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Is there any Halacha that says you should notify the person on the phone he’s on speaker?

BH Is there a Halacha that says a person should notify the person who he’s talking on the phone with that he’s on speaker so the other will know?
David 's user avatar
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1 answer

Tele-kovod?/ How do halochos of kovod and hidur (honor/ respect) apply virtually?

Must one stand for a Rabbi present by video conference?
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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General Halachic approach to smartphones [closed]

There seem to be so many dangers to owning "smartphones," for both children and adults. Access to violent, explicit, manipulative images, video, text, etc. The technology itself is designed to be ...
Shir Yaakov's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Mac or PC computer file Bencher in Hebrew and English

I would like to get (for free or for pay) a bencher in Hebrew and English, similar to Artscroll, one side Hebrew and one side English in pdf format that I can open on a Mac or a PC and do some changes....
Ruth Cohen's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it bad for one to let bits of one's personal life become known online?

Isaac Moses wrote: Over the years, Gershon Gold has demonstrated great research skills, often coming up with on-point sources for interesting Halachic questions very quickly. He has also been an ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
2 votes
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Could a person leave skype on all shabbat? [duplicate]

I am wondering if it's forbidden to leave a skype call on all day/night during shabbat if a person prepared the skype call BEFORE shabbat and if it was only a voice call and not a video call and if ...
shlonkbonk's user avatar
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Wikileaks in Halacha

Could one make the argument that it is assur to read documents and other info made available through websites such as Wikileaks on the basis of it being assur to derive benefit from something that is ...
ezzi386's user avatar
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I am looking for the Torat Emet program to list verses for names

I am looking for a direct link to the Torat Emet program that helps you find verses for your hebrew name. I am looking for more verses for my name to use during the shmona esrei. I saw a mention of ...
user9651's user avatar
7 votes
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Computer hacking in halacha

This question regarding legal complexity versus simplicity in modern law got me talking about the relatively simple structure of Jewish tort law. It also had me wondering: What sort of categorization ...
Isaac Kotlicky's user avatar
3 votes
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Using a neighbor's encrypted Wi-Fi connection

This question asked whether or not one is allowed to use a neighbor's unencrypted (unlocked, without a password) Wi-Fi connection. This question touches upon a lot of different things in American law (...
MTL's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Are there any tanakh search engines? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Where is there a good online source to check how often a word appears in Tanach? I'm looking to find instances where music, and musical instruments, is mentioned in Tanakh. ...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can a minyan meet online?

My question is twofold: Can a person present via webcam (with sound enabled), but not present physically, count towards a minyan (see this example)? If not, can that person still receive the ...
Michael Horwitz's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Website for tzuras hadaf

A couple years ago, I chanced upon a site for creating a tzuras hadaf layout on the Gemara. The website used a custom markup (using tags) to create the layout, and it was a community project that ...
Shmuli's user avatar
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May a Jew own/operate a blog open to comments?

In light of recent events I would like to know if a Jew may own and operate a blog or website which is open to comments if it is found that comments can often contain lashon hara, rechilus or motzei ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
10 votes
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Electronic communication immediately before wedding

Is it permissible to chat with your future spouse during the week before the wedding when you are not supposed to see each other face to face? Are any, all, or none of the following permissible: Text ...
Daniel's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does halacha require me to install ad-blocker software?

There are so many Internet banner ads out there that contain immodest content. Say I own a personal computer and I use it every day for Facebook, email, and Web surfing. Does Jewish law require me to ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Is it acceptable to use software which incidentally blocks ads?

A question on this site on whether ad-blocking software is permissible suggests that the answer is that it probably, but not definitely, is acceptable. I don't use ad-blocking software myself, but I ...
TRiG's user avatar
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Does closing a browser with His name count as a sin? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Hashems name on device Is it permissible to erase the name of G-d from an E-reader? What are the practical limits of shaimos in the common era? Forgive me if I get some of ...
Peter Grace's user avatar
2 votes
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Does Jewish law forbid Internet usage?

The Ichud HaKehillos LeTohar HaMachane anti-Internet rally is coming up in a few weeks, on May 20, 2012. What do contemporary halakhic authorities say about the permissibility or prohibition of using ...
Adam Mosheh's user avatar
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Is ad-blocker software permissible?

Kalashnikover_Rebbe at asked: Isn't blocking ads stealing? The people put them on the sites for a reason. He elaborated: On one hand, the argument can be made that [forum XYZ] is ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Fulltext search across sources: Gemara, Zohars, Rishonim and Aharonim

I know about for searching for sources in books, but the problem is you have to get to let's say every Masechta to look for a phrase. Is there a program (doesn't have to be free) that ...
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Looking for a good English-to-Hebrew translation software [closed]

I'm looking for a translation software, or website, that accurately translates entire sentences and paragraphs from English to Hebrew, without grammar mistakes or funny language usage. Anyone know of ...
learner's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

If three men pre-arranged to sit down and eat together over a video-chat, is there any reason they shouldn't have a zimun?

I learned that if two groups were eating in two different rooms but even one person could see someone in the other room, then they could have one zimun (I thought this was in Masechet Brachot, but I ...
zaq's user avatar
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Would the internet be considered muktzeh due to Nolad (a new thing)

There is a category of muktzeh on shabbat called Nolad. Nolad means literally, something that is born on shabbat. It is interpreted in the modern era, as meaning anything which you did not have ...
avi's user avatar
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49 votes
7 answers

May I use my neighbor's Wi-Fi without asking permission?

My neighbor has never set up password protection on his wireless router. If I wanted, I could wirelessly connect to his high-speed Internet service. May I use his Internet service without asking him ...
N123's user avatar
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6 answers

Online tool for minyan management?

If I'm running a small minyan that sometimes has a quorum and sometimes doesn't, and I'd like to only hold the minyan when I know we'll have ten, is there an online tool to help me manage this?
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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