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Questions tagged [halacha]

Jewish law. Specifically, the legal process beginning with the written Torah and continuing through the Mishna, Talmud, and the legal codes (e.g., Rambam, Tur, Shulchan Aruch). // NOTE: Like Wikipedia, this site makes no guarantee of validity, and does not offer professional (particularly rabbinic) advice. Treat information from this site like it came from a crowd of your friends.

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Is it considered lashon harah if it is said in a manner that the person will hear about it?

Tosafos (b bb 39b second from top: פירוש לאותו שאומר לפני ג׳ דבפרק יש בערכין מייתי עלה הא דא״ר יוסי מעולם לא אמרתי דבר וחזרתי לאחורי פי׳ שלא היה חושש אם ישמעו בעלים) explains a gemara (ibid 39a-b) &...
Nahum's user avatar
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Tahara for drowning in Mikveh

Is a Tahara performed if one drowned (Chas V'Sholom) while immersed in a Mikveh/ocean?
Moshe's user avatar
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Which books can one read as a Noahide?

What Sefarim is a Noahide allowed to read/learn? Does that change depending on whether or not he plans to do a formal conversion?
Nesiat Waqt's user avatar
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Is it permissible to cut toenails on Thursday

I saw that it is customary not to cut fingernails on Thursday. The Mishnah Berura (סימן רס סק"ו ובשער הציון שם) wrote in the name of Eliya Rabbah, that they are careful not to cut nails on ...
Avi's user avatar
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What is the History of the books Derech HaChaim and Netiv HaChaim?

BH Hi, In this picture after Shaar Hakollel it says Derech HaChaim is this book by or is was it written lezechut to Yaakov Melisa by Avraham David Lavut? What’s the history behind this? Also is Nervi ...
David 's user avatar
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Said Nacheim on Tisha B'Av maariv or shachris

Per Rema 557:1 הגה והמנהג פשוט שאין אומרים נחם רק בתפלת מנחה של תשעה באב לפי שאז הציתו אש במקדש ולכן מתפללים אז על נחמה (רוקח ואבודרהם) מי שאכל בט"ב יאמר נחם בברכת המזון (מהרי"ל): Rema Note:...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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What’s the part of the soul that enjoys existing and is that the part that has to get punished if it sins?

BH Hi, I heard that there is a part of the soul of man that enjoys simply existing is this the level of the Nefesh Elokit? If yes which part is it of the Nefesh Ruach Neshama Chaya Or Yichida of the ...
David 's user avatar
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Did Orthodox Jews turn on/off lightbulbs etc on Shabbat in the early 20th century?

I’ve heard that before the Halacha was settled by the Poskim like the Chazon Ish, many or most Orthodox Jews used lightbulbs etc on Shabbat. Is there any validity to this? I’m just curious
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Is it permitted to visit Palermo catacombs in Sicily?

Is a Jew halachically permitted to visit the catacombs in Palermo Sicily? Are these catacombs beneath the church?
Bella Lebel's user avatar
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Giving Torah's relationship advice to someone who is in a forbidden relationship

(There are several levels to this, and perhaps I should split this answer up) If a Jew is in a forbidden marriage If a Jew is in a mixed "marriage" If a Jew is in a relationship with ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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English version of Kitsur Shulchan Aruch of Yalkut Yosef

I wonder if this book can be found in English, better if online for free. Or if there is a similar book like this that you can suggest me, again better if online for free. Ty
Angie's user avatar
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Are nicotine pouches permitted on fast days?

Are nicotine pouches such as Zyn permitted to be used on fast days? These pouches are tucked between ones lip or cheek and gums and the nicotine is absorbed into their bloodstream through the mucous ...
Avi Avraham's user avatar
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If I'm not sure if I should make a bracha, should I make it?

For a sheheciyanu or birchas hatov hameitiv, if I'm not sure if I should make a bracha, should you or would it be a bracha levatalah?
Jon Moss's user avatar
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Can a sinner volunteer for punishment?

