Questions tagged [honors]

Honorific titles or other procedural/institutional performances meant to reflect respect

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there an order of priority for washing Mayim Achronim

In Halacha, is there an order of priority for who gets to wash Mayim Achronim first or last? So say multiple people are eating together, and one is a kohen or Levi or Talmid chacham or your parent, ...
Kirk's user avatar
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How would a Gabbai call up his firstborn son, who is a Rabbi, for an Aliyah

Torah Service, Gabbai duties, Hebrew names and titles, honors due relatives
Hillel Schonhaut's user avatar
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Honoring your Mohel

Is it brought down anywhere that one should show honor to the one who circumcised him, since he is the one who brought him into the covenant etc.?
שלום's user avatar
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