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Why do some Siddurim say mitzvot tluyim ba instead of tluyot?

In the part between Borchi Nafshi and the Tallis blessing there is a kavona part that ends with mitzvot tluyim ba in some siddurim. I first thought this was a mere typo but I've now seen it in quite a ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Switching from בוֹ to בָהּ in Shabbat blessing

During Shabbat, it is a common Ashkenazi practice to say three different versions of the Retzei blessing – vah, vo and vam (Magein Avraham to Orach Chayim 268:3 citing Sheyarei Keneset haGedolah). But ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Shva na after dalet prefix

I noticed that in a few siddurim, in Akdamut (line 30), the shva in סִיּוּמָא דִלְעָלַם is marked as a shva na (vocal shva). And I saw in a single siddur (Artscroll) that in Uva letzion, the shva ...
JMS's user avatar
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לְךְ - what is this grammatical form?

Occasionally in a sefardi siddur, I see לְךְ. The first shva is a shva na, and the last is a shva nach. I always thought it was a typo but I keep seeing it now so I thought I'd ask a grammatical ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Siddur with stressed vowels

How can I know what vowel to put stress on? For example in English we can show it in many ways e.g. exAmple I checked Siddur Sim Shalom (Ashkenazi) and not sure if I see any marks in every word to ...
romario's user avatar
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Using meteg to mark non-ultimate accented syllables

The common practice in current prayer books is to use a meteg to mark the stressed syllable in non-biblical texts if it's not the last one. The earliest edition using this method I have found is R' ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Why are some Lameds with a flat top?

In many places in the siddur there are Lameds with a flat top, and there are some with a straight top. For example in the last הללוקה the word בצלצלי, the first lamed is with a straight top, and the ...
Blorkit1's user avatar
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Is Melech ever a verb?

In the Artscroll machzor (ashkenaz), in the Chazarat Hashatz for shacharit of Rosh Hashana, the piyut with the refrain "Hashem Melech, Hashem malach, Hashem yimloch le'olam va'ed" has a strange ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why is G-d mentioned in the feminine sometimes?

In one part of the Birkat Hamazon we say "veal hakol... anu modim lach umevarchim otach". This is only one small example, and there are many others, but why is God being adressed in the feminine "...
Yehonathan's user avatar
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Why is fem. description used to refer to days of Mashiach?

Near the end of the Uva Letzion prayer, there is a phrase that refers to ימות המשיח. This sounds like a feminine ending. Shouldn't the phrase be ימי המשיח as the word יום is masculine?
DanF's user avatar
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Why does chabad say "Yisbareich" instead of "yisbarach"?

Why according to the Nusach Ari (siddur "Tehilat Hashem") does it say "yisbareich" instead of "yisbarach" in Kaddish?
yosef lavi's user avatar
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Nikkud for Halleluyah

I was learning to chant Tehillim in Israel last year. The Syrians have a tradition for how to chant psalms and they base their tradition off the Aleppo Codex. In their siddurim, Halleluyah is written ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Full Kaddish - Titkabel or Titkabal? [duplicate]

There is this line in the full kaddish: ..תתקבל צלותהון but the nikkud in my siddur read Titkabel, while in another it says Titkabal; What's the difference? Which one should be used? .
Levi's user avatar
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Adon Olam: "Yetzir" or "Yetzur"?

Aside from the additional lines in the Sephardi version of the piyut, "Adon Olam", I have seen two different variations in the beginning lines of the prayer. In most versions, such as in general ...
ezra's user avatar
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When did siddurim first start showing sheva na - nach differently?

Some (most?) widely used siddurim today give the reader some pronunciation information that is not obvious in standard Hebrew lettering: when a sheva is pronounced (e.g., by making the sheva na bold, ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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"Hayom yom X b'shabas" or "bashabas"?

A sidur I used this morning had the introductory line of the shir shel yom as "hayom yom sheni b'shabas". When I checked the two sidurim I trust the most for excatitude in these matters, one had "...
WAF's user avatar
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Is it "mechayei meisim UHTTuh" or "mechayeh meisim atTUH" (rav lehoshia) in shmoneh esrei?

I've seen both pronunciations (at the beginning of the second bracha in shmoneh esrei): Aleph-patach, tav-kuhmuhtz, heh (implied stress on second syllable) Aleph-kuhmuhtz-meseg, tav-kuhmuhtz, heh (...
Shalom's user avatar
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Why so many vocalized shvas in Siddur Tehillat Hashem?

I prayed using a Siddur Tehillat Hashem the other day, and I noticed that many more shvas were marked with an asterisk above, indicating that they should be vocalized, than I'd expect. In particular, ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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