Questions tagged [disposal]

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5 votes
1 answer

Disposing of a CD

If a person owns a cd with pages of Torah in, halachically, can one dispose of the cd? and is there a difference between Ashkenazi and Mizrachi rules?
2 votes
2 answers

Status of books printed by the "Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures"

There are ostensibly a bunch of Christians who want to encourage Jews to learn Torah and keep mitzvot because they believe that will bring the Moshiach, so they have a Tanach they have printed and ...
4 votes
1 answer

What to do with detached/seperated hair of the deceased?

In Western culture, giving a lock of hair to a loved one used to be a common practice. According to halakhah, may the recipient of a lock of hair continue to posses it after the death of the giver? ...
6 votes
1 answer

Did the garbage in the teiva (ark) stink?

The verse says that the Ark was to have three floors, and Rashi (based on Sanhedrin 108b) explains this as follows; "the bottom floor" was for waste, the "second" floor for the animals and the "third" ...
4 votes
2 answers

Bar mitzvah and wedding invitations

I read somewhere that bar mitzvah and wedding invitations should not contain pesukim. If one receives a bar mitzvah or wedding invitation that contains pesukim and throws it into the garbage, has the ...
13 votes
2 answers

How were coins that were destined for the Dead Sea managed?

A mishna on Meila 11a talks about money that a nazarite set aside for his offerings; if he died before completing the term and had set money aside specifically for the sin-offering, those coins are ...
11 votes
2 answers

What to do with old ציצית

What do you do with old ציצית that do not fit anymore? Can you cut off the corners and throw the rest out respectfully?
1 vote
0 answers

Must all discarded paper with God's name in Hebrew be buried in a genizah?

Discarded books and documents that contain the name of God in Hebrew must be buried in a genizah, and not burned or thrown in the trash. But what if the name of God in Hebrew is in a Christian or ...
6 votes
2 answers

What to do with beard hair that falls out?

Should beard hair that falls out be treated in a specific way? Should something specific be done with them? I'm asking because I remember hearing that there is a kabbalistic idea to do something with ...
2 votes
1 answer

Extending the Leg of a Letter to Remove Sheimos

May one extend the letter Hey in God's name to turn it into a Kuf as a way of removing sheimos? My question is twofold: 1) Is there a problem of erasing God's name here, by taking a holy name of God ...
1 vote
1 answer

How does one dispose of broken mayim achronim cups?

How do you dispose of broken mayim achronim cups? Mine was plastic and it fell and broke and cannot be fixed. Thanks!
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a standard for what type of casing a mezuzah needs to be made from? [duplicate]

I very recently came across a mezuzah made from recycled material. The product is referred to as a Tikun Olam mezuzah case and they are apparently all made from reclaimed plastic from the ocean. (the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Environmentally friendly tithe disposal

Being born in the galut, I'm not well acquainted with the laws of tithing. However, I'll need to spend some time in Israel, therefore I started to read about it. As OU's guide says, one should wrap ...
4 votes
2 answers

What should be done with yahrzeit candle jars?

I have seen people save them. I, too, am reluctant to throw them away. Are there laws or standard custom(s) for what is or should be done with the empty jars from yahrzeit candles? We shouldn't need ...
2 votes
1 answer

Discarding matzas according to Jewish law

Where I work has a no-gifts policy, however someone unknown deposited two new boxes of matza in the waiting-room. Is there a proper way to deal with these following Jewish law? None of us can use ...
7 votes
3 answers

Wearing a deceased's shoes

A friend of mine asked me if a deceased's shoes should be disposed of, and if so - why.
6 votes
1 answer

After the Seder, can you give the shank bone to the dog?

Serious question. In general, what are the laws or customs regarding the treatment of the items on the Seder plate? Are they to be considered commonplace or holy? Does it differ before and following ...
2 votes
1 answer

discarding hot meat/dairy on top of dairy/meat

At lunch at work today, an irreligious Jewish coworker asked a religious one why we don't need separate meat and dairy trash receptacles. After all, we separate meat and dairy otherwise. The religious ...
4 votes
1 answer

Can one take out trash cans to the street on Yom Tov?

I know that trash is generally accepted as muktze, though can be moved due to 'graf shel rei'. Is one allowed to take the trash cans out to the street on Shabbos and Yom Tov to the street for pickup?
3 votes
4 answers

bringing back in garbage pails on Yom Tov

If your garbage gets picked up on Yom Tov are you allowed to bring back into your property your garbage pails on Yom Tov?
1 vote
0 answers

Throwing away nails

As discussed here, one should ideally burn or bury his nails, and one who throws them is a rasha. What is the halacha regarding placing them in a trash receptacle? Is it allowed, since it won't lead ...
3 votes
2 answers

Plants growing out of the Kotel

Is there a special status awarded to the plants (shrubs?) growing out of the Kotel? Why don't they get rid of them, as their roots obviously have deleterious effects on the wall?
2 votes
1 answer

Halacha of hair disposal

Are there any traditions or halachic restrictions regarding the proper disposal of human hair (similar to with regard to nails or human remains)? Related: According to Halacha, does one have to ...
6 votes
1 answer

How old is the tradition of the Genizah?

