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2 answers

Why is the translation of selah so obscure?

The word 'selah' appears numerous times in Tehillim and Tefillah. אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ עוֹד יְהַלְלוּךָ סֶּלָה וְכל הַחַיִּים יודוּךָ סֶּלָה וִיהַלְלוּ וִיבָרְכוּ אֶת שִׁמְךָ הַגָּדול בֶּאֱמֶת ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Why do some Siddurim say mitzvot tluyim ba instead of tluyot?

In the part between Borchi Nafshi and the Tallis blessing there is a kavona part that ends with mitzvot tluyim ba in some siddurim. I first thought this was a mere typo but I've now seen it in quite a ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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What does פ׳ ב׳ פ׳ stand for in the context of prayer (specifically related to prayer #8 of the Amidah)?

In the Siddur I am using (Siddurenu, The Prayer Book Press, 1961), there is a supplemental prayer directly below prayer #8 of the Amida (on page 56) that prays for healing of specific individuals. (It ...
Rasputin's user avatar
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Composing your own Tefillah

Is there a source (either for or against) that mentions composing your own Tefillah prayer? Such as a yehi ratzon or the like. Granted, anyone can daven at any moment for anything they want in any ...
yisrael's user avatar
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Are these passages really found in the Jewish prayers? If so, where can I find the original Hebrew text?

In this book, a Christian writer by the name of John Hutchinson alleges that the following passages are found in the Jewish prayers, and that when collected together, compose a form similar to the ...
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Was Kaddish ever said in Hebrew?

The Kaddish that we say is in Aramaic. However the Talmud (Brachos 3a) quotes an excerpt from Kaddish in Hebrew: בשעה שישראל נכנסין לבתי כנסיות ולבתי מדרשות ועונין יהא שמיה* הגדול מבורך (*The ...
AKA's user avatar
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Why would one paraphrase and not quote a pasuk?

In the second bracha before Shma in the morning, there is a line which is taken from Tehillim 86:11 which reads, "יַחֵד לְבָבִי לְיִרְאָה שְׁמֶךָ". The construction I found in the Artscroll reads (I ...
rosends's user avatar
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Is a ש after a holam always a "shin" and never a "sin"?

In some siddurim that are printed in certain Hebrew fonts, you will find words such as משה (Moshe) or חשך (darkness) that do not print with two nekudot. The most explicit way to point these words ...
Mike's user avatar
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Is the phrase הקדוש ברוך הוא gramatically incorrect?

Based on the answer to this M.Y. question, stating that קדוש is an adjective, wouldn't the expression הקדוש ברוך הוא be grammatically incorrect? Shouldn't it be הקודש ברוך הוא , since קודש is a noun? ...
DanF's user avatar
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How do you pronounce numbers 248, 365, and 613 in the siddur?

In the meditations before putting on the tallit and tefillin in the morning, there are three numbers — 248, 365, and three instances of 613. They’re written out in standard Hebrew letter notation in ...
Jon Mitchell's user avatar
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How does a Braille siddur work?

A member of our minyan has a degenerative vision problem and has, for a time, been using a home-made very-large-print siddur. After an absence, she returned this Shabbat with a guide dog and said she ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Is/Where is Tefillot (or Tefillah) ever spelt with a yud?

I have almost always seen the word Tefillah and I suppose Tefillot, spelt with no Yud. Tav, Feh, Lamed, Vav, Tav. (Tefillot) Tav, Feh, Lamed, Heh (Tefillah) But the Sacks singers siddur spells it ...
barlop's user avatar
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הִיא vs הִוא in siddurim

In siddurim[1] , in the passage of veshammeru, even when reported with full teamim, אוֹת הִוא לְעֹלָם is always converted to אוֹת הִיא לְעֹלָם, with the yod instead of the vav. Why is the ...
Yarden's user avatar
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Solitary Aramaic word in 'Al HaNissim

In the standard Ashkenazi Siddur, why is the Aramaic word פורקן used in the otherwise entirely Hebrew prayer of על הנסים?
Seth J's user avatar
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Why is the Machzor called a Machzor?

The Siddur we use for Yom Tov is known as a Machzor. What does it mean and where did this originate?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Kel (Melech) Chanun V'Rachum -- do you say Melech?

Some siddurs have the phrase "Ki Kel Melech Chanun V'Rachum Ata" at the conclusion of Ya'aleh v'Yavo. Some have Melech in parentheses; some don't have it at all. Can anyone tell me something about ...
Shalom's user avatar
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