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Questions tagged [halacha]

Jewish law. Specifically, the legal process beginning with the written Torah and continuing through the Mishna, Talmud, and the legal codes (e.g., Rambam, Tur, Shulchan Aruch). // NOTE: Like Wikipedia, this site makes no guarantee of validity, and does not offer professional (particularly rabbinic) advice. Treat information from this site like it came from a crowd of your friends.

8 questions from the last 7 days
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When is it right to tell someone they’re wrong in a harsh way

Do the rabbis say there a time and place when one should confront someone who is guilty of serious sin. Say slander, adultery, etc.
Mider2009's user avatar
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Wearing functional cufflinks on Shabbos

This question might be a duplicate of Wearing Watches on Shabbat but my question is on other types of functional wearable items that may be considered Tachshitim. What is the determining factor that ...
Moshe's user avatar
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"Being Jewish" - born from a Jewish woman or having a Jewish mother?

This sounds frivolous but it's a genuine distinction. One practical ramification is regarding conversion for a child born via surrogacy, whether the birth mother is Jewish and the egg donor is not, or ...
Chani's user avatar
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Can you please define this yeshivish term?

I was listening to someone explaining a halachic question and they kept returning to a term I could not figure out the meaning of from context "shas of the hock" (likely misspelled). It ...
Mike's user avatar
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Can the words ״שתרגילנו בתורתך״ ever count as Birchas Hatorah?

The law is (Orach Chaim 47:7) that if one already recited the blessing of “Ahavas Olam/Ahavah Rabbah”, and recited words of Torah immediately after Shmoneh Esreh, he no longer needs to recite Birchas ...
Sholom's user avatar
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Halachic source for R' Yitzchok Meir Morgenstern praying late [duplicate]

As we all know there are halachic times to pray. I recently discovered that R' Yitzchok is known (to some level) for praying late among other things. I know he's a Mekubal and that's why he's one of ...
Netanel Menajem's user avatar
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Are self described Reform and Conservative Jews assumed to be halachically Jewish according to Orthodox Judaism?

I’m curious about what the Orthodox understanding of Halacha says about whether Reform and Conservative people are still assumed to be halachically Jewish. Obviously the overwhelming majority of them ...
Man of faith's user avatar
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Is one Chayav for burning the Korbanos of Erev Shabbos on Shabbos?

The Gemara (Shabbos 24b) states that the Korbanos that were brought on Erev Shabbos may not be burned on Shabbos, based on the דיוק of ״עולת שבת בשבתו״ - that only the Korbanos that were brought on ...
Sholom's user avatar
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