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Shehechayanu for online transactions

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 223:4) rules one should recite shehecheyanu when making certain purchases of important new items. My question is whether they should recite it for an online transaction, or if ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is there any Halacha that says you should notify the person on the phone he’s on speaker?

BH Is there a Halacha that says a person should notify the person who he’s talking on the phone with that he’s on speaker so the other will know?
David 's user avatar
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Is breaking TOS (Terms of Service) an aveira?

I had a discussion with my friend yesterday about whether or not you can use a VPN according to Netflix TOS. The conclusion was that you can but it brought up another question, which is “do you have ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Hilchos Shabbat shiurim recommendation

Does the community here have any recommendations for podcasts, blogspots, shiurim apps/websites etc. that cover Hilchos Shabbat? Particularly I’m looking for something that is English, understandable ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is it permissible to use an anime drawing as a profile picture online if the character depicted in the drawing is of the opposite gender?

Basically as the title says. The anime drawing wouldn't contain anything lewd or suggestive, but is simply a regular anime picture, but the character depicted in the drawing is of the opposite gender ...
setszu's user avatar
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Most comprehensive collection of responsas online

I would like to fine-tune GPT-3 to produce a chatbot similar to ChatGPT based on all authoritative halachic question-answer pairs out there. There is a corpus on Sefaria and supposedly Bar-Ilan has a ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Downloading a Currently Public Resource

Is it permissible to download a resource that is currently available publicly and freely from the internet without permission from the one who posted it and/or the one who hosts the website? For ...
treenuts15's user avatar
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What is the current halacha on internet filters? [duplicate]

Is there a consensus concerning the neccessity and the level of internet filter (especially for man) when one has internet in his home ? Some of my friends that are orthodox jews and are serious about ...
Yitzhak Spielberg's user avatar
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What are the halachic ramifications of dating sites?

Is the viewing of pictures on dating sites and applications such as JDate considered to be within the acceptable bounds of halacha or is it more akin to lewdness?
Kenny Xiong's user avatar
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Hacking paywalls on newsites?

Many news websites (NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post etc.) make use of paywalls which pop up after the visitor starts reading the article requiring the visitor to pay in order to ...
DonCorleone's user avatar
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Sefardi Hilchot aveilut online

Do we have any sefardi Halachic book (pdf format) in English dealing with Hilchot Aveilut Online? I need it a bit urgently to study it this Tisha b'Av.
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Online Megilla Reading and the name of Haman

As discussed in this question about Skype Megilla reading, this year due to the extraordinary extenuating circumstances many people found it necessary or preferable to attend an online Megilla reading....
arp's user avatar
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Pictures of deceased

I read about not putting pictures of people on tombstones. Is there any problem in posting pictures of the deceased(The dead corpse) after his death on social media?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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browsing sites with significant probability of forbidden pictures like youtube

sometimes when browsing youtube for interesting videos, it is inevitable to sometimes encounter some lewd pictures. would this make it forbidden to browse sites like youtube according to halacha? ...
michael's user avatar
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General Halachic approach to smartphones [closed]

There seem to be so many dangers to owning "smartphones," for both children and adults. Access to violent, explicit, manipulative images, video, text, etc. The technology itself is designed to be ...
Shir Yaakov's user avatar
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Has anyone bought low price tefillin on the web and had them checked?

I ask because I would like to get some idea of how likely it would be to buy non-kosher tefillin on the web. Prices range widely. Various websites offer a bottom-of-the-line pair of tefillin for $...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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If a mega on-line company ships you two of an item when you ordered one and charges you for one, are you obligated to notify them of the error? [duplicate]

Let's say you place an order for three items A, B, and C. You order quantity one of each, but get two of item B, because the company shipped from multiple warehouses (i.e., shipped two of the item by ...
Michael Goldshteyn's user avatar
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YouTube Videos with False Titles

Would Halacha consider making YouTube videos and putting false titles, with lies, and making money off of the videos, stealing or lying? For example, if you make a video, “How to Get a Free iPhone” ...
Anonymous111122's user avatar
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Reading Lashon Harah Online

Is it a sin to read Lashon harah online? For example, reading bad reviews about a business. Or even reading reviews about a person? Thanks!
Anonymous111122's user avatar
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May I tell someone that I've figured out his online screen name?

Without publicly revealing his identity, would merely telling someone that he "outed himself" constitute אונאת דברים?
IsraelReader's user avatar
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Real money trading in online games

Is farming virtual currencies(like world of warcraft gold) in online games and then selling it for real money allowed? Is it considered like stealing from the company that owns the game? Is boosting ...
mkroa's user avatar
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Can one buy clothes during the 9 days if they will arrive after the 9 days?

In the past a person purchased clothing in-person, however nowadays many purchases are made online and are then shipped. I would like to know if any poskim discuss purchasing clothing during the nine ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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May one go by an alternate identity on the Internet?

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. As much as I like dogs, I am not one myself. But the line does best explain the point I'm trying to make: you can be whomever you want to be on the Internet....
DonielF's user avatar
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Is block evasion a sin?

Let's say your account on Facebook or Wikipedia has been blocked by site administration. Is it a sin, according to Judaism, to create new account in order to evade the block?
Henry's user avatar
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Could a person leave skype on all shabbat? [duplicate]

I am wondering if it's forbidden to leave a skype call on all day/night during shabbat if a person prepared the skype call BEFORE shabbat and if it was only a voice call and not a video call and if ...
shlonkbonk's user avatar
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Is it allowed to fool adblock recognition mechanism [duplicate]

This is a continuation of Is ad-blocker software permissible? Nowadays more and more sites are detecting if someone uses ad blocking software . If they detect it, they don't serve the content of the ...
David Michael Gang's user avatar
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Wikileaks in Halacha

Could one make the argument that it is assur to read documents and other info made available through websites such as Wikileaks on the basis of it being assur to derive benefit from something that is ...
ezzi386's user avatar
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Is using the Internet OK?

