Questions tagged [halacha]

Jewish law. Specifically, the legal process beginning with the written Torah and continuing through the Mishna, Talmud, and the legal codes (e.g., Rambam, Tur, Shulchan Aruch). // NOTE: Like Wikipedia, this site makes no guarantee of validity, and does not offer professional (particularly rabbinic) advice. Treat information from this site like it came from a crowd of your friends.

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Right to repair in Halacha

Does Halacha have a perspective on the right to repair movement? Basically it is a movement to allow people who purchase goods to have the right to repair goods, whereas others argue businesses which ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Send Mishloach Manot to someone in a different time zone

There are many different scenarios in this questions. Here are a few On Purim day someone living in Melbourne, Australia ask someone to deliver MM to someone in Los Angeles, USA on Purim. When it is ...
sam freed's user avatar
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Pidyon Haben with 1 coin

Can Pidyon HaBen be performed with a single coin in the following manner? Father gives 1 coin to the Kohen Kohen gives the coin as charity to the father Repeat 3 and a half times The questions ...
sam freed's user avatar
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Does anybody know which Rabbi wrote ,something along lines of, "It's more important to be healthy than do a Mitzva"?

I know that the Rambam writes its a Positive Commandment to take care of your health etc. I'm not referring to that. This seems to go above that saying that it is more important to take care of your ...
Sochacz's user avatar
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Is rotten food mutzkeh on Shabbat or can it be removed

According to Halacha is rotten food considered muktzeh on Shabbat? Is there any heter for throwing out rotten food on Shabbat for smell or other inconveniences?
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Is a carrying handbag on arms Lo Yilbash on a man

According to Halacha, is it lo Yilbash (cross dressing) for a man to carry a handbag or purse on his arm? Or is there any heter for men to have them if they need it for storage?
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Are women obligated in neilah

According to Halacha, are women obligated to recite neilah on Yom Kippur? Or are they exempt because it is a positive time bound commandment?
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Should someone tithe unemployment benefits and severance pay?

I know you're supposed to tithe your after-tax wages as well as gifts of money. However, if a Jew is receiving one instance of severance pay and is eligible for unemployment benefits, do they tithe ...
T.R.'s user avatar
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Is it permissible to reheat rice on Shabbat

According to Halacha is it permissible to reheat already cooked rice on Shabbat? Would it depend on if it is reheated in a kli sheini or a kli rishon or would that not make a difference either way?
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Halachot on geirut during times of persecution

I’ve often heard that a reason that conversions take years and require nearly full observance prior to the tevilah is that this we do not live in a period of persecution, but the relatively light ...
Avi Avraham's user avatar
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Which Mitzva has the most Halachot?

In the spirit of this question, which Mitzva has the most halachot? If it is hard to pick one, happy to hear about a "top 5" etc. E.g. It is hard to measure which Mitzva has the most ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Do blenders need to be kashered

According to Halacha, do blenders previously used for non kosher foods need to be kashered, or merely washed? Furthermore, do they need to be kashered if one plans to use it for fleishig and then for ...
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Can left handed people place a mezuzah on left side of doors

The basic halacha is that a mezuzah should be placed on the right side of the door. My question is, if a person is left handed is it permissible for them to attach it to the left side of the door? Or ...
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May wine be substituted with grape juice for Yom tov

According to the Talmud in Masechet Pesachim, there is a mitzvah to drink wine on Yom Tov for Simchah Yom Tov. My question is, can grape juice substitute for wine on Yom Tov?
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May Jews remove fake nails/eyelashes on Shabbat

According to halacha, is it permissible for Jews (particularly women) to remove fake eyelashes/nails from their bodies on Shabbat? Would it be any problem of borer or handling mutzkeh? Or is it ...
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Is there an order of priority for washing Mayim Achronim

In Halacha, is there an order of priority for who gets to wash Mayim Achronim first or last? So say multiple people are eating together, and one is a kohen or Levi or Talmid chacham or your parent, ...
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May women read the haftarah

The accepted orthodox Halacha is that women do not read from the weekly Torah portion publicly, and this is found in tractate Megillah 23a. My question is, would it be permissible for a woman to read ...
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Can one man count in two minyanim at same time

According to Halacha, if there are two minyanim is it permissible for both of them to count one man in a minyan at the same time? Or no, can he only count for one?
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Minimum observance for Aliyah/leading prayer

I’m curious, according to Halacha, what is the minimum level of observance to be called to the Torah of act as shaliach Tzibbur. Relevant questions about specific Issurim have been asked here before, ...
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Removing plaque from floss: is this borer?

Background Flossing is okay on Shabbat, if and only if: you don't usually bleed, and the floss is pre-cut before Shabbat. (Source.) Please imagine: Your hand-eye coordination is not the best. You ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Shehechayanu for online transactions

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 223:4) rules one should recite shehecheyanu when making certain purchases of important new items. My question is whether they should recite it for an online transaction, or if ...
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Is there a caution in Torah against leaning on sifrei kodesh

BH Is there a worry of leaning on sifrei kodesh like leaning your left elbow on the book while doing something else with your right hand?
David 's user avatar
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What’s the source of davening twords the wall?

BH What’s the source or is there a source of davening facing towards the wall and not if someone is in front of you? Is the optimum way to daven facing right towards the wall and not behind someone ...
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Are the lost tribes of Israel still obligated to this day to keep the 613 mitzvot?

