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Questions tagged [dream]

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Who are the other characters in our dreams?

In my very vivid dreams, I interact with many real and imaginary characters - some are my living and dead relatives, some are people from my past and present, people I've seen on TV and the Internet, ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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How quickly did King Shlomo gain all his wisdom?

I heard that Hashem spoke to Shlomo in a dream and asked him for what he wanted, and he answered חכמה. Did he get this all at once? Or did he have to work very hard over many years to have his request ...
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Should an Orthodox Jew give up on their dreams if their dream job involve the possibility of having to work on Shabbat?

If Judaism is a religion about living a fulfilling and meaningful life, then is following your dreams a Jewish value when it may conflict with Shabbat? For example, if someone’s dream is to be an ...
Zack's user avatar
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Can 3 women do dream rectification

According to the Shulchan Aruch OC 220:1 when one has a dream which makes them anxious, they can have 3 people rectify it. My question is, can this be done by 3 women?
Man of faith's user avatar
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Malachim climbing ladders

When Yaakov Avinu has the dream of the malachim climbing the ladder, Why do malachim need a ladder? Can't they fly or have some other form of supernatural transportation? I thought that the reason ...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Question about a dream [closed]

Is there any spiritual significance to having a dream about Matan Torah? I had one last night, but it wasn't really an accurate reflection of the event as described in the Torah. I don't remember all ...
Menachem's user avatar
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Surpass a test in a dream, receive reward?

I had a dream where I was faced with a difficult challenge to break halacha or not, and I was able to overcome the temptation and follow halacha. My question is, does a person receive a reward for ...
robev's user avatar
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Yosef's dreams and time

I had an interesting idea, and I wondered if anyone knows of sources that use it. Yosef deals with three sets of dreams: his own, the dreams of the sommelier and baker, and the dreams of Pharaoh. In ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Recurring dreams

What is the significance of a recurring dream in Judaism? I remember in the story of Yosef...that a dream repeating twice in a night means the matter is at hand to be fulfilled but it it repeats with ...
Daniel Romero's user avatar
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Why does Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of Egypt?

Pharaoh hears that Joseph successfully interprets dreams. He summons him, and Joseph tells him that his dream means 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine. So Pharaoh orders that food be ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Permitting Aguna Via Dream

The MeshivasNefesh Chelek Even Haezer, Takanat Agunot 35.7 is quoted as permitting an aguna based on the combination of factors including a mother saying her son appeared in a dream saying he drowned ...
NJM's user avatar
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Why things in the Torah are "caused" by dreams but on Purim by insomnia?

Frankly this question was asked by my Chevrutah today. We see that many things in the Torah are caused or moved by sleeping and dreaming - Yaakov dreaming of the Ladder, Yossef having fights with his ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Interpretations of (pseudo)hallucinations vis a vis the Talmud’s interpretations of dreams

The Talmud (last chapter of Berachot, 55a ff.) contains a long treatment interpreting various visions one may experience “בחלום” (in a dream). If when under the influence of a psychoactive drug an ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Why did brothers take Yossef's dreams seriously?

In my understanding, the whole story of the brother's revenge to Yossef started with Yossef's dreams, which he told his father and brothers. Yossef wasn't a prophet, he showed no signs of genius or ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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Why would Yosef interpret the baker's dream for bad?

The Gemara in Brachos 56 brings various accounts about dreams and makes mention that a dream is based on the interpretation. Why would Yosef interpret the baker's dream for bad? Was his ...
sam's user avatar
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Does the metaphor of righteous men as Jerusalem's walls appear anywhere in the Torah?

I had a dream in which God spoke to me. He told me: "See these ruins of the wall (in Jerusalem)? These ruins are not ruins, these are the righteous men of Israel." -i.e. righteous men of Israel are ...
Dan Weisberg's user avatar
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Speaking with/Dreaming of Eliyahu Hannavi?

What are the various opinions on the matter? I know this is vague, but I'm really at a loss. My mother claims to have seen/spoken to Eliyahu Hannavi many years ago, so I'm curious on if we believe ...
Sam Miller's user avatar
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God appearing in dreams?

