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Where online can I find the oldest Sidur?

I am looking for the oldest sidur you can find and read online. I mean a scanned version of course. If possible before 1000 Modern Era. Ps: I am not looking for something in a museum since I want to ...
far22's user avatar
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Is it permissible to post photos of pages of a siddur (containing YHVH) online?

I am planning to write a detailed blog post about the weekday Shacharit service, and I want to illustrate it with photos of pages from my ArtScroll siddur. Is this permissible, given that the pages ...
Jon Mitchell's user avatar
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Texts of Shirei HaYichud Online

Does anyone know where to find a copy of the shirei hayichud online with cut-and-paste capability? I've checked and, however the only copies I found were with horrible OCR ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Hebrew bedtime shma text online

I am trying to find an online hebrew copy of shma bmita that includes the introductory paragraph, hareini mohel l'chol, that I can copy and print for my own research. I appreciate any suggestions ...
jill borodin's user avatar
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Anyone know of an online prayer calendar?

I'm looking for an online calendar that gives daily basic prayer information. This calendar would be geared towards someone who needs to know when the prayers are out of the ordinary, or letting them ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Does anyone have the preceding declaration before Tikkun HaKlali?

I know the specific Tehillim to recite for Tikkun HaKlali, but I'm looking for the Hebrew text (with nikkudos) of the declaration before and Reb Noson's prayer that follows the Tehillim. Is this ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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13 votes
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Where can I get the free Hebrew text of the Siddur or Benching?

Where can I get the text of the siddur/prayer book (or at least benching/grace, mincha/afternoon prayer, and/or ma'ariv/evening prayer) in a free computer friendly format? I'd like to be able to make ...
Adam's user avatar
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Seeking "Netiv Binah"

Can anyone find the full 5 volumes of Netiv Binah (a Sefer on Tefillah) online?
Matthew Miller's user avatar
9 votes
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Text of S'lichos Online

Is there any fully digital (i.e. searchable) edition of the סליחות? Is it publicly available online?
WAF's user avatar
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