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Is food purchased by a Jew on Shabbos unkosher for later use like cooking in a kosher pot, eating on kosher plates, etc.? [duplicate]

This is a mind-bending question and I'm aware of the prohibition of giving advice that would encourage someone to violate halacha-but here's my reality. I'm a Jew and I have a kosher home. I am not ...
Alan Rich's user avatar
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Is Dina Demalchutah ever mentioned in Tannaic sources?

I was looking up in the Sefaria, but the only reference to the Dinah Demalchutah I could find was in the Babylonian Talmud in the name of the Babylonian Amorah Shmuel (דינא דמלכותא) and only in his ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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No need to adhere to local custom?

When discussing what permission Yaakov had for rolling the rock off the well, Orangesandlemons quoted a Shadal (R' Samuel David Luzzatto זצ"ל) that said that Yaakov was under no obligation to ...
Danny Schoemann's user avatar
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Does Dina deMalchuta include international law?

Chaza"l set forward a regulation that "dina demalchuta dina," the law of the land is the law (Bava B'atra 54b). International law is a set of near-universally recognised modes of conduct between ...
Noach MiFrankfurt's user avatar
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Which takes precedence - dina d'malchuta or halacha? What about minhag yisrael?

A more practical ramification of Is a ban on government workers wearing religious symbols a gezeirat hamalchut for which one would be obligated to give up his life? If the law of the land (dina d'...
Scimonster's user avatar
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Responsibility to government law

When a particular non-Jewish law is inconvenient, and no harm seems to be done to anyone by ignoring (breaking) it... is one required still to keep it? If so, or if not, why? This question ...
Annelise's user avatar
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Limits to Dina Dmalchusa Dina

What are the specifications of Dina Dimalchusah? A more targeted question to answer would be: If I ripped off the label of my mattress — the label that says its removal is punishable by federal ...
simchastorah's user avatar
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