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Are there words in the Hebrew bible where we find the letter Hei/Yod subsituted for an Alef?

For example, עמק הבכא in Psalams 84:6 is often translated as "Valley of weeping", even though we should expect the word weeping to be בכי, and not at all with an Alef. Do we have more ...
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Unexpected Dagesh in Reish

I learned that a rule of Dageshim is that gutteral letters (אהחע''ר) reject dageshim. My question is why do we find 17 reishs (1 Samuel 1:6, 1 Samuel 10:24, 1 Samuel 17:25, 2 Kings 6:32, Jeremiah 39:...
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Silent aleph (no, I mean really silent)

Please explain what is going on with the letter Aleph in certain places in Tanakh (e.g. the second to last word of Devarim 3:12, the first word of Tehillim 34:10), where the Aleph contributes neither ...
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