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Questions tagged [hamapil]

Questions regarding the rabbinically-enacted blessing recited before going to sleep at night.

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Talking after Hamapil blessing [duplicate]

It is customary to say the hamapil blessing before going to sleep at night. Some people are strict in saying this nightly, some are more lax. I don't know if this has any halachic source. Is there a ...
TzaddikVekom's user avatar
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Correct pronunciation of the word הרהורים in the Hamapil bracha

I have seen two different ways to pronounce the word הרהורים in the Hamapil bracha said before sleep. One have the vowels like this: וְאַל יְבַהֲלוּנִי רַעְיוֹנַי וַחֲלוֹמוֹת רָעִים וְהִרְהוּרִים ...
Gavriel's user avatar
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Where does the version of Hamapil that is different from the Gemara come from?

Many of my Siddurim have a version of Hamapil that’s not the same as the one given in Brachos 60b. Others have the version found in that Gemara. Where, and why, does the variant version come from?
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What is the correct order for Hamapil? [duplicate]

I am looking for any sources (preferably Ashkenaz) on how to say Hamapil/Shma Al Hamita. What I mean is: in many siddurim/cards I see the Bracha first and Shema right after. I’ve also heard to say the ...
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Vihi Noam at bedtime Shema on Tishah beAv

Mishneh Torah Tefilah uVirkat Kohanim 7:2 mentions verses of mercy being read before going to bed. Shevuot 15b relates that R' Yehoshua ben Levi used to say (at least the first half of) Psalm 91, and ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Qriat Shema Al Hamita, mizmorim

In Gemara Shevuot 15b, they explain how is the process to extend the surface of Yerushalaim and its Qedusha. One of the things is to recite the Psalm 91 up to the word Machsi (see hagahot Hagra, see ...
kouty's user avatar
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If a person forgot whether they have already recited krias shema al hamita are they permited to say hamapil and should they do so?

based on the idea of sufek derabanan lekula (a doubt in regards to a rabbinical ruling results in a leniency) and sufek d'orysa lechumra (a doubt on a Torah ruling results in a stringency) being that ...
Dude's user avatar
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Why in HaMapil do we ask to wake up in peace twice?

In the bedtime Shema, Nusach Ashkenaz includes this phrase in HaMapil: שתשכיביני לשלום ותעמידיני לשלום [May it be Your will...] that You lay me down in peace and that You stand me up in peace ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Is one allowed to make Berachos after saying the bedtime Shema? [duplicate]

As recorded in the sources cited here, most Poskim say that one may not speak after saying the bedtime Shema, and some say even after saying Hamapil. Let’s say that one hears thunder after saying ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Do you need to say hamapil right after saying the other parts of kriat shema?

My siddur has hamapil as the last thing said before sleeping (I know some of them have Hamapil before the end) , but I was wondering if it would still count if one were to say the other parts of Kriat ...
Yemimah's user avatar
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Speaking 30 minutes after hamapil

A person is discouraged from speaking after reciting the blessing of "Hamapil" before bed (Magen Avraham 239 s.v. ומברך המפיל explaining why the SA says to say Hamapil after Kriyas Shema). Someone ...
robev's user avatar
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Speaking divrei torah after hamapil

Is it allowed to repeat psukim or to pray (uttering the words with your mouth) After you have finished your kiriat shma al hamita and said birkat hamapil? Would be Happy to See sources.
Yosi's user avatar
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Maariv After Bedtime Shema

Many a time I realize that I have forgotten to say Maariv in midst of reciting the bedtime Shema. Halachic Question: Is one permitted to Daven Maariv after saying ברוך המפיל?
user3814413's user avatar
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Speech After Recitation of HaMapil

What do halachic sources say regarding speech after the nocturnal blessing of HaMapil? Of particular (but not exclusive) interest are the earliest sources that prohibit speech after the recitation. ...
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Saying Hamapil after Alos Hashachar

If one was up all night and went to sleep after Alos Hashachar does one still say Hamapil?
user2817's user avatar
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Saying Asher Yatzar after Hamapil

If you say the bracha of Hamapil then you have to go bathroom, after you go bathroom are you permitted to say the bracha? Why yes or why no? Source?
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Hamapil immediately before sleep, but what about undressing?

Generally, we are supposed to say hamapil beracha immediately before going to bed, with no interruption. How do we reconcile this with the idea that we should be dressed appropriately to make a ...
Daniel's user avatar
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When to say Hamapil

In the bedtime shema, some siddurim have the bracha of Hamapil printed immediately before the paragraph of shema, whereas others have it printed at the very end of the bedtime shema prayers. What is ...
Sam's user avatar
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Minimal requirements for bedtime shema

What is the minimal required text to say for the bedtime shema? Is it sufficient to say only Hamapil and the first paragraph of shema?
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