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Source of a shita for when giving Tochacha (הוכח תוכיח) is likely to go unheeded

In a handwritten drasha written in 1904 by a relative, it refers to a peirush that offers a resolution for when the mitzva of הוכח תוכיח is conflicted with the need to avoid saying a דבר שאינו נשמע (a ...
EraserX's user avatar
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How did anyone study the Talmud before Rashi?

Supposedly, the knowledge was transmitted from teacher to student in each generation and so Rashi learned it all from his teacher and wrote it all down. Was it common for people to be familiar with ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Who where these commentaries of the book chovot Halevavot?

BH Who where these comentaries Pat Lechem, Marpe La Nefesh, and Tov Halevanon? And is Tov Halevanon the same as Lev Tov on Chovot Halevavot? Also heard there is also Nedar Bakodesh on Chavot Halevavot ...
David 's user avatar
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Kovetz Mefarshim by daf

Has anyone ever put out mefarshim on gemara by daf rather than mefaresh? Or try to collect primary rishonim/achronim discussed in yeshivot per daf and reprint them together?
ak0000's user avatar
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What daf and exact quote is this talking about in the Rashash

BH The Rashash on the Tosfot daf 7B dibur hamaskil VeIbait Eima brings support from a different Gemara somewhere in Brachot. What’s the exact source and lashon of this? Like where is it? In my Gemara ...
David 's user avatar
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Having a Chassidishe Gaiva

BH One of my teachers said once that a student of the Alter Rebbe was in a city filled with so much materialism and sin that he was later asked how he was able to overcome the tests and so he said &...
David 's user avatar
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What is the source of not to speak dvarim betelim

BH What’s the source and meaning of not speaking dvarim Beteilim purposeless words?
David 's user avatar
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Summary of mefarshim in back of Gemara

Hey can anyone write a brief summary of some of the most used mefarshim in the back of the Oz VeHadar Gemara for example and maybe a fact on the nature of the commentary. for eg. the Ritva, is he ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Works of Rav Moshe ibn Chaviv

If I'm not mistaken a popular series of sefarim for Maseches Rosh Hashanah, Yoma, and Sukkah, are respectively "Yom Teruah", "Tosefes Yom Hakippurim", "Kapos Temarim", by ...
robev's user avatar
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Are there any compliations of ancient/medieval Jewish comments on Scripture?

Is there any book or website where I can look up ancient/medieval Jewish teaching on any given verse in the Tanach to see what the Talmud, Midrash, Rashi, etc. says about the verse? Something akin to ...
Niobius's user avatar
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Nedarim 51a bar kappara permitted to listen to rebbe’s wife’s singing

The Talmud Nedarim 51a brings Shalmei Nedarim, Yaakov Emden, and Einayim Lamishpat who explain possible circumstances that could have permitted Bar Kappara to listen to Rebbe’s wife sing at Rebbe’s ...
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Talmid Rabbeinu Yeĥiel of Paris on Moed Katan

Steinsaltz edition of Moed Katan cites a comment on daf 17a from Talmid Rabbeinu Yeĥiel of Paris. This doesn’t appear in Tosafot. Does anyone know where I might find it?
Zarka's user avatar
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Numbering in the Mordechai

I've noticed that the Mordechai has a strange numbering system (א,ב,ג etc.) that goes through it. I thought it might just be enumerating the individual halachos l'maaseh, but I noticed that it often ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Can you translate Rabbi Yosef's commentary on Shabbat 146a?

Could someone translate the following: בשעה שבא נחש על חוה. פשט המאמר הוא כמו שאמרו המפרשים ז"ל, דלא בא עליה ח"ו ביאה ממשית גופא בגופא, אלא ביאה מחשבית והטיל בה זוהמא בראיה, ואותה הזוהמא ...
GGG's user avatar
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Tosfos Rabbeinu Peretz on Sanhedrin

I saw in Rav Steinsaltz's commentary on Sanhedrin 17a a reference to Tosafos Rabbeinu Peretz. Is Tosafos Rabbeinu Peretz on Sanhedrin available online anywhere?
Zarka's user avatar
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Looking for a commentary, possibly in Mas. Nazir

Connected to this question. In the discussion of the relationship between the Nachash and Chava, as related in Masechet Avoda Zara, 22b, the Chidushei Agadot summarizes opinions about the connection ...
rosends's user avatar
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What other phrase did the rabbis use to describe "yom teruah" besides the ones below?

What other phrase did the rabbis use to describe "yom teruah" besides the ones below? Our rabbis of blessed memory gave additional "phrases" to describe or to name our holy days. For example, the ...
ninamag's user avatar
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How to understand this Tosfos in Megila 5b

This is a Tosfos from Megilah 5b which is talking about lessening the different type of work(s) of simcha on Purim. However, I'm a bit troubled on understanding the last 6 words. What does Tosfos mean?...
Moshe's user avatar
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List of which Rishonim wrote on each Masechta?