What Poskim rule that the Internet is totally ok to use (without a filter)? What Poskim rule that's it's never ok to use? What Poskim say that you can use it, but with a filter?
M. Broder's user avatar
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Shemira Einayim Online

In the Mishna Berura 75:7 one who looks at a woman even at her small finger in order to derive pleasure transgresses the negative commandment 'do not stray after your eyes' (Bamidbar 15:39). ...
ray's user avatar
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Is watching videos online that were uploaded illegally counted as causing others to sin?

Some poskim hold that watching videos online that were uploaded illegally is not considered gezel, only if one himself uploaded the video it would be gezel. However, if someone watched the videos ...
Sara's user avatar
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Does ordering shaloch manos before Purim fulfill the mitzvah?

I am wondering whether ordering shaloch manos for someone online actually fulfills the mitzvah of mishloach manos. This page says: To fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot, one must send it during ...
SAH's user avatar
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Are "clickbait" links permissible?

Wikipedia defines "clickbait" as follows: Clickbait is a pejorative term describing web content that is aimed at generating online advertising revenue, especially at the expense of quality or ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Dirshu Daf Hayomi B'Halacha

Two questions : 1) How do I get Dirshu halacha shiurim on Kol Halashon AND 2) Is there a way that I could see the current schedule online ?
sye81397's user avatar
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Downloading music from the internet onto my computer [duplicate]

I was online and I found the song Im Ein Ani Li Mi Li by Shloime Gertner on youtube. Then I used a conversion program to convert the video into an mp3 file and afterwards download the file to my ...
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Computer hacking in halacha

This question regarding legal complexity versus simplicity in modern law got me talking about the relatively simple structure of Jewish tort law. It also had me wondering: What sort of categorization ...
Isaac Kotlicky's user avatar
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What are the restrictions on electronic commerce during the sabbath?

On Photo.SE, mention was made of some software that had its software license fulfillment (one would think a completely automatic process) being restricted on Saturday: Someone at B&H ... has ...
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How far must a publisher go to mitigate possible lashon hara?

This question is about sites that host community-contributed content, like Wikipedia, Reddit, or blogging platforms like LiveJournal communities. Suppose somebody posts something negative about an ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Do i have a responsibility to report users breaking the rules?

If I know that a certain user of a website is breaking the rules, can I just turn a blind eye, or must I report it? Also, Does it matter what kind of rule it is? (E.g. No swearing vs. age requirement)...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Hilchos Shabbos audio shiurim online?

I'm looking for audio shiurim on hilchos Shabbos. I'd prefer someone who goes through the halachos thoroughly but is very lema'aseh. Any recommendations?
Gavriel's user avatar
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Can I trust a random internet user?

Does the halacha of עד אחד נאמן באיסורין (a single witness is trusted in matters of prohibition) apply to a random internet users? If someone presents themselves as being a practicing Jew, can I take ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Is it permissible to post photos of pages of a siddur (containing YHVH) online?

I am planning to write a detailed blog post about the weekday Shacharit service, and I want to illustrate it with photos of pages from my ArtScroll siddur. Is this permissible, given that the pages ...
Jon Mitchell's user avatar
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Can an automated online service business operate on shabbat?

While this question touches on mine, I'd like to know more specifically about operating an online service business, such as an online subscription based software on Shabbat. Can the service be used ...
user2993's user avatar
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How can someone, halachically, do teshuva when s/he has offended an anonymous person on the internet?

Ramba"m among others, state that Yom Kippur does not atone for sins committed between a person and his neighbor until a person personally asks the other for forgiveness. Mi Yodeya is an example of ...
DanF's user avatar
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Is there anything halachically or hashkafically wrong with installing reference computers in a Bet Midrash?

With the vast amount of information available on the web, I am curious why I have not seen any Batei Midrash equipped with a number of central computers that can access only "kosher" web sites geared ...
DanF's user avatar
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Lashon Harah for anonymous to'eles

Necessary background: Lashon Harah (slander) is prohibited, unless it is for a to'eles (constructive purpose). Can I say Lashon Harah that would be available to everyone, would be beneficial for some ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Can I change my mind after I fill out a tzedaka form?

If I fill out an online submission form for charity, including the amount I wish to contribute, and then before I click submit I decide I don't want to give the money, is that considered reneging on a ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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A computer file that I emailed you has a virus. Am I responsible?

My rav frequently discusses contemporary halachic questions. He quotes a general rule from the Gemarrah (I assume it's from Baba Kama or one of the "Baba's") that a person who causes damages is always ...
DanF's user avatar
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Yabia Omer Online?

Does anyone know if it is possible to find the shu"t of Sefer Yabia Omer by R' Ovadia Yosef, online free?
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Using a neighbor's encrypted Wi-Fi connection

This question asked whether or not one is allowed to use a neighbor's unencrypted (unlocked, without a password) Wi-Fi connection. This question touches upon a lot of different things in American law (...
MTL's user avatar
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embarassing an anonymous person online

There is a prohibition to embarass other people (Sanhedrin 99a). Does this apply also to anonymous online people despite that nobody knows their identity and therefore they should not feel embarassed ...
ray's user avatar
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