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What is the pronunciation of these nikkud?

I am trying to learn Hebrew pronunciation by reading Rashi's commentary on the Torah. However, the Torah’s text in this version of the book has a lot of Nikkud which I cannot find an explanation. ...
Alex's user avatar
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Differences in nikkud between Ashkenazi Hebrew (or Yiddish?) and "Standard" Hebrew words

I have an interest in Judaism through the prism of Yiddish (specially Hasidic) culture. I'm more proficient in Yiddish but I'm slowly absorbing a bit of Hebrew. Looking through texts edited by Hasidic ...
לעאנארדא's user avatar
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Why are the Niqqud different for the name of God sometimes? [duplicate]

Through my research of the Tanakh, I have observed that the tetragrammaton appears with varying niqqud in different locations. Additionally, I have noted that the niqqud used may differ but produce a ...
Eliyahu Al-Hazzan's user avatar
5 votes
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Are these vowels?

I know the hebrew vowels. However, I recently came across this word: כְּשֶׁעָמְ֒דָה. What are the three dots above the מ? Another example: עַמְּ֒ךָ In the same paragraph, I had וְהִדְלִֽיקוּ. What ...
Burt's user avatar
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How to automatically add nikud to a text? [closed]

I have seen such a site, but cannot find it. And would it correctly add nikud to this phrase: שהטוב הוא במאמר שיפעל והרע במאמר שיתפעל כי כל התפעלות רע ?
Jonesome Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes
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Is וּכְתַבְתָּ֛ם in Shema with Shva Na or Shva Nach

My daughter goes to a chabad school (nusach ari?) and has been taught in class that וּכְתַבְתָּ֛ם in the shema (end of first paragraph) is with a shvah na on the כְ. She also says it has the asterisk ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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Original Nikud for Raphael?

רָפָאֵל or רְפָאֵל What is the original nikud? I have seen some variation before and wonder if the name should begin with Kamatz or Sheva? Thank you for any help you can give.
עמנואל-העבד's user avatar
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Heh Hayediya before the letter Chet: Segol or Patach?

In Acharei Mot the verses (Bamidbar 16:20 (end) and 21 (beginning)) read as follows: וְהִקְרִ֖יב אֶת־הַשָּׂעִ֥יר הֶחָֽי׃ כא וְסָמַ֨ךְ אַהֲרֹ֜ן אֶת־שְׁתֵּ֣י יָדָ֗ו עַ֣ל רֹ֣אשׁ הַשָּׂעִיר֮ הַחַי֒ The ...
kouty's user avatar
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In the Al Cheit prayer, do we say bagalui or b'galui?

In the Al Cheit prayer, is it Al cheit shechatanu l'fanecha bagalui uvasater or is it Al cheit shechatanu l'fanecha b'galui uvasater I get about the same number of hits whichever of the two ...
Gerry Myerson's user avatar
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Why is Hebrew written without vowels? [duplicate]

Is there a religious explanation for writing Biblical Hebrew without vowels? "Was Hebrew originally written without vowels" does not address the reasons for not using vowels.
JBH's user avatar
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Hebrew/Aramaic names with Nekudot for Mishna Tractates

What are the names of the Mishna Tractates and Seders in Hebrew/Aramaic with Nekudot? When I come across Tractate and Seder names (eg. מועד, גיטין, אבות, etc) they never have Nikkud. Are the names ...
Montgomery's user avatar
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Why is כל written with Kamatz?

When praying with the siddur and reading Torah, I've asked myself why is the word כל written with Kamatz if it sounds Kol and not Kal. I've also seen other words like this, but with less frequency. ...
Gabriel12's user avatar
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Is a ש after a holam always a "shin" and never a "sin"?

In some siddurim that are printed in certain Hebrew fonts, you will find words such as משה (Moshe) or חשך (darkness) that do not print with two nekudot. The most explicit way to point these words ...
Mike's user avatar
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Is there a reason or pattern as to when the Torah uses אֵת instead of אֶת?

I noticed a mix of the two forms of the Hebrew objective marker commonly pronounced אֶת. in the Torah. (There is no English translation of this word. It is used only to notify that an object follows ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why דָּת in Esther but דַּת in kidushin?

There are two places "דָּת" appears in Tanach in a form that means "the law of": Esther 2:12 and 9:13. In both places it appears as "דָּת" with a kamatz.[1] Yet, when we marry, according to the ...
msh210's user avatar
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Are all hiriqs the same or is there a distinction if a yud or other silent letter follows?

For example, what would be the difference in pronunciation of the hiriq in these two words: נִקּוּד and תִּינוֹק? What about רִאשׁוֹן? Is it "Rishon" similar to "pit" or "Reeshon" similar to "pizza"?...
Ani Yodea's user avatar
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In the phrase זכר למעשה בראשית in Kiddush, is the word זכר an adjective?

Usually, a word that has a segol such as "zecher" gets a tzerei when it becomes an adjective. Example - "mateh" becomes "matei" when used as an adjective as in "matei Levi". Q - in the phrase זכר ...
DanF's user avatar
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Shva na after meteg on short vowel

When a long vowel has a meteg, there is a difference of opinion if the shva after it is na or nach. What about a short vowel with a meteg? Is it vayihi chen or vayhi chen? Is it tihiyeh or tihyeh? Is ...
natan's user avatar
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Is there a book / document that explains the proper use of kamatz katan in the Torah?

I am a Ba'al Kri'ah. I am quite confused regarding the rules of "kamatz katan". Another Ba'al Kri'ah explained that a kamatz katan occurs when a kamatz is used in a word (usually a verb) ...
DanF's user avatar
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How do I pronounce "yod" when there is a dot inside of it?

I'm trying to brush up on my Hebrew. As an American Jew, it is still important to me to be able to recite my prayers from the siddur in their original Hebrew. How do I pronounce "yod" when there is a ...
chaya חַיָּה's user avatar
7 votes
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How to vowelize "כתובה" ("marriage document")?

The promissory note a husband gives his wife when they wed is called a כתובה. In my experience, people usually pronounce/vowelize this word "כְּתֻבָּה / k'suba". Such a form (mishkal) exists in ...
msh210's user avatar
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How is סדר טהרות properly pronounced or pointed?

The last seder of the Mishnah is טהרות, but I can find no agreement on the vowels for this word. Some variations I have seen: טְהָרוֹת טַהֲרוֹת טָהֳרוֹת There may be others. Which answer makes the ...
Premundane's user avatar
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Can we teach reading Hebrew without using the full names of the letters and vowels?

I've heard in Chabad and elsewhere that when teaching children to read Hebrew, one must call the letters and vowels only by their full traditional name. This is in my opinion very distracting for a ...
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Hamracheim or Hammerachim?

In Modim in the Shmoneh Esre we say המרחם כי לא תמו חסדך the question is whether the מ in המרחם should have a daggesh or not, and thus what sort of Shva should be under said מ?
Rabbi Michael Tzadok's user avatar