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Where Does Rashi Mention the Streets of Venice?

After some discussion with some chavrusot, someone mentioned that there is a Rashi somewhere in Shas that discusses either the streets of Venice, or at least a city with "dry streets" ...
The Thinking Yid's user avatar
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How did anyone study the Talmud before Rashi?

Supposedly, the knowledge was transmitted from teacher to student in each generation and so Rashi learned it all from his teacher and wrote it all down. Was it common for people to be familiar with ...
rudolfovic's user avatar
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Megillas Esther Online text Shiur ideally with Rashi's commentary

Looking for a Megillas Esther text shiur with Rashi's commentary similar to Rabbi Gordon from for Chumash. He goes through each Pasuk and then explains Rashi's commentary inside but for ...
javadev's user avatar
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The beauty of referencing Torah-sources

Rashi, in several places, says "לא ידעתי" - I don't know. It is said that Rabbi Akiva Eiger made a list of the times Rashi said "לא ידעתי" - I don't know, people were bothered by ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Did Rashi die while working on multiple tractates?

I've seen printed in some גמראs that רש"י died, and another פרוש follows. Is there any evidence to support this? Is it possible that רש"י's commentary was partially lost in some tractates?
SabbathEngineer's user avatar
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Missing vav or not in Bamidbar 7:2

In parshat Nasso (Bamidbar 7:2), the Torah says וַיַּקְרִ֙יבוּ֙ נְשִׂיאֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל רָאשֵׁ֖י בֵּ֣ית אֲבֹתָ֑ם הֵ֚ם נְשִׂיאֵ֣י הַמַּטֹּ֔ת הֵ֥ם הָעֹמְדִ֖ים עַל־הַפְּקֻדִֽים׃ On this verse, the Minchat ...
Eli83's user avatar
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Who wrote Rashi on Chronicles I & II, Nehemiah, Ruth, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes?

The Wikipedia page on Rashi says as follows: Rashi wrote commentaries on all the books of Tanakh except Chronicles I & II, Nehemiah, Ruth, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. Scholars believe that ...
AkivaFinkin's user avatar
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Mefaresh on Nedarim - author [duplicate]

I have potential heard that the mefresh on nedarim is not Rashi. If so, who is the author? Is there a clear source that it is not Rashi?
Yoreinu's user avatar
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"Reverend" as title for a Rabbi?

I came across a Chumash Rashi with the supercommentary of Dr. Silbermann and "Rev." Rosenbaum. Does this abbreviation mean "Reverend"? Am I correct to assume that Dr. Rosenbaum was ...
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Does The Entire Orthodox World Hold Rashi In The Same Regard?

I know how integral Rashi’s Torah Commentary is in the Askenaz community (in their Yeshivot they begin teaching it pretty much as soon as kids can read). I was wondering if this was also true in the ...
user15985's user avatar
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Why did Rashi deduce Keruvim faces look like human infants (כְּר֨וּב = כְּיֶּ֔לֶד)?

Rashi on Shemot 25:18 כרבים CHERUBIM — They had the form of a child’s face (Sukkah 5b) כרבים. דְּמוּת פַּרְצוּף תִּינוֹק לָהֶם While no description of the Keruvim faces is given : Shemot 25:18 "...
חִידָה's user avatar
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Ya'akov claiming to be Esav - the Anochi versus Ani

As Yakov presents the food that he has prepared for Yitzchok in order to receive the blessings, he says: אָנֹכִי עֵשָׂו בְּכֹרֶךָ - Genesis 27:19. Rashi comments that what Yakov was really saying was: ...
Levi's user avatar
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Looking for a commentary, possibly in Mas. Nazir

Connected to this question. In the discussion of the relationship between the Nachash and Chava, as related in Masechet Avoda Zara, 22b, the Chidushei Agadot summarizes opinions about the connection ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why did Rashi choose Hebrew over Aramaic?

Rashi chose a form of Medieval Hebrew to write his commentaries, which facilitates the life of many students, as the Aramaic content in his writing is very low compared to the Gemara or contemporary ...
Kazi bácsi's user avatar
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Who wrote Ikar Siftei Chachamim?

