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Questions tagged [emotions]

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7 votes
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Is someone who has clinical depression allowed to take an antidepressant on Shabbos?

It’s my understanding that there’s two main categories of non-life threatening illnesses: מיחוש בעלמא, “average pain,” and נפל למשכב, one who is so sick that he’s unable to get out of bed. The former ...
DonielF's user avatar
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4 answers

Why would a Jew get upset when gentiles claim to be Jews? [closed]

I am running into a problem repeatedly. I am Jewish, and I study Kabbalah in an organization with both Jews and non-Jews. The non-Jews I study with keep insisting they are Jews, because they feel that ...
S K's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Anger is a form of idolatry

I recall reading once that when one is hit with a stick that one does not get angry at the stick. This lesson went on to explain that because everything is G-d's will that the man who cause you harm ...
E. Fisher's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

When is desiring another man's property permitted

Reading the Rambam Hilchot G'zela V'aveda Halacha 9-10: Anyone who covets a servant, a maidservant, a house or utensils that belong to a colleague, or any other article that he can purchase from him ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Yom Kippur, fasting, prayer, crying, and snot

It's Yom Kippur. Mr. Ploni is at home, praying the Amidah prayer with great emotion. He's crying, and his nose is dripping. Although it's a fast day, he wants to lick the snot off his upper lip. If ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar