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Questions tagged [hotzaa-carrying-reshuyot]

The Melacha (forbidden work) of carrying an item from in a public domain or to and from diferrent domains on Shabbos

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2 votes
1 answer

Beit Shammai and the Shabbos-Lulav gezeira

אֵין מוֹצִיאִין לֹא אֶת הַקָּטָן וְלֹא אֶת הַלּוּלָב וְלֹא אֶת סֵפֶר תּוֹרָה לִרְשׁוּת הָרַבִּים. וּבֵית הִלֵּל מַתִּירִין: Beit Shammai say: One may carry out on a Festival neither a minor child, nor ...
32 votes
3 answers

Riding the Subway on Shabbat

Assuming that there are no problems regarding paying for it (either you entered the system before Shabbat, or a non-Jew paid for you): What are the halakhic issue with riding the subway on Shabbat? (...
10 votes
1 answer

Why is the name Mekom P'tur indicative of being entirely permissible?

In the introduction to Tractate Shabbat in his Commentary to the Mishnah, Rambam writes: אבל מקום פטור מותר להוציא ממנו לכל אחת משלש הרשיות ומהן אליו וזה מותר לכתחלה ולפיכך נקרא מקום פטור (Kafih ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is wearing a Fanny pack considered carrying

According to Halacha, is wearing a fanny pack considered carrying or no? So on Shabbat would it be permitted according to Halacha for a Jew to wear a Fanny pack between different domains or no? Is the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Wedge in between toes on shabbos

One of the common ways to treat an ingrown toenail is to place a small rubber or plastic wedge in between the toe that is infected and the next toe to give it space and not apply pressure on the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Throat Lozenge and Hotza'a [duplicate]

What is the law of transfering between domains, and carrying outside with no eruv on Shabbat (hotza'a), with a throat lozenge in one's mouth, when one has a sore throat?
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0 answers

Eruv and underground transportation

According to Halacha, a kosher eruv that allows one to carry on Shabbat can only be constructed in an area that is not a Biblical Reshut Harabim, which according to some views is 600,000 people. My ...
1 vote
1 answer

Are guide animals Ochel nefesh on Yom Tov

According to Halacha, certain forms of Melacha are permissible on Yom Tov for needs of the holiday, notably cooking and carrying. My question is, if someone lives outside a kosher Eruv and they’re ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is carrying with a shinui in a rabbinically prohibited area permitted for a mitzvah

According to Halacha, is it permissible to carry with a shinui in a place where it is only rabbinically prohibited to carry in the first place if done for a mitzvah? So for example, if a Jew carried ...
3 votes
1 answer

Walking a dog on Shabbath for leisure

Is a dog owner allowed to walk their dog outside on The Shabbath Day for leisure purposes?
2 votes
1 answer

Why does Maseches Shabbos focus so much on Hotza'ah/Carrying?

There are 39 Melachos on Shabbos, yet by far the most discussed in the Masechta is Hotza'ah/Carrying. Is there a reason why so much focus is placed on this one Melacha vs. all the others?
3 votes
2 answers

Drinking from a water fountain without an Eruv on Shabbos

Assuming a water fountain is unplugged, non-electric, or somehow operational without any Melachos involved (or one is swallowing rain drops), would one have any problem consuming food or liquid from ...
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Gezerah Shema Yaverenu Daaled Amos- no megillah, lulav, or shofar on shabbos as a gezerah

Why is the Gezerah that maybe he will carry a lulav, shofar, megillah on shabbos for 4 amos in the Rishus Harabim? How did it get there? It should be gezerah that maybe he will take it out of the ...
6 votes
3 answers

Is it permissible to use an umbrella on Shabbat?

Assuming one is inside an eruv which generally permits transferring between domains on Shabbat, may one use an umbrella on Shabbat? If not, why not? Follow-up question: What about other things that ...
1 vote
1 answer

Could a modern eruv ever be satisfactory to the Rambam?

The Rambam in MT Shabbat 14:1 defines a Reshut HaRabbim as including not only roads and market squares but also wildernesses and forests. Commentators clarify the inclusion of wildernesses and ...
1 vote
2 answers

May one transfer from one reshut hayachid to another?

