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Reading along in a kosher megillah - impediment to others?

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 141:15 says you should not read along in the Megillah if you don't have a kosher scroll, because even if you can simultaneously concentrate on the public reading, people nearby ...
shmosel's user avatar
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Can damages be claimed for a very loud noise?

In Halacha, is it possible to claim (money) if a neighbour's noise disturbs my peace? (This would be a last resort if more friendly approaches did not resolve the problem.)
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Inhaling at the narrow end of a shofar

Is it permissible to do an inhaled blow at the narrow end of the shofar to fulfill the obligation of shofar blowing? I have tried this and it is relatively easy to generate the same sound for an ...
bondonk's user avatar
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If a deaf person is not counted towards a minyan because they cannot hear, does the same rule apply for one who doesn't speak/understand Hebrew?

My understanding is Halacha states a deaf or mute person doesn't count towards a minyan as they do not have the ability to fully participate. The deaf person cannot hear what is being said and the ...
Michael's user avatar
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Microphones on Shabbat

What is the Halacha re LISTENING to someone speaking in a microphone on Shabbat. For example if I walk into a room and someone is lecturing/speaking on a microphone an I permitted to listen
Moshe avrohom 's user avatar
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Using hearing aids on the sabbath?

I know a little bit about Judaism and a fair amount about hearing aids. I have been asked about the rules regarding the usage of hearing aids on the sabbath and I have no idea. In particular, the ...
StrongBad's user avatar
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Is a silent/mental bracha considered valid?

It appears to be the custom everywhere to say brachot out loud that others can hear. However, I recall that Shimon Bar Yochai in the Gemara prescribes saying your brachot very quietly and in all ...
Minim's user avatar
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Is there a preferred or required way to sound shevarim?

I have heard the shevarim sound from the shofar done in one of two ways: three short blasts maintaining the same pitch (like "toot-toot-toot") three short blasts alternating in pitch staring with a ...
DanF's user avatar
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Acoustic Megaphone on Shabbat

Have any of the halachic authorities discussed using an acoustic megaphone on Shabbat? Is a megaphone like any other musical instrument, which is forbidden on Shabbat because we might end up ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Do women/minors count toward the nine listening to chazaras hashatz?

Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 124:4, in my own, loose translation: When the leader repeats the amida (sh'mone esre), the congregation should be quiet, pay attention to the benedictions that the ...
msh210's user avatar
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BeRov Am Hadrat HaMelech - Even if person doesn't hear the Chazan?

In choosing Minyan the Klal BeRov Am Hadrat HaMelech (more people is better) applies. But if minyan is so huge that there are difficulties for a person, who is far from Chazan to hear him. Is it ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Practical implications of “Trei Kali Lo Mishtamai,” two voices cannot be heard simultaneously (other than kol isha)?

What are the practical implications/applications today of the halachic principle Trei Kalli Lo Mishtamai (two voices cannot be heard simultaneously), aside from those related to Kol Isha? For example, ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Is it permitted to listen to Prank phone calls

Prank phone calls very often transgress the prohibiton of "gneivat daat" misrepresenting and Onaat Devarim causing anguish (Mishpatei Hashalom page 89). Is it permitted as a listener to derive benefit ...
user avatar
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What is השמעת קול about?

Apparently, there's a prohibition against making noise on Shabbos. See Shabbos 18a: אבל אין נותנין חטין לתוך הריחים של מים אלא בכדי שיטחנו מבעוד יום מאי טעמא אמר רבה מפני שמשמעת קול But ...
MTL's user avatar
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Making very loud drumming noise during davening

Many leaders and congregants in my shul bang with their hands on the shulchan and on their siddurs and stomp their feet in what is supposed to be the rhythm of the prayer's melody. The noise is ...
LMB's user avatar
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Can a deaf person be a shaliach tzibbur?

I recall reading (Mishnah Brurah - don't recall location) that the shali'ach tzibbur must wait until everyone answers "amen" before proceeding to thE next bracha. If a deaf person were prompted by ...
DanF's user avatar
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Limits of pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton

What methods of pronouncing the Tetragrammaton are forbidden? Can I listen to a live radio show where It is being said? Can I cause a machine to make Those Sounds? Can I cause a non-Jew to speak It? ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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G-d's name on screen readers

People who are blind or hard-of-seeing often interact with computers using devices called "screen readers". These screen readers will read aloud the words that are written on the screen (or in the ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Eavesdropping: permitted or prohibited?

Is there a halachic or hashkafic problem with eavesdropping? Maybe it could be like reading another's mail which Rabenu Gershom made a gezera about.
Hacham Gabriel's user avatar
10 votes
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What can be done with my annoying smoke detector on Shabbos?

When your smoke detectors battery is dying, it chirps every 30 seconds to remind you to change it. I am in middle of my Friday night meal when this began. May I move the smoke detector to a area where ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Answering Amen to quiet Berachoth

According to this answer citing RaM"A (124:11), you can answer Amen to any Berachah even if you don't hear it, so long as you know which one is being said. Does this apply only to Tefillah BeTzibur (...
Seth J's user avatar
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Can you fulfill the obligation to pray if you can't hear the leader?

The gemorah in Sukkah daf 51b explains that, in the enormous shul in Alexandria, in order for everyone to know when to answer Amen when the shliach tzibbur (prayer leader, aka sha"tz) was davening, ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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Whispering prayers?

Can one whisper t'fila (prayer)? I'm thinking of obligatory t'filos like sh'mone esre and "Sh'ma". I know one can speak t'fila quietly, even very quietly; in fact, sh'mone esre is said quietly. I'm ...
msh210's user avatar
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Is Listening to a Torah Tape considered Talmud Torah? [duplicate]

It says in the Baal HaTanya's Hilchos Talmud Torah that one fulfills his obligation to learn Torah only if he says the words. Moreover, a Chavrusa fulfills his obligation only because Shomeya Keoneh. ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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