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Questions tagged [hashkafah-philosophy]

Jewish philosophy as well as Jewish perspectives - i.e. not only formal philosophy. NOT for questions about Jewish practice unless there's a philosophical component.

10 questions from the last 30 days
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What kind of character traits is Mashiach supposed to possess?

There a some stories Chazal bring about men who were potentially going to be mashiach. A couple that come to mind are Bar Kochba (who Rabbi Akiva said would be Mashiach) and the man Eliyahu Hanavi ...
Reb Harvey's user avatar
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2 answers

70 nations vs 70 who went down to Egypt

What's the connection between the 70 nations and the 70 descendants of Yaacov who went to Egypt? Is there a 1:1 correllation anywhere?
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Is Moshe Idel’s scholarship considered kosher by the Orthodox Jewish community [closed]

I’m curious whether the scholarship of Moshe Idel, a contemporary scholar of Kabbalah, is considered kosher (i.e., that his scholarship doesn't contradict the Mesorah) and reliable (i.e., that a ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Why do we hear about women having Binah in gemara, but nothing the other way around for men? Maybe it should say something about Chochma alá Zohar?

As this Chabad page neatly gathers sources for, men are associated with Chochma, women are associated with Binah. The gemara says that Hashem endowed women with Binah. Why is there no source that says ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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If men are chesed, and women are gevura, why does it seem the other way around?

The Zohar* teaches that the penimiut (personal, inner quality, root) of men is Chesed (Kindness), and the penimiut of women is Gevura (Severity/Justice). I think if you were to ask someone what they ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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How should religious Jews (and Noahides) respond to these criticisms

I’m curious how the community here would recommend responding to these criticisms of the claim that God exist: To summarize (although please for anybody ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Judaism and aesthetics

Is there a religious Jewish perspective, either in terms of Halacha (ie Hiddur Mitzvah) or Hashkafa on aesthetics? If so, are there any aesthetic movements which integrate with Judaism’s criteria for ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Studying/discussing secular philosophy on Shabbat and their relation to the Torah

I’m curious what the Halacha is regarding studying secular philosophy on Shabbat in order to compare and contrast it to genuine Limmud Torah, for example let’s say someone is discussing Martin Buber’s ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Free Speech - is it a Torah principle?

Does the Torah have a principle of free speech? What is it? Note, I am not talking about all speech, such as Lashon Hara etc. I am talking about how the term is mainly used in modern discourse; i.e. ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Author of 'alphabeta'

Anyone familiar with rabbi and or scholar that had a work called "alphabeta" or "alefbeta" (not rabbi Fohrman) who may have passed away within the last ten or twenty years, or less?...
user3147682's user avatar