plenty of websites that offer online conversion to Conservative Judaism. Are these real? Has anyone done this? Is it a scam?
anonymous's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Where online can I find mesilas yesharim, Seder havikuach

I understand that the first print of mesilas yesharim was, in the style of a conversation of a Chaham and a hosid, where can I find it online, in hebrew I only found english audio in the middle of ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Audio of Tenach for children of any age (online)

Please help me find online audio of the Tenach (in English, Russian or Hebrew translation) (spesificly neviim) for children of any age
hazoriz's user avatar
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Downloading a book when you've already bought a physical copy

I'm starting college this semester, and my friends and I are discovering that some of the required books for our courses are seriously expensive. We've had some discussion about the ethics of ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Seeking Jewish vacation website

Seeking websites that list and describe (and hopefully rate) vacation locations with a Jewish orientation (e.g., indicating the availability of a minyan daily, or on Shabbat). (If this question is ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Is using the Internet OK?

What Poskim rule that the Internet is totally ok to use (without a filter)? What Poskim rule that's it's never ok to use? What Poskim say that you can use it, but with a filter?
M. Broder's user avatar
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Shemira Einayim Online

In the Mishna Berura 75:7 one who looks at a woman even at her small finger in order to derive pleasure transgresses the negative commandment 'do not stray after your eyes' (Bamidbar 15:39). ...
ray's user avatar
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Genesis Rabbah (ch. 1 "On Creation") available online?

Do any of you know if Genesis Rabbah's first chapter ("On Creation") is available online? Would you mind directing me to the source?
Butterfly and Bones's user avatar
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What are the best resources online for learning the Zohar?

I ask about online since I travel often so something I can read on my computer would greatly accelerate my learning. I won't complain about recommendations for physical books though! I also want to be ...
CoolGuy's user avatar
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Asking/Answering non-Chag-related questions on Mi.Yodeya during Chol Hamoed

I don't know the Chol Hamoed laws at all well, but my impression is that practical/avoda- and melacha-type stuff that is not either related to the holiday, nor done to prevent loss, is generally ...
SAH's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

studying torah through web prohibited [closed]

Some say that studying/reviewing torah online can be harmful as there are many unreliable sites, but i see that, chabad, etc are reliable ones. Can anyone recommend how to best learn Torah ...
Yamin's user avatar
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Tefila (prayer) translation Hebrew to English

Are there any websites of Hebrew-to-English translation of shacharis (morning prayer) for Shabbos? What I really want is the English translation to be right under the Hebrew text. Kind of like ...
Chaim - Fake name's user avatar
4 votes
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Is watching videos online that were uploaded illegally counted as causing others to sin?

Some poskim hold that watching videos online that were uploaded illegally is not considered gezel, only if one himself uploaded the video it would be gezel. However, if someone watched the videos ...
Sara's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does ordering shaloch manos before Purim fulfill the mitzvah?

I am wondering whether ordering shaloch manos for someone online actually fulfills the mitzvah of mishloach manos. This page says: To fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot, one must send it during ...
SAH's user avatar
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2 answers

First edition of Mesillas Yesharim available online?

The first edition of the Mesillas Yesharim was printed in Amsterdam in 1740. I have seen the cover page online but I would like to see the entire book online. Is it available anywhere? I have checked ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

YUTorah's old site? [closed] is a website that contains over 100,000 shiurim from many rabbeim . They redid their website, but would anyone know how I can access the old site still?
sye81397's user avatar
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3 answers

Advanced Tanya Shiurim

I've heard it said many times that Lubavitch hasidim learn chassidus like it's gemara. It's easy enough to see what an advanced gemara shiur looks like, being something that presupposes a familiarity ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
  • 19.1k
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a list online of every bracha?

Where can I find online a list of every bracha? Including natural phenomena, foods, special occasions, etc.
Gabriel12's user avatar
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1 vote
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What resources are recommended for learning biblical exegesis?

Inspiration for this question comes from reading Avigdor Bonchek's "Studying the Torah: A Guide to in-Depth Interpretation". What is unique about this book is the way the author has chosen just a few ...
Re'eh's user avatar
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6 votes
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Are "clickbait" links permissible?

Wikipedia defines "clickbait" as follows: Clickbait is a pejorative term describing web content that is aimed at generating online advertising revenue, especially at the expense of quality or ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Online shiurim on the topic of religious OCD

Would anyone know of any online Shiurim on the topic of religion-related Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
KolHashoneh18's user avatar
2 votes
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Looking for the right daf yomi shiur

I'm looking for the right daf yomi shiur that I can download online. I know there's a lot to choose from, so hopefully my criteria are specific enough to lead you in the right direction. I'm looking ...
Leester337's user avatar
0 votes
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Dirshu Daf Hayomi B'Halacha

Two questions : 1) How do I get Dirshu halacha shiurim on Kol Halashon AND 2) Is there a way that I could see the current schedule online ?
sye81397's user avatar
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Tanach with trop as plain text

Is there any place to download the Tanach, or at least the Torah, in plain text format, including nekudos and trop? From Mechon Mamre I can download the HTML, but aside from the html tags the text is ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Yevamot Relationship Chart

I remember seeing a Web 1.0ish website with a great chart with ALL of the relationships described in Mesechet Yevamot. This website also had a click through tour of diagrams of the Beit Hamikdash. I ...
shman613's user avatar
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1 vote
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Lectures on "Shemiras Einayim"

Would anyone know of any online lectures on the inyan of Shemiras Einayim in English ( preferably lectures that I could download. )
Selef1110's user avatar
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Torah Commentary of R. Isaac Samuel Reggio

Is the commentary of R. Isaac Samuel Reggio on the Torah available for free online?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Are there traditional Orthodox websites that counter promotes arguments for the view that the Torah (and other books of Tanach) were written by multiple authors over a long period of time. They do this while still seeing themselves under ...
Elie Steinbock's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Zohar in hebrew online

I was looking online to see if the Zohar was available in Hebrew. Does anyone know where I can find it?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the earliest Ashkenaz siddur and where might I find a copy?

The earliest sefardic siddur dates back to the 800's, see Is there a free copy of this early (earliest?) siddur online?. What is the oldest ashkenaz siddur, and it is available on the web or for ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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online Derech Hashem translation

I am looking for an online english translation of Derech Hashem (Way of God) by the Ramchal.
ray's user avatar
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Is there an online resource that gives an "overview" of safrut?

Between Mincha and Ma'ariv on Shmini Atzeret, I'd like to give a short shiur on some interesting facts about how a Torah is written. I'm looking for some fairly easy to understand online resources on ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is there a free copy of this early (earliest?) siddur online?

A footnote in the Rosenfeld selichot book said Rav Amram Gaon was approached by Spanish Jews in the 800's with a request to allow the writing down the daily prayers, something that was prohibited by ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Where is the website which allows me to set up a daily learning schedule?

In the past I have used a website to set up a daily learning schedule for Nach although the program there will allow any daily learning schedule and review. But I cannot find it again - not even by ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there an online database of early manuscripts of the Tanakh?

As a student of textual and historical criticism of the Christian scriptures, I am interested in seeing the earliest extant copies of the texts. There are a number of sites devoted to providing ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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