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5 votes
4 answers

What is/was the Bat Kol?

The Talmud records people "hearing" the Bas Kol. The Talmud also says that a bas kol goes out even nowadays. My question is, what is the nature of this bas kol? Is it a sound? If so why can't I hear ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Can demons (shedim) masquerade Bas Kols?

Is it possible for Shedim to masquerade Bas Kols to decieve people , like making people feel that it is Bas kohl but in reality is from Shedim?
narnia's user avatar
  • 243
4 votes
3 answers

Is Bas Kol the heavenly voice always correct and how to identify Bas Kol from evil whispering?

Is Bas Kol the heavenly voice always correct and how to identify Bas Kol from whispering coming from demons or evil spirits? I hear many Rabbonim have heard contradictory Bas kol so what is the ...
narnia's user avatar
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