I would like to know if anyone has made a comprehensive list/chart of which Rishonim wrote on each masechta in shas. Such a list would include details such as: Masechtos where Rashi is not rashi, the ...
SE is Evil - Support Monica's user avatar
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Why is the format for referencing books sometimes backwards?

The Rambam is usually reference in the following way: פרק א׳ מהלכות ק״ש הלכה ט׳ - chapter 1 from from hilchos kerias shma, halacha 9. Why is it referenced this way? Why not the way many ...
Dr. Shmuel's user avatar
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Establishing the relative order of Rashi's commentaries

In learning Masekhet Ketubot, I encountered Rashi's definition of בי שמשי on daf 103a. There, since the passage is clearly referring to twilight on erev shabbat in particular, Rashi explains why so ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Gehinnom; the place where the confrontation with one's own sins helps to purify this person?

I have a question about Gehinnam/Gehinnom which is often pictured as a big washing machine, a place for purification, a purgatory. But once I came across a teaching/scripture describing that at this ...
Levi's user avatar
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Yoma 45b Ner Tamid - How to light it?

I'm trying to figure out what the text of Yoma 45b is teaching it's reader. There is this part (verse 6) about the 'perpetual fire' of the outer court of the mikdash as in Vayikra 6:6. And from this ...
Levi's user avatar
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Keitsad tsolin mefarshim

I need advice on mefarshim for the seventh chapter of pessahim keitsad tsolin. Most mefarshim left it. I am looking for rishonim or kadmone achronim, like Pney Yehoshua.
kouty's user avatar
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Daughter of Pharao doing Teshuvah?

Are there any commentaries which shows that the daughter of Pharao refuted idolatry, made a act of repentance or anything like that? I wonder what it was that made her save Moshe, that she had ...
Levi's user avatar
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Prayer in the Ran at the end of Neddarim

Printed at the end of Ran's pirush on maseches Neddarim, before the hadran, is a prayer for Torah and the Beis HaMikdosh. It reads: א-לקים משמים יאיר עינינו בתורתו כאור החמה שבעתים. ויזכנו לראות ...
user6591's user avatar
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A Tabernacle while waiting? [duplicate]

Before the Temple (Beit Hamikdash) there was the Tabernacle (Mishkan Hakodesh). Now there's no longer a Temple and people are waiting till the (3rd) Temple will be rebuild, why isn't there a Mishkan ...
Levi's user avatar
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Understanding the bestowment and receiving the greatest good (HaShem Himself)?

The Ramchal, in short, teaches (Derech HaShem) that HaShem is absolutely, completely and perfectly good; His essence/nature so to speak is the totality of goodness. Because of this He wanted to bestow ...
Levi's user avatar
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Hatov V'hameitiv origin

In relation to the following question:Kulo Tov, I wondered who wrote the hatov v'hameitiv and what its origin is. (Looking for sources that state that HaShem is [all/completely] good)
Levi's user avatar
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Difference between El and Eloah

El(אל) and Eloah(אלוה) are both singular forms (nouns), but its אל thats being used to form the plural Elim (אלים), and אלוה thats being used to form the plural Elohim (אלוה׳ם). Both singular forms ...
J.Levi's user avatar
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Rambam's Talmud Commentary

Where can I find Rambam's commentary on Bavli (whatever remains of it) besides for his commentary on tractate Rosh HaShana?
mevaqesh's user avatar
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Sefardim starting to study the Talmud with Rashi and Tosfot

When did the sefardim start to study the Talmud with Rashi and Tosfot? And which books did they use before knowing about Rashi and Tosfot?
far22's user avatar
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Who is the author of the notes Bechor Shor on Kidushin?

At the back of the gomoro Kidushin, in the Yalkut Meforshim [in the Oz Vahadar Gemoros, it seems that they were printed previously in a sefer and not at the back of the Gemoros], there are some notes ...
rabbi's user avatar
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Brevity of the Rishonim

I have heard about Rashi that he measured his words very meticulously and that consequently every word he chose to write in his commentary is important for understanding his view. There are even ...
Baby Seal's user avatar
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Tosfos Within the Same Mesechta

Are the comments of Tosfos in the same Mesechta generally considered to be aligned, meaning that, if there is an apparent contradiction, we try and look for a resolution? How about Tosfos in ...
termsofservice's user avatar
12 votes
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Why were some of the works of Rabbi Steinsaltz banned?

Apparently some of the works of Rabbi Steinsaltz were banned. What are the specific examples that prompted the ban? Is there a list of all of his works that have been banned, as I am interested in ...
alltheinterwebs's user avatar
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layout of the Gemara

When was the current pagination of the Gemara finalized? It seems that it was before the Vilna print, though it seems from different Acharonim (the Rama, etc.) quoting the Mordechai that the Mordechai ...
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