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Ausstritsgemeinde - Opposition of Rabbi Hirsch to the "Geminderabbiner"

Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch was vehemently opposed to the rabbis who didn't follow him when he passed the Ausstritsgesetz (Secession Bill) which allowed Orthodox Jews to separate from the general ...
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Rosh Chodesh - importance in history?

In the Wikipedia article on Rosh Chodesh it says that historically it had much more importance, why did it change? Do Rabbinic sources or commentators attest to this? Is there evidence during the ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is acting stringently so that "he shall be blessed" an authentic mechanism?

Many times in Halachic literature I have come across the formula in which one can follow the law more stringently than is necessary, and for that he will be blessed (תבא עליו ברכה). Does this ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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"Hanukkah 8th day/Tevet 3/New Years Day" triple coincidences - What makes them so Rare?

I very recently became aware that Hanukkah 8th day sometimes (but rarely) falls on Tevet 3. What causes this to happen? At the same time, I also noticed that when Hanukkah 8th day/Tevet 3 happen ...
user22542's user avatar
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Talmudic Source Mechitzah?

What's the source in the Talmud for the mechitzah? I have yet to run across it. Also as an aside, I've been to a lot of Synagogues from Talmudic times, and I have yet to find any mechitzah type of ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Had an unmarried Jewish woman ever owned a male slave, whom she acquired or asked to become her husband?

Had an unmarried Jewish woman ever owned a male slave, whom she acquired or asked to become her husband? Was there ever any occurrence in the Tanach, Gemara, Mishna, Halacha, Aggadot, Midrashim, etc. ...
ninamag's user avatar
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Was the Shema Changed?

I remember reading a statement that the third paragraph of the Shema was changed to a different paragraph from the Torah that we now use. The reasoning I read was that it was a measure against the ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Shechita for chicken

What is the halachic source requiring us to ritually slaughter chicken specifically, and was there ever a time in history that Halachic Jews ate chicken without first performing ritual slaughter?
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