Is it possible that God appears to people in dreams these days? Can a person who spoke to Hashem in a dream consider this as a real dialog with God or should we instead consider it as pure work of our ...
Dan Weisberg's user avatar
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Judaism and dreams [duplicate]

What's the significance of dreams according to Judaism? I've noticed that I sometimes have very weird and disgusting dreams that I'm truly ashamed of dreaming - unholy things.
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Do the interpretations given in the Gemara (Berachos 57) for seeing various things in a dream also apply if someone dreams that he is dreaming them?

The Gemara in Berachos (57a) brings many different dreams and explains their interpretations. Do these interpretations apply also if someone dreams that he is asleep and is dreaming those dreams or ...
RibbisRabbiAndMore's user avatar
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Seeing a Torah scroll fall in a dream

What significance or symbolism, if any, is there if a person sees a torah scroll fall to the floor in a dream?
postinganonymously's user avatar
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In הטבת חלום, must the three good friends be Jews?

For הטבת חלום, must the three good friends be Jewish? For example can they be Muslim (as a Muslim might believe what they say and isn’t idol worship)? This is pertinent for if one has no good friends ...
Sam Miller's user avatar
14 votes
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Dreamed vs. Dreaming a Dream

Posting for another friend. When does Lashon Hakodesh (throughout Tanach) use "ויחלם" (and he dreamed") by itself and when is "ויחלם חלום" ("and he dreamed a dream") used? It seems that most of the ...
רבות מחשבות's user avatar
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Chalom meaning aspiration [closed]

In both English and Modern Hebrew, the word for dream means both what goes on in the brain when asleep and an aspiration (e.g. I dream to finish shas/get 50 upvotes on my MiYodeya question). Is this ...
Moshe Steinberg's user avatar
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learning in a lucid dream

I had a very odd dream last night. It was a lucid dream, meaning I realized it was a dream. There are supposedly ways to induce this, but in my case it was an accident. I have no idea why it ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Why is dreaming of getting married considered a disturbance?

I know that this is a pretty mystical question, but is anyone able to provide an explanation as to why the Shulchan Aruch (OH 288:5) says that seeing oneself get married in a dream is considered bad ...
Abraham Horowitz's user avatar
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Is a dream analysis assur today?

We all know Yoseff did dream analysis (baker and wine guy) but he had a special connection to Hashem. Lets say you went for a dream analysis in modern times; would it be assur? Is it considered ...
yaakov's user avatar
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Dream - Eating matzah [closed]

Does anyone know what it means if you dream about eating matzah? My Shabbat dream this afternoon was that my sister and I were eating matzah. We each took a piece. Thank you.
devorah's user avatar
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Dream interpreting - Why did Paroh need Yosef?

At the beginning of Parshas Mikeitz, Paroh asks his advisors to help interperet his dreams, but nobody could, until the Sar HaMashkim says he should call on Yosef for help. The Gemara in Brachos 55b ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Why did Pharaoh believe Joseph's dream interpretation?

It would take years before Pharaoh could know if any of Joseph's fat-thin cow dream interpretation was accurate. Why then did Pharaoh make Joseph 2nd in command in the country immediately? Were ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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The practice of lucid dreaming

There has been a bit of discussion lately about lucid dreaming. This results from a state of consciousness in which the person dreaming is aware that they are asleep and can now control every aspect ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Unconsciousness in Jewish Thought

Yes, that pun was intended. We know that sleep is 1/60 of death, and dreaming is 1/60 of prophecy (Brachos 57b). This is because it's a partial death, in which a piece of the Neshamah leaves the ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Are "dream catchers" considered to be avodah zarah?

