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2 answers

Soul mates, death and remarriage - who will we spend eternity with?

Introduction In the general concept of kabbalistic soul mates, we marry the other half of our soul (may we all be zoche to find our true zivug and have a bayit ne'eman b'yisrael). Our goal is to ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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According to Rambam, where do the souls of the righteous dwell in the period between the death of their bodies and the resurrection?

I am an Italian Noahide. If I have understood correctly, Rambam affirms that the resurrection of the dead is reserved only for the righteous, who, after being resurrected, will live a long and joyful ...
Amos74's user avatar
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What is the mechanism of death by poisoning?

The four deaths mentioned in the Jewish law have a very straightforward physical impact on the body. All of them cause inability to breathe which is linked to "maintenance" of the soul, and ...
Al Berko's user avatar
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What did Jews really believe about the soul and life after death?

As a Christian, I am very interested in learning what did Jews and Judaism teach about the soul, particularity, what happens to the soul when one dies? Biblical scholar Bart D. Ehrman, is of the ...
Dan's user avatar
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What causes a person to remain in this world as a ghost?

A baraita on Berakhot 18b relates a story where a pious man sleeps in a cemetery and hears two spirits talking. One of them suggests they wander the world, and the other says she can't because she ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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What happens the second you die?

What do our sources say about what happens the second you die. I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that one’s soul comes out of their body and they float around the room. Are there any fascinating ...
Anonymous111122's user avatar
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Does Judaism teach that the soul cannot rest until the body turns to dust?

In the movie "To Dust" they claim that "Judaism teaches that the soul cannot rest until the body turns to dust." Is there any basis for this claim?
Shmuel's user avatar
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How can Nefesh mean a dead person?

In Vayikra 21:1 it's stated that one should not defile himself for any (dead) nefesh (person). How can a word like nefesh which seems to be the force that animated the body and gave it it's life, ...
Levi's user avatar
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What is the importance of the human body after death?

On one hand, we are told that the body is a simply container holding our soul. We have to take care of it while alive because we are borrowing it for our time on Earth. It is widely believed that our ...
Nathan H's user avatar
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What is the timeline of the connection of the soul to the body after death?

Speaking to the Rabbi who runs the chevra kadisha in my neighborhood recently, regarding the pending cremation of the mother of a friend, he mentioned several interesting concepts with respect to the ...
seebiscuit's user avatar
-2 votes
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Could I became a Jew in the next cosmic reborn/reboot?

Hindu people believe that the Cosmos is dying and emerging in a never ending circle. How is this seen by Jews and could I be born in the new Cosmos instance as a Jew, even if I am not?
Derfder's user avatar
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A reference to the soul of a Tzaddik like an eyelash in milk

I know that somewhere in something I have read there is a comment that someone (Yaakov avinu?) was so spiritually pure/holy that his soul did not cling to the earthly shell that was his body but came ...
rosends's user avatar
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Can the living negatively affect the dead?

As far as I know, living people can positively affect the dead. This is the reason we say Kaddish and learn Mishnayos for the souls of the deceased. (Feel free to comment with more examples of this.) ...
HodofHod's user avatar
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