If a person knows that he commited an aveira (sin), and knows what the punishment is and wants the kapara (atonement), but the court does not administer the punishment due to lack of evidence, witness ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Computing Maaser: How much tzedakah (charity) do I owe? [closed]

What are the requirements surrounding maaser? How much do I owe? What can I deduct from my income?
fny's user avatar
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Sources for halachic advice on sensory issues/autistic traits in relation to marital intimacy

Autism is quite common and higher functioning autism may be undiagnosed for many years. It is also possible for some people to have some autistic traits. In the context of marriage, this can be ...
Kvetch's user avatar
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Halochos of Marital Relations [closed]

In Peninei Halakha - Simḥat Ha-bayit U-virkhato 02:12, Rabbi Melamed makes it quite clear that he considers the wife's orgasm as a critical part of the mitzva of Ona, and that even if the wife is ...
Kvetch's user avatar
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Shomer Negia in Case of Danger

In a situation where two people are obligated in shomer negia (for example two single unrelated adults), if one of them is in a relatively minor state of danger, would you be allowed to get in ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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Would Rabbinic Jews during the second temple have been allowed to marry Sadducees?

My understanding is that the Sadducees did not believe in resurrection of the dead and disagreed or interpreted the oral tradition very differently than the Pharisees and Rabbinic Jews in the times of ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Instant noodles on Shabbat [duplicate]

There is a concept of Kli Sheini (a second cup) in which Halacha dictates that by taking boiling water from its source into an empty vessel and then pouring it into another vessel, the water is no ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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What is the strict Torah law of tattoos?

I am not a rabbi, nor am I Jewish. If anything I’m a Noahide. So I want to ask strictly speaking what is the prohibition of tattoos in Torah? From my fast study it seems that only a tattoo for idol ...
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Ona'as Mamon by Non-Jew

Ona'as Mamon for non-Jews The case of a nursing home that is Jewish owned with a vending machine that charges $2.25 a bottle, when they can be charging less, i.e. one can get a whole case of water for ...
FalseMessiah's user avatar
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Should a son or daughter accept charity from a parent if it makes the parent happy

If a child is told by a parent that the parent wants to do something for them, but the child feels guilty about it, like accepting money. What should the son or daughter do?
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Torah fiction - dos and don'ts?

Is there a list of guidelines or rules about what is ok and what is not ok for an author to write fiction on, regarding Torah? E.g. assuming the author will be as faithful to the sources as possible: ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Completely forget where one is in Amidah

What does one do if one was davening Amidah on auto-pilot, chas veshalom, and then something happens to interrupt him, and then he realises he has absolutely no idea where in the tefilla he was up to? ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What do the trees in the Garden represent?

In Genesis 2, God plants a garden in Eden for man to tend and cultivate. At the center of the garden are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. What do these trees ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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Is mevushal wine which had non-mevushal wine added to it kosher if handled by gentiles

According to Halacha, if non-pasteurized/non-mevushal wine is added to mevushal wine, is it non-kosher if handled by gentiles? Or no, is it relied on Rov that it is kosher if it is majority ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Must I follow suit and stand for Kiddush?

There are different customs whether to stand or sit during Kiddush. Even those who stand for all/part of Friday Night Kiddush, many sit for the Shabbos Day Kiddush. I have observed a common trend to ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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When did Negiah become part of Halakha [duplicate]

שלום I am trying to find out around what time Negiah was implemented into Halakha. In no way I am not trying to disrespect Halakha, I am only trying to understand it in a deeper way.
Renzo Cantin's user avatar
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How do contradictions within Halacha impact the credibility of Judaism?

Given the vast array of interpretations and customs in following Halacha, how does Judaism maintain its credibility and authority when one practice can be considered correct by one group but incorrect ...
Seeker's user avatar
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Are Amalekites considered Edomites Halachically?

According to the opinion that we may accept converts from Amalek, must they wait until the third generation to marry a Jew, as would an Edomite, being that Amalek also comes from Esav?
User123's user avatar
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Waiting for someone behind to finish before 3 steps back - how to make it less awkward and annoying?

I bli neder follow the halacha of not taking 3 steps back from shmone esre until the person behind me (within 4 amot radius) is finished (Mishnah Berurah 102:18-19). My question is - what is some ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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What did the sages say about the draft?

