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Questions tagged [cooking-bishul]

for questions about cooking generally and also about the halachic concept of bishul

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Perek Kira: Hardest Sugya in Shas

Why did the Chazon Ish say that Perek Kira is the hardest sugya in Shas? Is it because it deals with coal ovens, which were ubiquitous for Chazal but almost entirely out of use today? Is it because ...
Shimshon's user avatar
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Instant noodles on Shabbat [duplicate]

There is a concept of Kli Sheini (a second cup) in which Halacha dictates that by taking boiling water from its source into an empty vessel and then pouring it into another vessel, the water is no ...
Shtika K'hodaah's user avatar
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Espresso on Shabbos... ☕ Will this method work? [duplicate]

I've come across some fully-manual espresso machines, such as Flair 58x*. Assuming one holds like Rav Moshe Feinstein where there is no bishul in a kli shlishi, and one prepared his pre-ground coffee ...
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Practical Garuf?

I am writing an article about Garuf and Katum. According to Chazal, one can perform Garuf, which most Rishonim interpret as removing most of the coals from the fire before Shabbos. This practice was ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Is it permissible to reheat rice on Shabbat

According to Halacha is it permissible to reheat already cooked rice on Shabbat? Would it depend on if it is reheated in a kli sheini or a kli rishon or would that not make a difference either way?
Kirk's user avatar
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Does Bishul Akum follow the rules of the location of cooking or eating?

Although it is forbidden for a Jew to eat food cooked by a gentile (YD 113), there are some exceptions - notably, food that is regularly eaten raw (113:1), or food that is not fit to be served by a ...
chortkov2's user avatar
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Are partially cooked foods subject to bishul/Pat akum

According to Halacha, are foods which are otherwise subject to bishul/pat akum laws (particularly if one is normally stringent with them) that are partially but not fully cooked by a gentile ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Heating pre cooked stew in kli sheini on Shabbat

Is it permitted to heat (fully cooked) stew in a kli sheini on Shabbat? This would obviously be edible, cold, and wet (covered with water and gravy) meat, vegetables, potatoes etc. so you would be ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Hot chocolate on Shabbat [duplicate]

If one has a glass of hot water (that was heated before Shabbat) are they allowed to put hot cocoa powder in it on Shabbat? In this case, it’s a solid being absorbed by the liquid, but would it still ...
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Do sephardim have different halachas for serving cholent from a blech on shabbos?

I always learned that it's forbidden to, for example, stir cholent while it's still on the blech/hot plate on shabbos, or to serve it straight from the blech/hot plate. Rather, one must remove the pot ...
Uri's user avatar
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Deliberately congeal fatty sauce before/on Shabbat so it can be put on the blech in the morning?

According to SA OH 318:16 sefardim may deliberately place a dish that has congealed fat onto a blech, even though it will melt and become a liquid. The principle of "en bishul achar bishul" (...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Washing Hands With Hot Water On Shabbath

Why can’t one wash their hands with hot water on Shabbath? Is it Biblical or Rabbinical that we not do so?
Mikayah Yisrael's user avatar
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Chanania and perek 3 of Shabbos - if yeish bishul acher bishul

How do we “find our hands and feet in the beis midrash”? We seem to poskin that yeish bishul achar bishul for food that is ma’achal ben drusai; if so, cooking it on Shabbos would be forbidden and ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Hand warmer on Shabbos

I was asked on Shabbos the following question: Can hand warmers be used on Shabbos? Does it make a difference if it was activated before Shabbos or can it be even activated on Shabbos? I was thinking, ...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Burger King Vs McDonalds, מן התורה או מדרבנן

I know this question is a little off the beaten track but still. I saw a quote in a Sefer regarding cooking meat and milk together. He explains there is a difference between Mcdonald's and Burger King’...
fulltimekollelguy's user avatar
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Putting Pre-Prepared Food On An Already On Pilot on Shabbath

If one prepares food prior to the sun going down on Erev Shabbath, and then puts it on a pilot that was on prior to the sun going down in order for the food to be warm, are they allowed to partake in ...
Mikayah Yisrael's user avatar
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What is the status of a pareve container AFTER pareve food that had been cooked in a meat pot is warmed in it? Was status of pareve container changed?

