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Hacking paywalls on newsites?

Many news websites (NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post etc.) make use of paywalls which pop up after the visitor starts reading the article requiring the visitor to pay in order to ...
DonCorleone's user avatar
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Any Halachic problems with app publishing?

I'm currently in the process of developing a mobile app, that, be'h will have various Israel related feeds. I was wondering if there could be any Halachic issues with respect to including news feeds ...
Harley's user avatar
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Sending emails to people who will read/answer them on shabbat

Is it permissible to send an e-mail on Friday afternoon, knowing it will be answered or at least read on shabbat by a Jew? I am inclined to think that, since the alternative to someone reading/...
Yaakov Pinsky's user avatar
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May I tell someone that I've figured out his online screen name?

Without publicly revealing his identity, would merely telling someone that he "outed himself" constitute אונאת דברים?
IsraelReader's user avatar
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Is using the Internet OK?

What Poskim rule that the Internet is totally ok to use (without a filter)? What Poskim rule that's it's never ok to use? What Poskim say that you can use it, but with a filter?
M. Broder's user avatar
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Is watching videos online that were uploaded illegally counted as causing others to sin?

Some poskim hold that watching videos online that were uploaded illegally is not considered gezel, only if one himself uploaded the video it would be gezel. However, if someone watched the videos ...
Sara's user avatar
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How far must a publisher go to mitigate possible lashon hara?

This question is about sites that host community-contributed content, like Wikipedia, Reddit, or blogging platforms like LiveJournal communities. Suppose somebody posts something negative about an ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Is there any Halacha that says you should notify the person on the phone he’s on speaker?

BH Is there a Halacha that says a person should notify the person who he’s talking on the phone with that he’s on speaker so the other will know?
David 's user avatar
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Pictures of deceased

I read about not putting pictures of people on tombstones. Is there any problem in posting pictures of the deceased(The dead corpse) after his death on social media?
Rh Haokip's user avatar
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Is breaking TOS (Terms of Service) an aveira?

I had a discussion with my friend yesterday about whether or not you can use a VPN according to Netflix TOS. The conclusion was that you can but it brought up another question, which is “do you have ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Downloading a Currently Public Resource

Is it permissible to download a resource that is currently available publicly and freely from the internet without permission from the one who posted it and/or the one who hosts the website? For ...
treenuts15's user avatar
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May a Jew own/operate a blog open to comments?

In light of recent events I would like to know if a Jew may own and operate a blog or website which is open to comments if it is found that comments can often contain lashon hara, rechilus or motzei ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Shehechayanu for online transactions

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 223:4) rules one should recite shehecheyanu when making certain purchases of important new items. My question is whether they should recite it for an online transaction, or if ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Most comprehensive collection of responsas online

I would like to fine-tune GPT-3 to produce a chatbot similar to ChatGPT based on all authoritative halachic question-answer pairs out there. There is a corpus on Sefaria and supposedly Bar-Ilan has a ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Real money trading in online games

Is farming virtual currencies(like world of warcraft gold) in online games and then selling it for real money allowed? Is it considered like stealing from the company that owns the game? Is boosting ...
mkroa's user avatar
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May one go by an alternate identity on the Internet?

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. As much as I like dogs, I am not one myself. But the line does best explain the point I'm trying to make: you can be whomever you want to be on the Internet....
DonielF's user avatar
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Wikileaks in Halacha

Could one make the argument that it is assur to read documents and other info made available through websites such as Wikileaks on the basis of it being assur to derive benefit from something that is ...
ezzi386's user avatar
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Is it permissible to post photos of pages of a siddur (containing YHVH) online?

I am planning to write a detailed blog post about the weekday Shacharit service, and I want to illustrate it with photos of pages from my ArtScroll siddur. Is this permissible, given that the pages ...
Jon Mitchell's user avatar
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