Siftei Chachamim (שפתי חכמים) is a super-commentary on Rashi's commentary on the Torah, written by the 17th-Century CE Polish scholar Shabbethai Bass. It tends to be included in Mikraot Gedolot ...
Isaac Moses's user avatar
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Where in the writings of the Vilna Gaon does he discuss how Rashi & Tosfot each explain a Talmudic "sugiya?"

Two days ago, I asked this question in the name of the Vilna Gaon. I was informed that the answer may be [also] found in the writings of Rav Chaim Volozhin. So, I re-phrased the question. My ...
Yosef Mackler's user avatar
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Why did the sea travelers in Yonah 1 proselytize instead of becoming righteous gentiles?

We read in Yonah 1 about the men who traveled on a boat with Yonah. When the sea ceased storming we read: "And the men feared the Lord exceedingly, and they made sacrifices to the Lord and made vows."...
Dan Weisberg's user avatar
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Establishing the relative order of Rashi's commentaries

In learning Masekhet Ketubot, I encountered Rashi's definition of בי שמשי on daf 103a. There, since the passage is clearly referring to twilight on erev shabbat in particular, Rashi explains why so ...
Shimon bM's user avatar
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Rasji quoting IBN-Saruq on the word 'keri'.

I found this explanation online: Rashi quotes the 10th Century grammarian Menachem (ben IBN-Saruq), who derives keri from a two-letter root k–r, meaning “prevent, refuse, withhold.” Thus, ...
Levi's user avatar
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Source for "Each word of Rashi worth gold"

Rashi is essential for every Torah study and his peirush surely has motivated many to seek the secrets of hebrew text. I recall heard many times that, after it was written (in times with no printing ...
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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The Meshech Chochma on Bereishis 49:26 and Rashi on Bereishis 43:34

The Meshech Chochma on Bereishis 49:26 comments: (Source(s) from ברכות אביך גברו על ברכות הורי וכו' תהיין וכו' נזיר אחיו הענין. דכל בניו של יעקב היו מצערים את אביהם במה שלא הגידו לו ...
TrustMeI'mARabbi's user avatar
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Legend About Rashi

In the book "Rashi and Maimonides" (pg 302), I found the following (paraphrasing): Another story has it that Rashi sat fasting for 613 days to purify himself for the task of commenting on the Torah....
הנער הזה's user avatar
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Does Rashi's commentary on a quoted mishna reflect the true explanation?

Often the Bavli will quote a mishna from another maseches (tractate) or another part of the same maseches. Does Rashi's commentary on the Bavli's quotation of the mishna reflect his interpretation of ...
msh210's user avatar
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How do we explain the criticism of Rashi by his grandsons?

Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki, better known today as Rashi, was easily the most prolific commentator on the Tanach and Talmud in history in the sense that he commentated on most of the Talmud and, I believe, ...
Bruce James's user avatar
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Chumash with Rashi and Siftei Chachamim

Does anyone know of a Chumash (not Mikraot Gedolot) with Rashi and Siftei Chachamim Most Chumashim come with Ikar Siftei Chachamim, but that's not the same thing.
Danield's user avatar
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Jarchi = Rashi?

Is Rabbi Solomon Jarchi the same as Rashi? I saw Jarchi on the Internet on a Google search awhile ago, that it was Salomo son of Isaac, a French Biblical commentator and was wondering if it was the ...
Adam Mosheh's user avatar
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Which masechtot don't really have Rashi?

I often hear that the printed "Rashi" commentary in certain masechtot of the Talmud Bavli (first that come to mind are Moed Katan and Nedarim) is not actually written by Rashi. Does anyone have a full ...
Double AA's user avatar
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Rashi on Yerushalmi

Why is there no Rashi on Yerushalmi? What can I learn instead? Is there anything that can replace it, and why was it not written?
Rashilover's user avatar
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Dibur HaMatchil: Where did it come from

When reading Rashi, each comment on the pasukkim is split up by DiBur Hamatchil (quotes from the pasuk to let you know what Rashi is commenting on). Are these original to Rashi, or were they added? On ...
morah hochman's user avatar