I'm trying to learn what is the status of a pareve container AFTER pareve food that had been cooked in a meat pot is warmed in it? Was the status of the pareve container changed? I did search Mi ...
Sidney76's user avatar
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Mevushal kol tzorko - what is it for meat?

We poskin (OH 318(4)) that the law of cooking on Shabbos continues until solid food passes מאכל בן דרוסאי, and reaches מבושל כל צרכו - "completely cooked". What does "completely cooked&...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Is it forbidden to boil an animal alive?

Is it forbidden to boil a living animal and then take its meat for consumption? Does the Torah or another source address the concept of boiling living animals?
The Editor's user avatar
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Closing an oven door on shabbos

On Shabbos, if an oven contains a pot of fully cooked food, may one open and close the oven door? Two potential issues that I can think of it - 1) similar to the question of opening and closing a ...
Draizy-Levi Pine's user avatar
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Cooking meat and milk but not benefitting from it

Is it forbidden to cook meat and milk if one wasn't to benefit from it? The situation is being a culinary class in a non-Jewish school - would I not be able to participate in cooking if there was meat ...
VenyaK's user avatar
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Blech using a griddle

Is it permissible to perform shehiya using a griddle as a blech on Shabbos, where one uses the griddle regularly during the week to cook on - adjusting the flame all the time during its regular use?
Draizy-Levi Pine's user avatar
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Halachically-compliant Shabbos warmers?

I understand that it halachically permissible on Shabbos to place dry, already cooked food (such as leftovers from the fridge) on a warming tray so that it will get warm. However, there are several ...
Kordovero's user avatar
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Tradition soup on shabbos

Are you allow to make (just put hot water) a Tradition soup (pre-made soup) on shabbos? Is it considered cooking? And why
user27154's user avatar
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Using Chemical Heat for Food on Shabbos

What do Poskim say regarding using chemical cooking technology on Shabbos where a combination of iron, magnesium and salt with water can heat up food?
NJM's user avatar
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What is פנאד"ש?

I know that it is a meat food, but what does it look like? (שולחן ערוך יורה דעה צד, 8) I didn't find any explanations about it from Google.
Ishayahu's user avatar
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Cooking meat on Shabbat using Kinetic energy, or non-conventional ways

Putting all jokes (and Purim Torah) aside, a person successfully demonstrated cooking both steak and chicken using a machine that slaps the meat continuously (video here). Albeit they claimed it ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Can a Kli Sheini be built onto a Kli Rishon?

If I want to use use hot water from my coffee urn on Shabbat (as I understand it, the urn is a kli rishon) to make instant coffee, I pour it into a separate cup and pour from there into the cup that I ...
rosends's user avatar
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Putting a raw piece of meat in pot on Erev Shabbos

Orach Chaim Siman 253 Seif 1 talks about in which situation are you allowed to keep food on a fire on shabbos and in the middle of the seif it says, ואם נתן בה חתיכה חיה מותר כאלו היתה כולה חיה דע&...
Efraym's user avatar
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Is non-Jewish cleaning help allowed to prepare her own food in a kosher microwave?

Is a non-Jew allowed to prepare her own meals in a kosher kitchen, using kosher products, in the microwave or any plug in electric appliances i.e. waffle maker, panini maker, etc?
Gitty's user avatar
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Is a utensil used for chillul Shabbos considered non-kosher?

If a Jew cooks on Shabbos, the Shulchan Aruch OC (318:1) says המבשל בשבת [או שעשה א' משאר מלאכות] [טור] במזיד אסור לו לעולם ולאחרים מותר למ"ש מיד - One who cooks food on Shabbos [or performs any ...
NJM's user avatar
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Can I drive an electric car that has been left on before Yom Tov if food was placed on the batteries before Yom Tov?

DISCLAIMER: I was referring to what I saw on the Chabad article(the first one linked to as "Yom Tov Laws") I am not considering at all Yom Kippur, I meant Yom Tov in terms of the idea of &...
David Warshawsky's user avatar
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Should we prevent a chumra in the laws of Shabbos that exceeds the normal understanding?

