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Was the world really created by the Hebrew letters?

There’s a somewhat-famous Kabbalistic concept, recorded first in the Sefer Yetzirah, that Hashem created the world by using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Assuming Hebrew indeed evolved from an ...
Qwertrl's user avatar
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Meaning of "Av Harachamim"

Time-sensitive question (today is 29 Elul..!) Artscroll translates the phrase "Av Harachamim" as "father of mercy". What does this mean exactly? How can G-d be the Father of a ...
Chani's user avatar
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Information about some Kabbalah authors

There is a sentence on Wikipedia about Kabbalah, but unfortunately, there are no sources for it, and I would like to know the sources (if they exist). The sentence says: "Among the problems ...
Mineder's user avatar
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Hebrew Letters and corresponding body parts

When I was a little child, I remember being taught that each of the Hebrew letters had a corresponding body part. I am sure I learned what they were at the time, but I've long forgotten most of them. ...
Alpehbet's user avatar
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Is there no word for objects/'things' in Hebrew aside from referring to things as 'words'?

I read the following passage and wonder about the first couple of sentences, which are pretty practical and I wonder if they're 'empirically' true. In common Hebrew language, how are 'things' referred ...
cr0's user avatar
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First usage of golem to refer to a man-made humanoid

There's a famous folk tale that the Maharal created a golem, some sort of human shaped creature. The tale has it that he created it using practical Kabbalah. The gemarra even describes amoraim ...
robev's user avatar
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What does this piece of jewelry say?

A classmate showed me a pendant that she recently acquired. It was described to her as representing some sort of blessing for marriage. None of the people who looked at it could figure out what the ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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The essence of a thing is in its Hebrew name?

Based on this comment here. According to Kabbalah, how do physical objects derive their life-force from their Hebrew name, if Hebrew doesn't have names for everything?
avi's user avatar
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What coin is this?

It is a little over an inch diameter, thicker and heavier than any coin would be. The lettering almost seems random....or maybe the middle word is a name? Can someone help me identify this coin? ...
Aaron's user avatar
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