Was the draft allowed under Halacha or could one refuse as a conscientious? As far as I understand the Bible allows for compensatory military service but there are many exceptions. But if the war is ...
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Can mezuzah case be slightly smaller than mezuzah?

B"H I'm aware of this question: And answer the says that really a mezuzah doesn't require a case, but for practical purposes one should put it in a ...
Core of reality's user avatar
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Does a Pyramid Temple need to be destroyed in Chutz LaAretz or can it be made into a Synagogue

BH Correct me if I'm wrong; I heard that it is forbidden for Avoda Zara temples to exist in Israel. What about in Chutz LaAretz? Must they be destroyed or may one make a synagogue out of it?
David 's user avatar
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Sponsoring a Sefer - R' Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern Shlit"a

anyone know someone or has a sefer they're looking for support to help print? I want to help print a sefer, specifically preferably in the realm of chassidus or halacha. any chance someone knows a ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Where is there a source where shomer negia extends to non-Jews as well

BH Hi I saw an article that Shomer Negia comes from "None of you shall come near anyone of his own flesh to uncover nakedness: I am the Lord” (18:6), and “Do not come near a woman during her ...
David 's user avatar
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Is one ever ALLOWED to make Kidush before Shacharis?

I know that he doesn't NEED to make Kidush, but if one must eat before Shacharis, is he ALLOWED to make Kiddush?
User123's user avatar
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Drinking water before Shacharis when one did not make Kidush the night before

If one did not make Kidush by night, can he drink water the next morning before Shacharis without making Kidush first?
User123's user avatar
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Are co-wives halachically related

Are co-wives halachically related? If one of them dies does the other co-wife have to sit shivah for her co-wife?
Efraym's user avatar
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If I missed shacharit, do I need to daven minchah as soon as it's permissable? [closed]

In the case where I overslept and missed shacharit, do I have to say minchah as soon as possible (i.e. minchah gedolah), or may I wait for my usual time? Certainly it's more practical to say it early, ...
Elliot Lindsey's user avatar
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Per the Rambam, why does the borrower who repaid interest not receive lashes?

The Rambam (מלוה ולוה 4:1) explains why, despite when borrowing and lending with interest one transgresses a לאו, one does not receive lashes - אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁהַמַּלְוֶה וְהַלּוֶֹה עוֹבְרִין עַל ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Is it prohibited to consume things that unclean animals produce?

Leviticus 11 describes which animals can be eaten and which cannot. In regards to the animals that cannot be eaten, is there any indication that it also applies to things that is produced by the ...
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Is it a sin to eat your own blood? [duplicate]

Leviticus 17:12 KJV Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood. Various passages prohibit consuming ...
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Can Jewish landlord remove mezuzas if Jewish tenant moves in?

B"H I'm aware that the obligation to put up a mezuzah is on the tenant, and the landlord is not obligated to do so, even if he's Jewish renting to another Jew: Landlords and Mezuzot I'm also ...
Core of reality's user avatar
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How does one unify Him as a constant mitzvah?

This is taken from another question: In the introduction to Sefer HaChinuch, the author delineates what he feels are six constant mitzvos from the 613. מששה מצות מהן שחיובן תמידי לא יפסק מעל האדם ...
Max's user avatar
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How do you prove you are Jewish? [duplicate]

I have never been asked to prove I am Jewish, but I often wondered how I could do it. My mother was born in Cairo and her mother in Damascus, and good luck in retrieving archives from hostile regimes ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Buridan's Ass Paradox in Judaism

According to Wikipedia, this paradox is described as: It refers to a hypothetical situation wherein an ass (donkey) that is equally hungry and thirsty is placed precisely midway between a stack of ...
Teg Louis's user avatar
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Is the husband also responsible for maaser due to his wife's income?

The svara here is that if all of the money belongs to the husband, then technically his wife's income is really his own. Does it matter whether the couple uses a joint account and more generally ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Can costs allowed to be written off for tax purposes also be written off for maaser?

As a freelancer, it is very tempting to use tax returns as a way to track the total maaserable income. The only thing is that people tend to write off all kinds of stuff that "could be used for ...
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