We know that all 12 tribes of Israel (The tribe of Benjamin and Judah plus the 10 lost tribes) were given the Torah at Mount Sinai. And we know that since the destruction of the first temple all ...
Miguel's user avatar
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May a wife go a place against her husband’s will

According to Halacha, if a husband tells his wife she can’t go somewhere (for example, the supermarket) is the wife obligated to listen to her husband? Or can she (at least by halacha) go against her ...
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Baracha When Tying Tzitzit to Mesh Garment

I've read halacha concerning mesh tallitot, that the baracha should not be said when putting it on. But, does the baracha "l'shem mitzvat tzitzit" need to be repeated when tying tzitzit to a ...
Alon Nizovitz's user avatar
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Qualified immunity in Halacha

I am curious about whether the concept of qualified immunity (for monetary liability) exists in Halacha. Qualified immunity in secular law generally means one who is a judge or police officer is ...
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Do you have to honor parents’ demand for Chumra

According to Halacha, do you have to honor your parents’ demand for you to observe Chumrahs? In the rule of Kibbud Av Veim, do parents have the right to tell their children to observe stringencies ...
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Blind man opening the ark/taking out the Torah

Is there anything problematic in Halacha with a blind man opening up the Ark (Aron Kodesh) and taking out the Torah during the Torah service? Does it depend if one is doing one but not the other?
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Is it considered a lofty thing for a man to not look in a mirror (R' Akiva Eiger)?

He says that nowadays, men and women look in mirrors so there's no prohibition of "lo yilbash" for a man to look in a mirror, but he says that the "chaveirim" refrain from it. This ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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May a Jew Benefit from non-Toiveled utensils

According to Halacha, is it permissible for a Jew to benefit from selling non-Toiveled utensils to non-Jews or no? For example, if Jews decide to buy up the rights to a silverware company that sells ...
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Can one keep shkiah of the Gra on one day and shkia of Rabenu taam the next day

I'm trying to understand zmanim. When I go to work, I have to find a Mincha before I finish work at 5PM during the winter. But according to the opinion of Rabeinu taam I can daven Mincha after work. ...
yosefkorn's user avatar
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Steps required to make a cow kosher for consumption

Let's say I have a cow and I want to eat it what are the steps according to halachah. I'm not looking for details just the basics Something like this Shechita by a certified Shochet Bedika? What is ...
sam freed's user avatar
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One act of theft, from multiple victims

If someone commits some sort of theft of e.g. tax money, such as lying in order to get benefits they don't qualify for, or a government worker stealing from the office, or embezzlement... is that one ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Mikva Erev Shabbat (for men) - looking for a detailed work on this practice

I would like to learn everything there is to learn about the practice of men going to mikva (immersing one's body in a ritual pool) on erev shabbat (Friday afternoon). I am not looking for a sif katan ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Paradox of a corrupt court

With current events in mind (South Africa v. Israel Genocide Convention), I have a question. How does Torah help us solve the paradox of applying justice to an injust justice system? If the court ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Military Assessment center question - Group survival vs personal sacrifice vs prohibition of "casting dice"

A Halachic Question from an assessment center: Your group (say 5 people) are standing in front of a high wall of an embassy. An angry mob is moving fast in your direction. You are safe if you reach ...
Wackenrule's user avatar
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Frozen condensate pipe on Shabbat

During freezing weather, pipes can freeze over, which can happen to the condensate pipe of a central heating boiler. This can lead to a very cold house, as the boiler wont function like this. The ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Golden tefillin for kings?

I heard in a shiur that Achav, as much as a רשע he was during his reign, actually was a very big תלמיד חכם in Torah knowledge and even wore golden tefilin all day long. Apparently all מלכי ישראל were ...
KapinKrunch's user avatar
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Minimum tzniut for men

Inspired by this question about the minimum amount of what’s mandatory tzniut agreed upon, I’m curious what the minimum standard of modesty exists for men. In general Halacha, women are required to ...
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Are hydroponics obligated in Maaser and Terumah

According to Halacha, are crops grown in hydroponics in Eretz Yisrael obligated in the laws of Terumah and Maaser? Or no, since it is grown off the ground in hydroponics systems is it exempt?
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Is there a certain size where bugs are not required to be checked?

BH Is there a certain size that bugs don’t have to be checked anymore because they’re too small and if yes what is the size? And what is the source of this size?
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Is breaking TOS (Terms of Service) an aveira?

I had a discussion with my friend yesterday about whether or not you can use a VPN according to Netflix TOS. The conclusion was that you can but it brought up another question, which is “do you have ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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What system do the Rabbi's use when determining if an elective surgery is allowable?

People get surgeries all the time for a variety of reasons. That being said, we now live in a world where surgeries are becoming elective. Meaning the surgery is not necessarily a direct matter of ...
Michael's user avatar
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Is a watch Chatzitzah for tefillin shel yad

According to Halacha does a watch count as Chatzitzah which invalidates tefillin shel yad? So for an average sized wrist watch, is the size between the Arm and arm tefillin strap enough to invalidate ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Are hidden fees and taxes are form of theft

If a merchant or even the government charges you without telling you about a tax or fee is this theft
Raul Valdez Jr.'s user avatar
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Can you volunteer at a library, even if you must shelve books about idol worship?

Large university libraries probably hold books about religions which contain idol worship. (They might also hold books about sexual immorality and murder.) Libraries make books available to the ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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How is a Jew to learn laws according to his custom

I am wondering a Jew is supposed to learn the laws of Judaism in a matter that applies to Jews particulary. I would like to use myself to exemplefy my point. I am a Sephardic and did not find any ...
Torahlover613's user avatar
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Buttoning garment on Shabbat

Is there an issue in Halacha with buttoning a shirt or other garment you are going to wear overnight? Adjusting it multiple times over Shabbat shouldn’t be an issue, but if for example someone has a ...
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Blessing on drinks made from the 7 species

According to Halacha, do drinks, such as for example pomegranate juice, made from the 7 species have the same Berakha of when you eat the 7 species or no? The reason I ask is because for example you ...
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