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Questions tagged [hotzaa-carrying-reshuyot]

The Melacha (forbidden work) of carrying an item from in a public domain or to and from diferrent domains on Shabbos

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32 votes
3 answers

Riding the Subway on Shabbat

Assuming that there are no problems regarding paying for it (either you entered the system before Shabbat, or a non-Jew paid for you): What are the halakhic issue with riding the subway on Shabbat? (...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Why is it permissible to flush a toilet on Shabbat?

I have been reluctant to ask this question on this website because it sounds so ridiculous, but as Hillel said in Avot 2:6 "one who is bashful cannot learn" so here goes... Why is it permissible to ...
Mike's user avatar
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Is it forbidden to wear a snap-brim Borsalino fedora on Shabbos?

The Talmud, at Shabbos 138b, presents the opinion that one may not wear a siyana -- which Rashi defines as a wide-brimmed hat — on Shabbos if it has a brim that is one tefach (hand-bredth) wide ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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13 votes
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If you realize you're carrying on Shabbat, what's the best thing to do?

I've heard that you should put it down on a makom patur while still walking. However, a true makom patur is tall and skinny, like a post, and therefore possibly difficult to find. I've also heard ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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10 votes
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Ask a friend to carry on Shabbos

Suppose there are two friends: one holds of the eiruv and the other doesn't. Is the second allowed to ask the first to carry for him? And if the first anyways carried it, can the second benefit from ...
yydl's user avatar
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Wearing a gold watch on shabbos without an eiruv

The halocho is a person may wear jewellery in the street on shabbos without an eiruv provided the reason why he is wearing it is for the adornment of it and not some other use. Therefore the poskim ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Why is the name Mekom P'tur indicative of being entirely permissible?

In the introduction to Tractate Shabbat in his Commentary to the Mishnah, Rambam writes: אבל מקום פטור מותר להוציא ממנו לכל אחת משלש הרשיות ומהן אליו וזה מותר לכתחלה ולפיכך נקרא מקום פטור (Kafih ...
Alex's user avatar
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Why the lack of hesitance to wear pads on the sabbath?

Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 301:13, and commentaries state that if a woman wears something only in order that her clothes don't get dirty from her menstrual blood, then that thing is not considered ...
msh210's user avatar
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8 votes
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What are the issues with wearing gloves on Shabbos?

I know that there are differing opinions on wearing gloves outside on Shabbos, and whether that constitutes carrying, or may lead to carrying. So, what are the halachic problems/concerns with wearing ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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Is it actually forbidden to push a wheelchair outside of an eruv on Shabbat?

I have heard opinions varying wildly on the subject and am trying to make sense of them halachically. Is it illegal on Shabbat to push someone in a wheelchair, let's say, from their home to synagogue ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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Did manna fall on yontif?

For kiddush on yontif we use two challot. We did not collect manna on Shabbat because of carrying. But carrying is allowed on yontif. Does that mean that manna did not fall on yontif?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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How does deep snow affect carrying on Shabbos?

Thinking about the snow in Boston and the discussion at Shabbos 5a, if there was more than 10 tefakim (handbreadths) of snow on the ground, would a reshus hayachad (private domain) extend from the ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can I stitch a label with my personal info in my shabbes clothes?

I live far from my shul and there is no eruv in my city. Since I cannot carry my ID, can I stitch a label with my personal data in my clothes or this is considered carrying ?
user5202's user avatar
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Why does the Mishnah use the terms poor person and homeowner when discussing carrying on Shabbat?

This first Mishna in Shabbat (2a) describes the transfer of an item from a private domain to a public domain. The Mishna describes the individuals involved in this transfer as העני עומד בחוץ ובעל ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
7 votes
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Why was Joshua allowed to break Shabbat in attacking Yericho?

In Joshua 6 the Jews marched around Jericho, thereby attacking it. Why was Joshua allowed to break the Shabbat e.g carrying their weapons in a public domain when attacking Yericho? Surely this ...
Chaim22's user avatar
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Why do women wear ponytail elastics on Shabas?