You'll have to excuse my ignorance and if I word something slightly awkwardly, but I did wonder how old is the tradition of burying the Genizot, or alternatively, if that is unknown, what is the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can a partially moldy shmittah etrog be disposed?

In a recent pamphlet from Sh'or Yashuv Yeshiva (5 Towns), I read that a shemittah etrog must either be eaten or left to rot until it is inedible. Usually, when people see mold on food, they throw the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Israeli esrogim after shemittah [duplicate]

Regarding esrogim the year after shemittah, when you prepare them to be made into jam, is it muttar to throw away the seeds?
8 votes
5 answers

What happens to all those kvitlach?

We've all seen the thousands of tiny papers that get shoved in between the bricks of the Kotel. And periodically someone comes around, brushes out the more protruding ones, and sweeps up the mess of ...
2 votes
0 answers

How can someone dispose of chametz trash that someone has disposed on his private property?

Someone's home is on a public street. A homeless man likes to feed bread to the birds that are in the nests and on the person's lawn. Sometimes, the man just dumps a pile of bread crumbs on the lawn ...
0 votes
1 answer

Does giving left-over Masholakh manot fulfill the mitzvah? [duplicate]

A person I know brings to work left-over masholakh manot for his coworkers. Often the food items have already been opened and partially eaten. Although I am sure that the guy is sincere in bringing ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to discard leftover challah

Is there a special way of discarding leftover bread/challah?
11 votes
1 answer

Can you have a trash bin in shul?

Over Shabbos, the Shul in which I davened had a trash bin towards the back. This caused me to realize that I do not think that I have ever seen another permanent Shul sanctuary which had a garbage ...
2 votes
0 answers

Which Sacred Books Require Burial?

A straightforward question: can anybody please source for me a full discussion of which seforim require burial and which do not. (By way of an example, I have heard it said that a gemara need not be ...
5 votes
0 answers

What to do with discarded shemittah produce of co-workers

I currently work in an environment where colleagues (irreligious and/or not Jewish) are consuming produce that has shemittah sanctity. They often throw their left over food directly in the bin with ...
4 votes
5 answers

Does a synagogue have the right to dispose of objects abandoned there?

A particular synagogue has large numbers of abandoned tallesim and tefilin in the drawers in the chapel. Does the synagogue have the right to dispose of objects abandoned there? Does the law change ...
3 votes
2 answers

What do you do with a ketubah document following a divorce?

What is the preferred handling of a ketubah following a divorce? It seems wrong to just throw it away. Should it be buried? Is it permissible to burn it?
6 votes
2 answers

What to do when finding blood in eggs

When cooking something with eggs, I always check the eggs for bloodspots. But I wonder, if I find a blood spot, do I need to throw the whole egg away or can I take the blood out with a spoon and use ...
2 votes
2 answers

How does a Torah's life end?

Let's say a Torah has been in use for a temple's services for awhile. However the Torah was rendered incapable of use due to a disaster of some sort. Will the Torah (or what's left of it) meet a ...
1 vote
2 answers

Does demolishing idolatry require specific authority?

Is a command from legal authorities required to demolish idols? Moreover, what counts as a legal authority in such a case? e.g: You may find many Idols of Jesus in churches in the biblical Israel , ...
20 votes
2 answers

Can one throw out a Menorah?

Is it an issue to discard a menorah that has been used for the mitzvah of Neros Chanuka? What if the menorah is made from something not usually used for a menorah? For example,bottles, cans, potatoes,...
-1 votes
1 answer

Chametz left over Pesach -- Must be burnt?

Chametz that belonged to a Jew over Pesach is prohibted (ossur) to have benefit (haneh) from (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim Siman 448 Sif 3.) Is it enough that this chametz simply be thrown away or ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to bury old s'farim [duplicate]

Suppose I have a printed Chumash with Rashi, or the like, which is worn out to the point of inutility, and I wish to discard it. My understanding (based in part on sources I supply below) is that I ...
3 votes
0 answers

When does trash become muktsa on Shabbos?

My granddaughters will go the candy-man in shul on Shabbos, unwrap their lolly-pops, and hand me their wrappers. If I understand muktsa to mean something which has no purpose for me on Shabbos, then ...
8 votes
1 answer

Source and reason for throwing the Hoshanos on top of the Aron Kodesh

I have seen in many Shuls on Hoshana Raba after using the Hoshanos people throw the used Hoshanos on top of the Aron Kodesh. What is the reason and source for this Minhag?
2 votes
1 answer

How does one dispose of Tzitzis?

I was always told that if a single string falls off your Tzitzis you should put it in a Sefer so that it will end up in Shamis. My question is: Does anyone know a source for this?
8 votes
2 answers

Source of Burning Lulav with Chometz

What is the source of the custom to keep the Lulav untill Erev Pesach and burn it with the Chometz?
8 votes
1 answer

Throwing things out "respectfully"

I have heard many times that when something used for or somehow related to a mitzvah cannot or will not be used again, it should be thrown out "respectfully". What exactly constitutes throwing out ...