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Questions tagged [derabanan]

Questions connected to laws that were instituted by the Rabbis (not Biblical).

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Mar Samuel and Dina d'malkhuta dina dispute

From Wikipedia: In the opinion of some, for the exiled Jews their submission to gentile rulers was viewed more as a "pragmatic recognition of brute force" than anything else. Do I ...
Danish Darish's user avatar
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Perek Kira: Hardest Sugya in Shas

Why did the Chazon Ish say that Perek Kira is the hardest sugya in Shas? Is it because it deals with coal ovens, which were ubiquitous for Chazal but almost entirely out of use today? Is it because ...
Shimshon's user avatar
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Can one do an issur derabanan so that his friend can do a mitzva doraisa

There’s a rule not to do an aveira to benefit another but would it apply in a scenario where the purpose of performing an issur derabanan is to enable another person to perform a mitzva doraisa.
Xavier Florentine's user avatar
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On the relative authority of biblical and rabbinic law

A principle in Judaism is that perceived uncertainties in biblical laws must be resolved with stringency, whereas perceived uncertainties in rabbinic laws may be resolved with leniency. But rabbinic ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Practical Garuf?

I am writing an article about Garuf and Katum. According to Chazal, one can perform Garuf, which most Rishonim interpret as removing most of the coals from the fire before Shabbos. This practice was ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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How can "Lo Sasur" be used as a primary source for the power of rabbinic legislation?

The context of "Lo Sasur" is that when the law isn't clear the kohanim (and the shofet) at the mikdash are the final authority. See Devarim 17:8-11 (ח) כִּי יִפָּלֵא מִמְּךָ דָבָר ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Is hiddur mitzvah biblical or rabbinic

According to Halacha, is the concept of hiddur mitzvah, beautifying the mitzvah, biblical or rabbinic in nature? Or is it a machloket amongst the poskim?
Kirk's user avatar
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Is Marit ayin biblical or rabbinic

According to Halacha, is the prohibition of Marit Ayin biblical (D’oraita) or rabbinic (Derabbanan) in nature? Or is this question an undecided Machloket amongst the Poskim?
Kirk's user avatar
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Shvus and oneg Shabbos: instruments and dancing

Introduction: Understanding shvus and oneg Shabbos Playing instruments/ clapping, dancing and banging The mishna (Beitza 36b) says one can’t play an instrument lest he come to fix it. Nor can he clap ...
David Feigen's user avatar
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Where do the rabbis get the Noahide Law prohibiting the consumption of the meat from a living animal: "ever min hachai"?

At first, this may seem obvious. The source is Genesis 9:4 - "Only flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat." Put in other words - "But you must not ...
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is there an exact definition in halachah of what constitutes (1)‘racism,’ or (2)discrimination?

I'm doing some work about the legal definitions of ‘racism’ as part of a wider system of legally recognised forms of ‘discrimination,’ under the UK Equity Act 2010 and later legislation. I wondered if ...
Kleinzahler's user avatar
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Is saying 100 berachot daily biblical or rabbinic [duplicate]

In halacha, Jews should recite 100 berachot a day. My question is, is this requirement a biblical law or a rabbinic decree?
Kirk's user avatar
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How would rabbinic law be derived from a Sefer Torah written in another language?

Much of rabbinic law derives from the hebrew Torah's unique spelling (eg plene vs deficient) and wording (eg "את" to include) etc. Rashbam writes that he will explain the Torah literally as ...
Nahum's user avatar
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Torah source for lighting Shabbat candles

What is the written Torah source requiring Jews (and/or specifically Jewish women) to light Shabbat candles just before Shabbat begins? My understanding is that mitzvot may only come from the written ...
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Are the laws of techumin biblical or rabbinic

According to Halacha, is the prohibition of leaving techumin on Shabbat biblical or rabbinic in origin? Not that it wouldn’t be issur if rabbinic, but it would have implications for Kavod Habriot and ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Is carrying with a shinui in a rabbinically prohibited area permitted for a mitzvah

According to Halacha, is it permissible to carry with a shinui in a place where it is only rabbinically prohibited to carry in the first place if done for a mitzvah? So for example, if a Jew carried ...
Kirk's user avatar
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What system do the Rabbi's use when determining if an elective surgery is allowable?