It is forbidden to transfer on shabbat between a reshut hayachid and a reshut harabim, or 4 amot in a reshut harabim. Additionally, the Rabbinical law of eruv forbids transferring from houses into an ...
1 vote
1 answer

Wearing a candy-bracelet tied using red string outside an Eruv on Shabbos

What are the Halachic ramifications of wearing a Western Wall red string (which people consider clothing) which has candies tied to it (like a candy-bracelet) on Shabbos outside an Eruv? Is it ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why specifically a fig on shabbos?

Why is a dried fig specifically the quantity one must carry to be liable on Shabbos? I would have thought the size of something functional - an olive, egg, or even a barley corn - would be the ...
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0 answers

Why is the use of indoor plumbing allowed on shabbos? [duplicate]

Use of indoor plumbing on shabbos involves moving water or waste from/to public and private domains, which could involve a biblical prohibition of hotzoa. Why is this allowed on shabbos?
3 votes
0 answers

Swallowing, carrying, and regurgitating objects in the stomach without an Eruv

In a sickening scenario, but out of pure Halachic speculation, can one swallow toy cars (or anything not Muktzeh), walk to a neighbor's house without an Eruv on Shabbos, and then regurgitate the toy ...
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0 answers

Carrying inside a body without an Eruv

At what point are bodily fluids not considered part of a person and therefore become subject to the restrictions of carrying on Shabbos? For example, if a doctor requires a urine sample on Shabbos, ...
2 votes
2 answers

Apparent contradiction in the law of Hotza’ah (carrying) on shabbath

On Peninei Halakha halachot shabath about Hotza’ah it's written: Many maintain that as long as one did not stop walking while in the reshut ha-rabim, the prohibition is only rabbinic, because as ...
3 votes
1 answer

Shabbat Belt - is 2 belts acceptable under the following circumstances

A Chabad rabbi told me that even though I wear a normal belt, I can wear a secondary shabbos belt in the following way. I grab the back 2 tzitzit and bring them around and over the front 2 tzitzit and ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why does the Mishnah use the terms poor person and homeowner when discussing carrying on Shabbat?

This first Mishna in Shabbat (2a) describes the transfer of an item from a private domain to a public domain. The Mishna describes the individuals involved in this transfer as העני עומד בחוץ ובעל ...
9 votes
1 answer

Why the lack of hesitance to wear pads on the sabbath?

Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 301:13, and commentaries state that if a woman wears something only in order that her clothes don't get dirty from her menstrual blood, then that thing is not considered ...
13 votes
2 answers

If you realize you're carrying on Shabbat, what's the best thing to do?

I've heard that you should put it down on a makom patur while still walking. However, a true makom patur is tall and skinny, like a post, and therefore possibly difficult to find. I've also heard ...
7 votes
2 answers

Why was Joshua allowed to break Shabbat in attacking Yericho?

In Joshua 6 the Jews marched around Jericho, thereby attacking it. Why was Joshua allowed to break the Shabbat e.g carrying their weapons in a public domain when attacking Yericho? Surely this ...
7 votes
2 answers

Picking up kippah that blew off on shabbat in karmalit

A kippa has blown off someone's head on shabbat in an area without an eruv. The kippa is now on the ground. How should one respond? Would the same apply to dropped gloves or key belts etc. Pick it up ...
5 votes
2 answers

Does a Shli'ach for carrying adopt the sender's designation of the item?

Mishnah Shabbos 10,1 says about מלאכת הוצאה: "הַמַּצְנִיעַ לְזֶרַע וּלְדֻגְמָא וְלִרְפוּאָה, וְהוֹצִיאוֹ בְּשַׁבָּת, חַיָּב בְּכָל שֶׁהוּא. וְכָל אָדָם אֵין חַיָּב עָלָיו אֶלָּא כְשִׁעוּרוֹ.: &...
2 votes
2 answers

Does an עירוב turn the area into a רשות היחיד for נזיקין?

As far as I understand it, an עירוב (for carrying on Shabbat) works because it turns the whole area within it into one big רשות היחיד. Now if this is the case, do the laws of רשות היחיד for נזיקין ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is one allowed to wear a head lamp on Shabbat?

On Lail Shabbat (Fri. night) Someone attends a shul that is some distance away from his home. The way home has no street lighting or other form of lighting (e.g. no full moon and few houses). There ...
3 votes
0 answers

Shabbat key braces (suspenders)

I figure that this is a fairly straightforward question: does anyone make braces (American: suspenders) which serve the same purpose as a Shabbat belt ?
29 votes
3 answers

Why is it permissible to flush a toilet on Shabbat?