So I was studying the start of Bame Isha in the Bavli (Shabas 57), and it seems a woman can't wear a tight strap or string in her hair outside (of an eruv) on Shabas (lest she remove it out of doors ...
msh210's user avatar
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Picking up kippah that blew off on shabbat in karmalit

A kippa has blown off someone's head on shabbat in an area without an eruv. The kippa is now on the ground. How should one respond? Would the same apply to dropped gloves or key belts etc. Pick it up ...
Rabmi's user avatar
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What's the exact procedure for using a key belt?

On Shabbat, in places where there is no communal eruv (or for those who do not rely on a communal eruv), taking your house key with you when you leave your home is a problem of carrying. One ...
paquda's user avatar
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Is it permissible to use an umbrella on Shabbat?

Assuming one is inside an eruv which generally permits transferring between domains on Shabbat, may one use an umbrella on Shabbat? If not, why not? Follow-up question: What about other things that ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Yarmulke fell off outside of the eiruv?

This past Shabbos, I was walking with some friends for an aufruf in another part of town. Where we started from had an eiruv, and where we were going had an eiruv, but there was an area in between ...
MTL's user avatar
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Am I allowed to wear a towel as a belt/scarf outside an Eiruv on Shabbos?

Many Mikvas do not provide towels for attendees, and require that people who go bring their own towels. If there is no Eiruv, one cannot carry it in a normal way, so many people "wear" it as a belt/...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Can one use potential wind power to transport on Shabbos?

Would it be permitted to set a cart with a sail in a reshus hayachid with the intent that if the wind picks up, it will carry the contents 1) into a reshus harabbim, or 2) through a reshus harabbim ...
Premundane's user avatar
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Is one allowed to chew gum on Shabbos without an Eiruv?

If food is in my hand, I would assume I'm not allowed to carry it. What about, though, if it's in my mouth? For example: chewing gum or sucking a candy. Would those be permissible outside where there'...
yydl's user avatar
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Does a Shli'ach for carrying adopt the sender's designation of the item?

Mishnah Shabbos 10,1 says about מלאכת הוצאה: "הַמַּצְנִיעַ לְזֶרַע וּלְדֻגְמָא וְלִרְפוּאָה, וְהוֹצִיאוֹ בְּשַׁבָּת, חַיָּב בְּכָל שֶׁהוּא. וְכָל אָדָם אֵין חַיָּב עָלָיו אֶלָּא כְשִׁעוּרוֹ.: &...
Checkmate's user avatar
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1 answer

Transferring "kippah clips" between domains on Shabbat, if the clips are sewn to the kippah

A) Imagine the following: It is Shabbat, and I am using a kippah with sewn-in spring-loaded hair clips. The clips are clipped to my hair. I don't live inside an eruv. May I walk from a private domain ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Can you carry an object from the step outside your house inside your house?

According to the laws of carrying on shabbos one may not carry from one domain to another aside from a makom petur ("exempt area"). A makom petur is less that 4X4 handbreadths and more than three ...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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4 votes
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Feather in hat on shabbas

Can one go out in the street on shabbas(without an eiruv) with a hat that has a feather or pin in the ribbon? Is it considered a masuaei (load)?
sam's user avatar
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The mishna says carrying in an unusual way is permitted but we apparently don't follow that; what changed?

The mishna on Shabbat 92a says that one is prohibited from carrying in his right or left hand, in his lap, or on his shoulder, because that's how the mishkan was carried, but he can carry in an ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is having dust on your skin not considered carrying on Shabbos?

If the prohibition on carrying on Shabbos can apply even to extra saliva in one's mouth,* why doesn't it apply to the many extremely small things that are inevitably on one's person, such as dust? ...
SAH's user avatar
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Wearing reflective armband in place without an eiruv

In SA OC Siman 301 it's discussed many of the things a person can and can't go out with on Shabbos in a place where there is no eiruv. Is one allowed to wear a armband or wristband on Shabbos with ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Why is a shepherd's sack better than a treasuress's ring?

The Bavli, Shabas 62 amud 1, as explained by Rashi, continues a long discussion regarding what objects are considered clothing (or adornments), so may be worn outside (an eruv) on Shabas, and what ...
msh210's user avatar
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Can one carry a child outside an eruv on Shabbat?

If one is on a walk on Shabbat with a small child in an area without an eruv, and the child gets tired, is one allowed to carry the child? For the purpose of answering this question, assume that the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Woman going out on Shabbath with a "Moch"

The Gemara (שבת, פ׳ במה בהמה) has lengthy discussions about animals going out with covers tied to their udders or other extremities, and repeatedly (briefly) mentions a Zav wearing a sac to catch his ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Are there any Halachic issues with regard to wearing earmuffs outside on Shabbos?