People get surgeries all the time for a variety of reasons. That being said, we now live in a world where surgeries are becoming elective. Meaning the surgery is not necessarily a direct matter of ...
Michael's user avatar
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Are the laws of muktzeh biblical or rabbinic

Are the laws prohibiting handling muktzeh on Shabbat considered biblical (from the Torah) or rabbinic? The reason it matters is because of the rule in Halacha, Safek Derabbanan Lekula vs Safek d’...
Kirk's user avatar
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Why do we say berachot on hanukah if it’s post-Torah [duplicate]

Since Hanukkah is not mentioned in the Torah, why do we say bercahot with hashem’s name, especially lehadlik ner which includes “asher kiddishanu bemitzvotav”. If hanukah is not part of the ...
Jeremy Voss's user avatar
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Is betting on board games/chess gambling

If someone makes a bet on something like chess or a board game, (we’ll include some types of card games as well), does that count as gambling in Halacha? Gambling (between Jews) is prohibited de-...
Kirk's user avatar
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Putting oneself in doubt, when it comes to a Mitzvah Derabanan

The Mishnah Berurah (46 S”K 31) brings an opinion - which is how the SA Harav rules - that in a case where one is afraid that he might miss the time of Shema by the time the Tzibur reaches the place ...
User123's user avatar
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Nedarim to d’rabbanan prohibitions

If one makes a Neder to do something that is prohibited D’rabbanan, and knows that it is prohibited D’rabbanan, is it considered a Neder in vain, or is one nonetheless still considered obligated to do ...
Kirk's user avatar
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How does one reconcile the fact that Avraham Avinu proselytized to non-Jews and yet Judaism is not a proselytizing religion?

I've read that Avraham Avinu proselytized to anyone he encountered, encouraging them to acknowledge HaShem as the Master of the Universe and express gratitude to Him. Yet, it is generally understood ...
ddas91600's user avatar
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Prohibition of meat and fish

Is the prohibition against consuming meat and fish together considered d’rabbanan, minhag, or some other category? The main reason I ask is because the status of it binding can affect whether one is ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Rabanan cancelled out his mitzvah -- does it matter if his problem was active or passive?

There's the well-worn discussion of cases where someone did a mitzvah when the rabbis said not to, e.g. blowing shofar or taking lulav when the otherwise-right day was shabbos. This is usually linked ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Two festival days in diaspora [duplicate]

Is having to observe two festival days in the diaspora a minhag or takkanah? Is it still binding today?
Mikayah Yisrael's user avatar
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Methods of avoiding unintentionally wasting seed at night

Hi I heard there are methods of avoiding unintentionally wasting seed at night like sleeping on your side specifically that it has to be uncomfortable so your body doesn't sin in the night and then ...
David 's user avatar
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When Moshaich comes, what will happen to halachot that are not d'oraita or rabbinic insight into Hashem's absolute Ratzon?

At some point after the Moshaich comes, we will famously no longer have a Yeitzer Hara (e.g. Sukkah 52a). At that time, will we still need the fences Chazal put around the Torah? I don't just mean the ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why is the bracha on mashed potatoes "haadama" despite being mashed up but the bracha on applesauce is "shahakol" unless there are pieces in it?

Why is the bracha on mashed potatoes "haadama" despite being mashed up but the bracha on applesauce is "shahakol" unless there are pieces in it that are not mashed up?
Dude's user avatar
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Why doesn't the Gemera bring 3 more proofs for if צער בעלי חיים is Biblical or Rabbinical?

The Gemera in Bava Metzia 32a-33a has the famous dispute about if צער בעלי חיים is a Biblical or Rabbinic prohibition, and both sides brings proofs one way and the other. My question is, we don't find ...
Avishai Tebeka's user avatar
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Why only seven rabbinic commandments?

Traditionally, there are seven rabbinic commandments to be added to the 613 in the Torah: Hallel, Purim, Hanukkah, Eruv, washing hands, lighting Shabbat candles, and saying blessings. But there are ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Tevilas Ezra on Shabbos

Does any source speak about טבילת עזרא specifically in the context of שבת? I am asking because relations on שבת is indicated to be a preferred/ideal time (based on certain sources (e.g. בבא קמא פב ע&...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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When were the minor fast days decreed by the rabbis?

Five of the six annual fast days are rabbinic and four are "minor" (i.e., daylight fasts). When, historically, were these five fast days decreed and which is the last to be decreed by the ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Why was Yom HaShoah not established as a fast day?

Why was Yom HaShoah, the memorial day for the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, not established as a fast day? That would be consistent as we fast on other days when we commemorate past ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Is this the correct phrase: העול של תורה [closed]

The Yoke of the Torah Please adjust so I have the phrasing/prepositions correct. (And any source references welcome!)
Jonesome Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Morning Netilat Yadayim - Rabbinic or Biblical?

