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Questions tagged [environment]

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Can you compost chametz in your backyard? If so, how?

Background Some ways to get rid of food, from most to least environmentally-friendly, are: Feeding it to animals. Backyard composting. Curbside municipal composting. Burning it in a plastic bag. ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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To what extent may Jews use natural resources

The tragedy of the commons is a concept that if you have a (generally natural) finite resource with everyone having access to it, it will eventually get overused. My question is, to what extent are ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Animal charities donations in Hilchos Tzedakah

Is it permissible to give Maaser money (or for that matter, a large sum of spontaneous Tzedakah), to an animal protection or endangered species charity? Would this be considered foolish spending or a ...
Kirk's user avatar
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On Chol Ha'moed, can you rinse containers before recycling them?

Background Most cities ask that you rinse all bottles, cans, and containers before you recycle them. Why? Because these items may get bounced around during transport and processing. If these items ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Does rain purify the earth in a similar way we use water for spiritual purification rituals or does the purification require a human element?

Judaism has different rituals around water and purification. A simple example is washing of the hands after a funeral or cemetery visitation. My question is this. Water is used for purification. Is ...
Michael's user avatar
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Shutting lights off during Chol Ha'moed, to save electricity

Preface During Shabbat, Orthodox Jewish practice is to avoid turning lights on or off. Perhaps turning lights on or off is a form of melacha. On Chol Ha'moed, melacha is sometimes, but not always, ...
tealhill supports Monica's user avatar
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Sources and digest about recycling “light” shaimos (e.g. newspaper divrei Torah)

Star-K advises on “shaimos”: NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES AND TAPES Newspapers and magazines which contain secular information should not be put into shaimos as they degrade the real shaimos that are buried ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Environmentally friendly tithe disposal

Being born in the galut, I'm not well acquainted with the laws of tithing. However, I'll need to spend some time in Israel, therefore I started to read about it. As OU's guide says, one should wrap ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Can you shop at a church-owned thrift store? [closed]

Can you shop at a second-hand shop owned by a church, such as a Salvation Army thrift store? Please cite sources.
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
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Could the world be destroyed due to environmental causes?

Some Environmentalists claim that our irresponsibility may/will result in, eventually, the destruction of life as we know it, due to global flooding and superstorms, or any other number of doomsday ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Should Jews be environmentalists? [duplicate]

Do we have a religious obligation to take care of the environment, and if so how far does it extend? Should I spend money to decrease my carbon footprint?
Y     e     z's user avatar
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Is Earth a gift from Hakadosh Baruch Hu?

I have always been confused by the entrustment of the earth to Adam. Is the earth a gift, or do we merely have stewardship? Do any rabbbanim state an opinion, particularly whether any Acharonim weigh ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Torah view on conservation and recycling

It may seem obvious that we should 'look after' the world that Hashem gives us but is it considered a mitzvah to involve oneself in nature conservation and/or recycling?
bondonk's user avatar
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Cutting Vines in Halacha

Halacha does not allow one to cut down a Fruit Bearing tree. Does this apply to a Grape Vine too?
SimchasTorah's user avatar
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driving non-hybrid cars

Is it assur (forbidden) to drive a non-hybrid vehicle if you can afford a hybrid vehicle?
cookie monster's user avatar