Are "dream catchers" considered to be avodah zarah? Dreamcatcher: a small hoop containing a horsehair mesh, or a similar construction of string or yarn, decorated with feathers and beads, believed to ...
verbatim's user avatar
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The Shevatim's desire to check on Yosef

We all know that Yosef Hatzaddik was thrown into a pit by his brothers and then sold . My question is , the pasuk says (37:20) that the brothers said they would see what would become of Yosef's dreams ...
KolHashoneh18's user avatar
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"What shall become of his dreams?" - Q on Rash"i on Breishit 37:20

I'm having trouble understanding Rashi on Genesis 37:20 When Joseph came towards his brothers, they plotted to kill him. They said, (Gen. 37:20): וְעַתָּה | לְכוּ וְנַהַרְגֵהוּ וְנַשְׁלִכֵהוּ ...
DanF's user avatar
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Dreaming about Eliyahu HaNavi

I've heard from some people that one can't "choose" to dream about Elyahu HaNavi and that whenever one dreams about him it's for sure the true Eliyahu HaNavi, meaning, it was the prophet himself ...
Jake Armstrong's user avatar
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Who saw angels?

Which historical figures in Tanach had visions of malachim (angels)? Which of these were themselves prophets (e.g. Abraham, Jacob, Balaam)? Which were figures very close to prophets but not themselves ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Who is the master of dreams in Esther 4:1 (Rashi)?

Rashi on Esther 4:1 indicates that The Master of Dreams told him that the celestial beings had concurred about it, because they had prostrated themselves to an image in the days of Nebuchadnezzar ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Why was Pharaoh displeased?

In Parshas Mikeitz (Beraishis 41), Pharaoh receives an interpretation for this two dreams from necromancers. Rashi (41:8) says that they told Pharaoh that “You will beget seven daughters, and you will ...
TreeKing's user avatar
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Nevuah or just a dream

How would we know if we "dreamed" of Hashem talking to us, but were actually getting Nevuah? Even Shmuel was confused the first fact, he also lived in a time when Nevuah had been withheld ...
andrewmh20's user avatar
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Near Death Experience and Judaism

How does Judaism view Near Death experiences? do we believe they are a figment of the imagination, or do we accept them? and if we do accept them, how do we believe stories of people who claim that ...
Shoel U'Meishiv's user avatar
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אמר Divine Speech?

ב"ה I have heard this idea, but I could never find a source for it. The idea is that in certain circumstances when the Torah uses the word ואמר referring to Hashem speaking that it means that the ...
TreeKing's user avatar
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Taanis Chalom on shabbos when a fast day is pushed off

If a fast day which normally falls out on shabbos is pushed off, such as the 17th of Tammuz, and a person fasts on that shabbos for another permissible reason, such as a taanis chalom (fast for having ...
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Recompense for taanis chalom on day with double keduasha

A person is permitted to perform a taanis chalom (fast for having a bad dream) on shabbos, but is supposed to fast a second time to compensate for having fasted on shabbos (Shulchan Aruch, Orach ...
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20 votes
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Is there such a thing as "Veset Halom"

One friend of mine told me that his wife always sees a special dream before her veset. Always the same one. Could such think be counted as veset kavua? I understand that technically a dream doesn't ...
jutky's user avatar
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Can the time a dream occurs influence its significance?

Does the time during the day or night when one has a dream have any influence on how meaningful it is? I've heard it does, but have no good source, and wonder whether it's true.
juanora's user avatar
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Meaning of dreams with some kinds of animals

The gemara in berachot says: "All kinds of beasts are a good sign in a dream, except the elephant, the monkey and the long-tailed ape" (57b). Why is a dream with an elephant, a monkey or a long-tailed ...
juanora's user avatar
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Dreaming of doing a sin

Inspired by Why was Hosea acceptable to the people if he took his adulterous wife back? If one were to dream while sleeping of him or herself doing any sort of sin, is it a sin? (sources)
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Why isn't נִצָּבָה redundant?

In Bereshis 37:7 we read: וְהִנֵּה אֲנַחְנוּ מְאַלְּמִים אֲלֻמִּים בְּתוֹךְ הַשָּׂדֶה וְהִנֵּה קָמָה אֲלֻמָּתִי וְגַם נִצָּבָה - Behold, we were binding sheaves in the midst of the field, and ...
not-allowed to change my name's user avatar
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Bad dream about others

Someone had a dream that some very bad things happened to his friend/relative/other. What should someone do after having such a dream? Is this is a sign of something? Perhaps one should do Teshuva? ...
Yehoshua's user avatar
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