Though there's a reference for morning netilat yadayim within the Zohar, is it a rabbinic decree, or a Torah based mitzwot for ALL Yisrael outside of the kohenim?
Mikayah Yisrael's user avatar
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Why did rebbi Yishmael Ben Elisha as a Kohen Gadol want to bring a "Chatos Shmeina"

The Gemara in Shabbas 12b writes as follows אָמַר רַבִּי יִשְׁמָעֵאל בֶּן אֱלִישָׁע: אֲנִי אֶקְרָא וְלֹא אַטֶּה. פַּעַם אַחַת קָרָא וּבִקֵּשׁ לְהַטּוֹת. אָמַר: כַּמָּה גְּדוֹלִים דִּבְרֵי חֲכָמִים ...
Yoreinu's user avatar
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Have electric cars been suggested for those who respond to emergencies on Shabbos?

In a nutshell – and I know this is complicated – the Mishna says that some rabbinic prohibitions were lifted to make life easier on emergency responders after they've provided their assistance on ...
Shalom's user avatar
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Rabbinical authority (2)

Part 2 of the question: Rabbinical Authority: I am delving into the concept of the rabbinical authority based on the following pasuk "If a case is too baffling for you to decide, be it a ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Rabbinical authority

I am delving into the concept of the rabbinical authority based on the following pasuk "If a case is too baffling for you to decide, be it a controversy over homicide, civil law, or assault—...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Is there a mention of the 7 Mitzvot deRabanan in the Talmud or Midrash?

Is there a mention of the 7 Mitzvot deRabanan in the Talmud or Midrash? Or does this come from other, later sources?
Dankl-Franl bar Uri-Hirschl's user avatar
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When do we say safek d'rabanan lekula? [duplicate]

There is a concept that in matters of doubt that pertain to derabanans we pasken lekula. I have seen this applied to doubts in realia as well as halachik doubts (eg machlokes). Nevertheless, it is ...
Jo.P's user avatar
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Derabbanan vs. Minhagim

How does one differentiate a minhag, something that is not from a derabanan obligation? For exmple, how do we know the beating of the aravot is a minhag, but not a derabbbanan obligation? Weren't they ...
yogazefish's user avatar
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What is the term in Judaism for the "fence laws"? (rabbinical laws to guard against G-d's laws)?

What is the term in Judaism for the "fence laws"? (rabbinical laws to guard against G-d's laws)? For example the Muktzeh.. Distinguishing it from for example the 7 rabbinical mitzvot / ...
barlop's user avatar
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Today's reason of wine prohibition

I can understand that in the old days non-Jewish people used to make wine for worshipping or that wine was the main alcoholic beverage and drinking a wine made by non-jews would require some ...
juanora's user avatar
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Why does the man who guards the Red Heifer defile his clothes?

Bava Metzia 93a reads: "One who safeguards the red heifer renders his garments impure ... Rabba bar Ulla said: This is a decree, lest he move a limb of the heifer." But... how does it deter ...
Zarka's user avatar
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Gezerah D'Rabbah in the Beit Hamikdash?

Rabbah publicized a Gezerah (command / decree) that Lulav and Shofar should not be used on Shabbat because of a fear someone may violate the Melacha of Hotzaah. I heard that there was another case ...
talmidforlife's user avatar
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Can Catholics be considered pious/G-d-fearing in the context that they believe their church to be their version of Rabbinical authority? [closed]

This question relates to people who are good in nature but mislead in practice and the situation they are raised within. Obviously, Judaism has issues with Catholicism in the sense it contradicts ...
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Why do we have an explicit rule of Safek Brachos Lehakel if we already have a greater encompassing rule of Safek D'Rabanan L'kulah?

I understand that Safek brachos lehakel might simply be a corollary of Safek D'rabana L'kulah, however I assume there is some nafka minah between the two. The only reason we would have safek brachos ...
Aaron Heideman's user avatar
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How did the Rabbis know that people were intentionally leaving food on the stove?

The Talmud (Shabbat 38a) records the following rabbinic decree: מאי גזירתא דאמר רב יהודה בר שמואל א"ר אבא אמר רב כהנא אמר רב בתחילה היו אומרים המבשל בשבת בשוגג יאכל במזיד לא יאכל וה"ה לשוכח ...
Alex's user avatar
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