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Seforim and Books online

Does anyone know of a website like this that has the text (not PDF) of seforim posted on their website for free?
Chiddushei Torah's user avatar
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Tanach with trop as plain text

Is there any place to download the Tanach, or at least the Torah, in plain text format, including nekudos and trop? From Mechon Mamre I can download the HTML, but aside from the html tags the text is ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Where to download Tanach text in digital format

I want to download Tanach, or at least Chumash, in a word type format. I want to be able copy and paste etc... Any help would be much appreciated. Yasher Kokachem. Edit: Mechon Mamre texts are ...
benny's user avatar
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Text based Ritva / Rabeinu Kresscass?

My chavrusa is looking for a text-based copies of Ritva (חידושים מכתב יד) and Rabeinu Kresscass (ריטב"א) on Gittin, so that he could put them into his computer. Where can I find a copy of either of ...
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