I have been reluctant to ask this question on this website because it sounds so ridiculous, but as Hillel said in Avot 2:6 "one who is bashful cannot learn" so here goes... Why is it permissible to ...
0 votes
1 answer

What is the case of a burning thrown object?

The mishnah in Shabbos (102a) states that if one throws an object on Shabbos, forgetting that it's Shabbos, and it never reaches its intended target, he is not liable. One of the examples given is an ...
2 votes
0 answers

Different things falling through the air

Rava has a question: What is the halacha regarding something which you throw through a house, that goes in one window and out the other? Do we say that something that passes through the house's ...
3 votes
2 answers

May a woman wear a jeweled key pin on Shabbat in an area that has no eruv?

A story / question relayed to me by my sister in law... One of her friends lived in an area that had no eruv. She had heard that men were allowed to wear key tie tacks on Shabbat as a way to "carry" ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why is having dust on your skin not considered carrying on Shabbos?

If the prohibition on carrying on Shabbos can apply even to extra saliva in one's mouth,* why doesn't it apply to the many extremely small things that are inevitably on one's person, such as dust? ...
3 votes
0 answers

Carrying under second story deck

I recently spent Shabbos in an area where there was no community eiruv. The house I stayed in had a deck that one could walk out onto from the second story of the house. The deck was enclosed by walls ...
3 votes
1 answer

Selling contents of car trunk for Pesach

Would it be acceptable to put chometzdik items in the trunk of one's car, and then sell the contents of the trunk to a non-Jew before Pesach? Assume one would not open the trunk during Pesach, but ...
8 votes
1 answer

How does deep snow affect carrying on Shabbos?

Thinking about the snow in Boston and the discussion at Shabbos 5a, if there was more than 10 tefakim (handbreadths) of snow on the ground, would a reshus hayachad (private domain) extend from the ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why is a shepherd's sack better than a treasuress's ring?

The Bavli, Shabas 62 amud 1, as explained by Rashi, continues a long discussion regarding what objects are considered clothing (or adornments), so may be worn outside (an eruv) on Shabas, and what ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can Sefardim carry in Monsey, NY?

Monsey, NY has an eiruv that most Ashkenazim that live in the area hold by. I have heard that sefardim cannot hold by the eiruv in Monsey, NY. Is this true and if so why?
2 votes
2 answers

Reshus Horabim Today?

The most lenient shita for a reshus horabim i have ever heard of is that 600,000 people must pass on the road EVERY day. Do any roads with daily CAPACITY for 600,000 people exist today? Do any roads ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Why do the seder on shabbos?

When Purim that falls out on shabbos we do not read the Meggila. When Rosh hashana falls out on shabbos we dont blow shofar. When Succos is on shabbos we dont shake lulav. Why? because of Takana ...
10 votes
3 answers

Wearing a gold watch on shabbos without an eiruv

The halocho is a person may wear jewellery in the street on shabbos without an eiruv provided the reason why he is wearing it is for the adornment of it and not some other use. Therefore the poskim ...
4 votes
2 answers

Sefer Torah in reshus harabim

If one finds a Torah on the floor in a reshus harabim on shabbas what should one do? It is a big bizoyn to leave it on the floor but to pick it up and carry it is problematic. Question inspired by: ...
1 vote
2 answers

Holes in walls above ten tefach

The Bavli, Shabas 7 amud 2, has a discussion about holes in walls, where things might land if thrown. Holes on the r'shus-hayachid-facing side of a wall are deemed r'shus hayachid, so tossing ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can a public road include an underground area below it to qualify as a Reshut Harabim?

On Shabbat, one may not carry in a Reshut Harabim. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 81:2 says that there is an opinion that a road not having at least 600,000 people passing by it daily would not be considered ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why isn't wearing two belts a problem with protecting clothing?

As per Shulchan Aruch OC 301:13, one is not allowed to wear/carry a garment whose sole purpose is to protect other clothing that he is wearing ("אצולי טינוף"), though if those also protect the wearer ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why isn't כל הכשר להצניע…‏ in שלחן ערוך?

The seventh chapter of mishnayos Shabas has this general rule ("כלל"): Whatever is fit for storing and people store that [amount of it], and he carried it out on Shabas, he's liable therefor to ...