The halacha is that generally a keli shelishi does not cause bishul. The Chazon Ish says that a keli shelishi (or revii) above yad soledes bo does cook those things that are kalei habishul. A ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Warm food on Shabbat day during Mishnaic and Talmudic times

In looking over the laws for keeping food warm over Shabbat, I began to wonder how things practically played out during the times of the Mishna and Talmud. Given that an oven could only be used if the ...
Ari's user avatar
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Can a glass stovetop be used for both meat and milk?

Is it permissible to use a glass stovetop for both meat and milk? Or is it forbidden? A OK article says that one should not use a glass stove top for meat and milk, however rabbikaganoff Is My Stove ...
Chofetz Chaim's user avatar
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Does the torah prohibit the consumption of Raw Meat for everyone?

Backstory I am a Noachide who started to experiment with a raw meat diet, after watching videos such as this: It has certainly peaked my interest, and now I ...
Anon's user avatar
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Does double wrapping food work for non-kosher food?

I have read several articles stating that one may double wrap food and place it into a non-kosher oven. I haven't read anything regarding the "opposite situation". Lets say one has verified that an ...
DanF's user avatar
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What sources discuss whether a pareve dish can be used in the same oven as meat and/or dairy consecutively?

Suppose a pie dish was used only for making fruit pie, and has never contained any dairy or meat. Suppose it spends time cooking inside an oven that also contained chicken and meat. The question is,...
CodyBugstein's user avatar
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Keeping the flame going on Shabbat

In the (very) old days, when the only source of heat and cooking fire was the fireplace, how did they keep the fire going for a day on Shabbat without adding wood?
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Intentionally smelling the odor of food cooked by a Jew on Shabbos

Since it is forbidden to benefit from food cooked by a Jew on Shabbos, is the benefit only eating, or is it prohibited to intentionally smell the odor of the food being cooked as well?
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Induction cooktop with blech

I have looked at this question regarding the use of induction cooktops on shabbat. The problem seems to be one of החזרה (returning to the fire) -- understandable, since one cannot take a pot off the ...
Michael's user avatar
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A better way to warm up food on shabbat morning

When warming up food on a hot tray on shabbat, most poskim do not allow one to put the food directly on the hot tray, but rather insist on a plate or inverted pot or pan be placed on the hot tray and ...
Popular Isn't Right's user avatar
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If one accidentally reheats some soup on Shabbos, are they allowed to eat it?

If someone left soup on a hotplate when it was off, forgetting that it was on a timer and would come back on later, can he eat it after the soup is reheated, because you can't do this on Shabbos?
user5303's user avatar
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Is Sous-vide Cooking or Roasting?

It has been discussed here previously regarding the Sous-vide method of cooking. However I have a separate question. What type of method is halachically categorized as? Is it Tzli or is it Bishul? ...
Shoel U'Meishiv's user avatar
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Can one bake silkworms in a kosher oven?

Raising silkworms can be a fun project. If you're trying to get silk thread, the last step of the process, after they finish spinning their cocoon, is to bake them in the oven to kill them (if they ...
Welz's user avatar
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Is blood "batel beshishim"? [duplicate]

I ask this question because I notice what seems to be a practical "contradiction". Inevitably, even after salting meat, there seems to be some blood in it. Yet, I notice some people that eat raw meat ...
DanF's user avatar
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Tankless Water Heaters on Shabbos and Yom Tov

I have been trying to understand the issues with tankless water heaters on Shabbos and Yom Tov. (The simple description of how this works can be found here and here). I found this answer on Mi Yodeya ...
gt6989b's user avatar
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How to cook with a metal disc on a treif glass top stove?

The Star-K gives this advice for kashering a glass top stove: The sentence that I am ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Is hot water on an airplane kosher?

Why is it generally assumed that hot water on an airplane is kosher? Is the urn that warms up water on an airplane strictly for water use? Or do they alternate and it can be used sometimes for other ...
user17545's user avatar
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Cooking for the next day on yom tov

The Shulchan Aruch 503 writes that one cannot cook for the next day of yomtov . My question is once its the second night can one cook on the second night for the second day meal? Do we say the night ...
sam's user avatar
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