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Selling Chametz Without a Liquor License [duplicate]

Does the lack of a Liquor License render Mechirat Chametz halachically invalid, or draw it into question? (Please note that this question is not about Prohibition, the repealed law which banned ...
Naftali Tzvi's user avatar
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Overly broad definition of Chametz in sale contract

I was reviewing the language of a mechirat chametz contract I had been sent and noticed some unusual specific language defining the parameters of the sale: ...The term 'Chometz' shall refer to any ...
Loewian's user avatar
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Would I be allowed to sell my Chametz alcohol during the Prohibition?

During the Prohibition in the United States, owning alcohol was permitted, though selling it was prohibited. If I had a barrel of Vodka which I bought before the prohibition was made law, would I be ...
ertert3terte's user avatar
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