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Questions tagged [emotions]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Davening and learning when emotionally distressed

In similar but slightly different light to this question: If one is mentally drained, should a person still daven? Even if that person cannot concentrate? What is the halacha for one who is very angry,...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
  • 14.7k
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How to tell an anxious person they are being anxious? How to tell an angry person to calm down?

This is a pretty pure question: I don't know if the traditional sources even deals with this, but I suspect they might, and hope they do given how nogeah it is to maintaining goodness in our ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Do any Rabbis discuss experiencing sadness after producing a chiddush?

In conversation with a friend he relayed to me that after working for a long period of time on producing a chiddush or novel torah insight, once the chiddush is completed he often feels a profound ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Is anger OK for a husband?

The Gemara says that וא״ר חִסְדָא תּוּקְפָא בְבֵיתָא כִי קַרְיָא לְשוּמְשְמָא אִידִי וְְאִידִי בְאִיתְּתָא אֲבָל בְגַבְרָא לֵית לָן בָהּ And Rav Chisda also said: Anger in a house is like a worm in ...
yogazefish's user avatar