Does wearing earmuffs outside on Shabbos (without an eruv) constitute "carrying"? Are there any other issues with it, like wearing gloves where there is a concern that one might take them off? Do ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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Can Sefardim carry in Monsey, NY?

Monsey, NY has an eiruv that most Ashkenazim that live in the area hold by. I have heard that sefardim cannot hold by the eiruv in Monsey, NY. Is this true and if so why?
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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Sefer Torah in reshus harabim

If one finds a Torah on the floor in a reshus harabim on shabbas what should one do? It is a big bizoyn to leave it on the floor but to pick it up and carry it is problematic. Question inspired by: ...
sam's user avatar
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Carrying in a partially shared apartment on Shabbat

I read that carrying between different units of a multi-family apartment might be a problem on Shabbat. I seek the general rules that will govern the following types of situations: (To illustrate, I ...
soandos's user avatar
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Why isn't wearing two belts a problem with protecting clothing?

As per Shulchan Aruch OC 301:13, one is not allowed to wear/carry a garment whose sole purpose is to protect other clothing that he is wearing ("אצולי טינוף"), though if those also protect the wearer ...
MTL's user avatar
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Transferring discrete "kippah clips" between domains on Shabbat, if the clips are NOT sewn to the kippah

A) Imagine the following: It is Shabbat, and I am using spring-loaded hair clips or bobby pins to attach a kippah to my hair. The clips or pins are NOT sewn to the kippah: instead, they are discrete ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
3 votes
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An Arched Tzuras Hapesach

A fundamental element of an eruv is the tzuras hapesach, which is defined here as, "[a] doorway opening. The construction of two doorposts and an overhead lintel." Can one make a tzuras hapesach ...
sam's user avatar
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Shabbat Belt - is 2 belts acceptable under the following circumstances

A Chabad rabbi told me that even though I wear a normal belt, I can wear a secondary shabbos belt in the following way. I grab the back 2 tzitzit and bring them around and over the front 2 tzitzit and ...
DI65's user avatar
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Why check pockets on Shabbos?

It says in Shabbos (12a) that one should always check his pockets on Friday so he won't accidentally carry on Shabbos. I don't understand the purpose of this checking. Even if one did carry ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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Walking a dog on Shabbath for leisure

Is a dog owner allowed to walk their dog outside on The Shabbath Day for leisure purposes?
Mikayah Yisrael's user avatar
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Does חי נושא את עצמו apply only when the human being is conscious?

The concept Gemoro Shabbos 94a that חי נושא את עצמו - a living being “carries itself” - means that someone who carries a living being out on Shabbos unwittingly is not liable to bring a sin offering. ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Carrying a pocket handkerchief on Shabas

The general rule is that one cannot go outside (an eruv) on Shabas with something unless it is a garment or "adornment" ("תכשיט", like jewelry), or part of a garment or adornment. There are many ...
msh210's user avatar
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wearing sunglasses on shabbas

Can one wear non-prescription sunglasses on shabbas in a place where there is no eruv? Do we say since if the sun gets blocked one might come to take them off in a karm'lis, or do we say it's like ...
sam's user avatar
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May a woman wear a jeweled key pin on Shabbat in an area that has no eruv?

A story / question relayed to me by my sister in law... One of her friends lived in an area that had no eruv. She had heard that men were allowed to wear key tie tacks on Shabbat as a way to "carry" ...
DanF's user avatar
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What are the opinions on carrying medicine/medical devices on Shabbat?

Specifically, I'm curious about situations where it's not immediately apparent that it'll be necessary. For example: you don't know whether or not you'll need an epipen when you leave the house, but ...
psdsph's user avatar
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Are enclosed modes of transportation domains?

Do the laws that pertain to domains apply the same way to enclosed modes of transportation? Eg: If one begins a meal on a high speed train in one city, but finished the meal in another city, does ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Drinking from a water fountain without an Eruv on Shabbos

Assuming a water fountain is unplugged, non-electric, or somehow operational without any Melachos involved (or one is swallowing rain drops), would one have any problem consuming food or liquid from ...
Moshe's user avatar
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